Loathing Logan all 72 chapters

  1. High School Sucks
  2. New Boy, New Friends
  3. Take A Dive
  4. Stuck With You
  5. Her Smile
  6. Shut Up, Ashley!
  7. Picture Me, Perfect
  8. You Got It Bad
  9. Troy, The Mighty
  10. Not A Mistake
  11. Logan
  12. Bumps On The Locker Roon
  13. Game Jitters and Late Night Burgers
  14. Butterflies
  15. Butterflies, part 2
  16. Meghan
  17. Dylan
  18. A Smile On The Window
  19. My Girl
  20. Cuddle Buddies/ Big News
  21. I Knew You Two Were Better Together
  22. Love Pact
  23. Wolf Pride
  24. Whatever The Birthday Boy Wants
  25. You Make Me Melt Like Butter
  26. It's Essential
  27. Perfect Night
  28. Wrong Girl To Mess With
  29. Midnight Mingle
  30. Like Romeo & Juilet
  31. I'm Your To Keep
  32. Sweet Kissing/ Green Jealous Monster
  33. Boss Bitch
  34. Don't Mess W/ Officer Kelly
  35. You're Getting A What?
  36. Ink and Pups
  37. Busted
  38. Riley
  39. Always Yours
  40. Birthday Girl Preparations
  41. The Essence Of You
  42. My Baby Is All Grown Up
  43. You Still Look Beautiful
  44. This Is Heaven
  45. Party Night and Bright Lights
  46. My Birthday Girl
  47. Not So Happily Ever After All
  48. Broken Hearted Princess
  49. Chicago
  50. Hailey
  51. Thanksgiving Blues
  52. He Is Too Good To Be True
  53. Amber
  54. Michael
  55. A Moment Worth Remembering
  56. Heartaches and Winter Snow
  57. It's Over
  58. Everything Is Crumbling
  59. From Bad To Worst
  60. Reality is Not Always Pretty
  61. Mom Is Sick
  62. What Am I Supposed to Do
  63. I'll Always Be Here For You, No Matter What
  64. Well, Damn
  65. Time To Be A Big Girl Now
  66. I'm Here For You
  67. I Need You
  68. Coldest Christmas Ever
  69. You’re So Perfect
  70. Christmas Trees and Early Goodbyes
  71. You Make Me Want To Thrive
  72. You Are My Comfort Zone