Can I borrow your lips?

chapter 11 ( can I borrow your lips?)

Kiera POV

if I say I wasn't mad, sad, annoyed all

I'm a big liar....

I walked away back upstairs and went to a room.

Immediately I got in, I became teary.... what do I do.

He doesn't just fucks pussies...He's an upcoming father

I thought if calling Rae but no, I'd be risking it.

She'd come over and kill him

So I'll just sit her till that bitch leaves.

Wilf POV

I saw kiera leave.

Damn...I don't know what to do anymore

"Wilf honey" Kassya called as she began moving her hands in my chest

"stop it!" I calmy said

"no...why would I?" she asked then I angrily pushed her back

"look what you've caused!!" I yelled

"what...!" she excliked in shock

"what did I do??" she asked

"leave my house and never return!" I replied

"never... we'll both soon share the same house" she replied.

"you better GI abort that bastard, as far as I'm concerned, that thing in your womb isn't mine!" I exclaimed

She busted into tears

"its my baby" she cried

"our baby!" she added

"over my dead boy will I father that thing!" I yelled and walked to her. Pushing her out of my house.

"Get the Fuck out!" I exclaimed as I finally pushed her out.

I'm really gonna change my pass code...

Why would I forget to change it.

And immediately I reset it.

"kiera would be better right?" I asked myself and input her name.

"wait...why her name!" I asked myself

"successful!!" I heard my system exclaim

"better!" I sighed

Now I'll have to think of what to do

I'm sure kiera is mad or disappointed....

Should I go to her ???

Maybe yes

Kiera POV

I was seated on the bed, I feel so empty.

I just can't get my mind off it

Wilf....!!! how could you!

I sighed again and picked up my phone as I went through my gallery and saw old pictures of my High school self.

I almost busted into laughter as I saw the pic I took of my highschool crush Javier eating. I took the pic and he was unaware. He looked awful in the pic.... but to be honest with you. This guy was and is a jerk.

His story is for another day.

"kiera?" I heard my name from behind.

I turned and saw my boss looking at me

"uh...hey" I lowly replied

"you know you aren't done with work" he said

"oh!" I mouthed as I stood up

"sorry I forgot" I said

"now head downstairs and finish up" he said as I did

TIME was fast spent.

I was done and it was evening. We were already packing up

"you're not going home tonight hope you know that" he said

"why's that?" I asked

"its late...a lady like you shouldn't step out of the house, and by the way...your clothes were wet...and am sure it'd be cold not dry" he added

"oh that's true" I replied

"so you'll spend the night here" he replier

My eye went seriously!!!!

"really?" I asked trying not to freak out

"yeah" he replied as I smiled and stood up

"you hungry?" he asked

"not yet..." I replied

"okay...later then" he replied as I turned around

"there's no way I'll sleep in towel" I muttered

"I'll go take a little shower" he said as he stood up to leave and so did I

Wilf POV

I was done bathing and went downstairs to make dinner.

And it was pizza with whatever she'll take it with

I dished it in a plate and dropped it on the center table in the living room

I'm gonna wait for her.

I picked up my laptop and went through some designs... yeah I draw and paint.

I saved some in my laptop so I was going through them until I heard Kiera's voice

"ahh! I'm really tired!" she yawned but I didn't bother to look up

"and what are you doing?" she asked as I felt her seat beside me

I saw her stretch her slim smooth legs then crossed them. My eyes trailed up her legs to her laps.

She wasn't in towel

"my shirt!!" I exclaimed

"yep had to wear it since I didn't see any" she shrugged

it was way short for her stopping few inches below her butt..the button at the neck happens to be opened revealing her chest.

is she trying to seduce me!!

I saw her lick her lower lips then moved her hands on her laps

"I'm hungry..." she groaned as she looked round and I'm sure she saw the pizza 🍕

"is!!!" she exclaimed

"yeah!" I replied as she then jumped off the couch and to it

"no no hold on, I've been waiting for you" I hurriedly replied as I ran to her after dropping my laptop.

Before I could grab her, she already picked a slice.

"wait!" I exclaimed and wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her back but we both eventually fell down together and yeah I had a slice of it on my face

"just great!" i mouthed as I picked it up

"uh uh...I'm sorry" she apologized

"I said wait" I sighed as we both sat up on the floor

"its okay..." she shrugged and collected it from me as she ate it.

"what the!' I exclaimed

"is your face dirty??" she asked

"of course not" I replied

Yeah...I'm up again... another morning.

I made my way into my office.

oh yeah..kiera did spent the night at my house and I refused to allow her go home.

I actually had unisex wears but didn't gave her yesterday

She wanted to go home this morning so I had no other option but to give her one of them which was a jean pants and a sweatshirt that was way bigger than her. She looked so cute in it.

"you mean she's dressed that way as your secretary??" ted asked

"yeah..I gave it to her so why not?" I asked

"wow!" he nodded

"anyway...I'd be leaving, got stuffs to handle" ted said as he winked at me and left

Now Kassya is back to my mind...

I'm gonna tell Ted about this.

Sure that baby is not mine though we had sex without protection and with protection but I don't remember when I used protection.

I then thought of Kiera maybe spending a little time with her would worth it

I headed out of my office and straight to her office but couldn't find her in.

Where did she go to this early morning.... I then thought of it.

she deserves promotion not like she's worth it. I need to keep close eyes on her....what post would that be....??

yeah come to think of it...I don't have a personal assistant

Kiera would fit in and yeah she can scold hell out of me and I'll yell the hell of of her

I already asked the nearby staffs about her and they said they don't know.

Now that's more reason why I'll want her with me.

Since I can't find her then I'll just walk around.

I was standing in the hall and looked outside the glass windows.

I looked round down outside the company but within the company and could see some workers moving round.

I was about to look away but stopped as I saw a particular lady wearing my clothes...Blue!!

Isn't that kiera!!

I thought of yelling her name but there's no way she'll hear me

I bit my lower lips...where is she going..she just kept hoping and hoping happily.

That's it...I'm coming to meet you.

I hurriedly turned back and stylishly ran down.

❤Kiera POV

I intentionally left my office... wanted to feel free..My mind would still be in Wilf.

What's more surprising is I'm in his clothes...can't believe he Gave me these.

And yeah I'm happy than ever...though the thought of Kassya kills my mood.

But I still don't care cos I don't believe.

Yeah. maybe I don't

I kept walking and stopped at the sight of the person I saw...

Isn't that......!!

He was laughing with a worker and then looked at me.

Eye contact.

What the...


That jerk...what's he doing here!!!

He then smiled at me and walked to me with a wink

"Kiera...what a surprise!" he smiled

"yeah Aiden, what brought your crazy ass here?" I asked with a slight laugh as I nodded my head

"really...its still that all kiera, you still haven't change" he laughed

"have you...still go around flirting!" I laughed still mad as I remembered some moments

"why not its my thing!" he laughed as I nodded

This guy happened yo be my first love and on top of that he was a jerk...he moves around flirting with stupid bitches then in school and now he said yes!!

"just joking! found my soulmate" he laughed

"you...a girlfriend??' he asked

"why not... unlike you who's still single waiting for who'll never come" he laughed

"are you insulting me?" I asked

"I'm describing you"

Wilf POV

I saw her laugh and smile with that guy, think I should come out of my hiding place and face that guy. who does he thinks he is.

I cleared my throat and made steps to them slowly.

kiera POV

"who said I was single!" I laughed

"I've gotten myself a babe...sugar and the best boyfriend ever" I added

"you??" he laughed

Why is he doubting!!!

"yeah me and he's not anyhow guy...he's hot, he's got that body that you don't" I replied as I rolled my eyes

"the body you fell for!" he replied

Cos you knew I had crush on you...

"nahhh...the funny and best thing is he's my boss" I smiled

"the best sweetheart ever!" I laughed

" your boss..which boss will ever want you?" he replied then I sighted him coming

My boss was coming

Uh uh

what do I do

Act along

"baby!!" I squealed as I ran to him behind Aiden.

He had a surprised look on his face...

Wilf POV

"baby!!" kiera yelled out as she ran to me. Was she referring to me or ??

Off course it was cos she ran to hug me.

What's going on

"Baby!" she smiled as she pulled away and winked countless times at me

"is something wrong with your eyes?" I asked as she held my hands

"off course not!" she laughed and turned to the guy

"so he's your boyfriend?" he asked which surprised me

"like i told you" she replied and held my arm

OK..what were they discussing

"boyfriend" I whispered as she slowly faced me

"please..... act along" she whispered lowly

"off course not!" I replied

"they know I don't have a girlfriend" I lowly replied

"please..this guy has been dissing my single life" she pleaded

"not my business!" I lowly laughed and then she pinched me

"what the!" I yelped

"on my God hurt?" she asked and cupped my cheeks

Jeez her palms were so soft.

"oh..I don't think he's your boyfriend.. this is Tibby Wilf here" the guy said

"and why's that...what does that mean..he us!" kiera growled at him

"he's my only one...and I love him so much, unlike you that don't have one person" she replied

"duh!" he rolqd his eyes

"I mean look at you sign of love or relationship... its all fake" he laughed

"we don't do that in public okay?" kiera fired back

"then you're not proud of it" he shrugged

"duh!" kiera laughed

"I still don't believe you both" he replied

"why have you been here" I asked

"you missed me didn't you?" kiera smlied

There's no way I'll act along


"or over missed!" she interrupted me

and before I could reply she spoke up again

"aww!" she amioed and stood before me

" both can't fool me" the guy said

OK he's kinda smart

"please...." she pleaded lowly

"stop it" I replied lowly

"can you lemme borrow this once?" she asked

"you're to be working in your office instead you are here bickering with a guy of a jerk" I replied

"I know yell at me later in the office, lemme just prove to him I'm not single" she pleaded lowly

"you are!" I replied in a low tone

"please lemme borrow it " she said

"look at you...wait what!" I exclaimed lowly

"borrow wha____"

She then wrapped her hands around my neck and pulled me more closer to her level.

I was interrupted with a kiss

Kiss from kiera!!!

I could hear the boy gasp out in surprise...

Does she realize people were moving around...watching us???

Kiera tighten her hands and deepen the kiss as I slowly closed my eyes.

Her lips were as soft as a baby's butt

Damn..the flavors of her lips were super sweet and her lips moved slowly against mine.

"isn't that the boss and KIERA!!" a worker exclaimed






she borrowed his lips


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