Get the fvck!
chapter 3 -( get the f**k!)
Wilf POV
"meeting dismissed!" I said aloud and saw Kiera's expression.
Yeah...you're so in.
"it was nice meeting with you" Mr Elliott said as we shook hands
"documents signed...my pleasure" I replied
"okay then...guess till another time" he said as we all stood up
"exactly Mr Wilf... hope to see you again" he said as I lead the way.
Yeah Kiera... I stopped and turned back to her giving her a cold glare and sure she understands.
She slowly nodded her head as I then escorted Mr Elliot.
Kiera POV
I'm so done.... Ted walked to me with a sympathizing face.
"what do I do!" I sighed
"I'm so sorry...he looks really mad" Ted said
"ahhh!" I groaned
"but don't worry...he can't hit you, punishment would be all" ted said
"yeah yeah" I replied as I picked up my water bottle and smiled at it
"you drank a lot today" he said
"mm...was thinking I won't dose if I do" I laughed
About few minutes later....
My boss walked back in
"kiera...my office now" he said and turned to leave.
I sighed and looked at Ted who just gave me a wink.
I rolled my eyes and stood up to leave
"don't worry..." ted said behind me
"easy to say" I replied and heard him giggle lowly at my back.
In his office
"how and why would you do all those shit?!" he asked as he breathed in heavily
"boss...." I said but he interrupted me
"don't boss me its Mr Wilf!" he snapped at me as I nodded my head vigorously
"Mr Wilf...I had a bad weekend" I said with a baby face hoping he'd answer me
"bad weekend...!" he laughed as he rolled his eyes
"you're really...." he paused as he groaned
"how did you spend your weekend?" he asked
"good question... I had night shifts on both Saturday and Sunday.. who does that?" I asked
"I should be asking you...that wasn't a work... you should have finished all your work on Friday but you were too lazy and had to spend your weekend with loads of work" he replied as my jaw dropped
"and Miss Kiera, I'm giving you another" he added
"oh no please!" I exclaimed
Really want to finish with those I'm my table and go home early... dinner!
"why...do you have a date tonight?" he asked all of a sudden
"oh my no!" I replied
"great..at your age no boyfriend..that's cos you're so lazy and crazy" he replied as I rolled my eyes.
I gasped immediately.. hope he didn't see that
"sometimes I really think you deserve what mom said!" I exclaimed in thoughts
"kick your ass!!!" I screamed in thoughts
"I guess you have your babe that's why you making jest of me" I shrugged like I didn't cared about what he said
"and you know what...I'd finish my work and head home via I've got stuffs to handle at home" I added
"then you're free" he replied as he sent his back against his chair
"Miss kiera" he added as I looked at him with a what face
"my regards to your boyfriend" he replied
"he'd hear ....that's for sure" I faked a smile as I turned to leave and left....
"arrrgh!!!!" I yelled as soon as I got out of his office
Wilf POV
What the fuck...Kiera got a boyfriend... That girl..no that....!!!!
I shut my eyes and imagined what he'd look like...duh...not even as hot and handsome as I am.
I rolled my eyes and went back to work.
Kiera POV
I already explained all to Ted
He has been laughing for over a minute...
"really??" I asked
"you told him you've got a babe?" he asked
"yeah..not like he cares" I shrugged as Ted gave me a face and nods
"In less than a hour I'd be done here" I said
"Kk....as you know..I've got no work" he laughed
"so I)'ll leave you to do yours" he smiled as I waved at him and watched him leave
Picked up my phone about to dial Rae number but immediately she called
"girl...was about calling you!" I said
"wow...were in the spirit" she laughed as I did same
"so what's up?" she asked
"how's your day going?" she added
"great..." I lied
"he's cool...yunno what I'd tell you all these in person" I said
"sure coming to your house tonight" she said
"yeah...mom called you?" I asked
"mmmm...she did" she replied
"OK..I'd be waiting for you" I replied
"what you doing?" I asked
"nothing....nothing serious... I'm at the mall" she said
"babe's got money on her mind" I whined
"yeah....can sing that again" I heard her laugh
"so...I'll see you home.. wed make dinner together" she said
"so come on time" I added
"why not!" she smiled
"Kk...bye babe" she said as I smiled
"bye Rae" I replied and ended the call
I sighed immediately... she'd never stop calling me babe. She used to it...since she doesn't call boys and gets boys...
"boys are useless!" I mimicked her
You won't blame her...she doesn't believe in the love of boys...the love boys can give...she's bent.
Instead the other way round...And my boss...I know he's really an annoying type But I still love him
Evening came already.... I was well balanced at home with Ted.
my mind lot drifting to what my boss said when I was about leaving the company
"have a nice date!" he said
"yep...thank you!" I humped and left
why would he tell me that....
The door bell rang...smile immediately appeared on my face... that must be Rae...
"I'd get the door" Ted said and turned to leave
"OK..." I replied as he opened the door opened revealing the sexy Rae.
"Ted!" she exclaimed
"hey what's up" he smiled as he opened the door and let her in
"I'm good...never knew you'd be here" she said as he smiled
"Rae!" I called as she then turned to me
"babe!" she exclaimed as she came to give me a hug
"our secretary!!" she added
"its not funny!" i laughed
"its obvious you're laughing!" she replied
"ok.....I'm heading back to the kitchen" Ted said
"yes chef.. and prepare something good!" Rae replied
"girl...were all cooking" I said
"oh!" she mouthed as I nod slowly
"k....let's head in then" she smiled as we both entered the kitchen.... and then it began
We talked ...laughed.... shared different experience with each other.
"forget it...the club is a great place to be" Rae said
"you think so....!" I smirked
"in the club with who....your babe?" ted asked
"why not...and then you do anything!" she smiled
"eww...spoilt brat...I'm sure mom doesn't know how bad you are" I laughed
"yup angelic face as disguise" she added
I laughed and looked at Ted and yeah..he was eyeing her...
Will he ever stop..always catch him looking or staring at her... its obvious he likes her... but unfortunately enough...Rae doesn't do boys...
I turned away and continued staring the meat in the pot
"you know...not just girls makes you scream!" Ted said
"so..you can make me scream?" Rae asked sarcastically
"exactly... make you scream my name like......" he paused as she gave him attention
"ahhh!!! baby more more!!!" he yelled dramatically
Wilf POV
"ahhh baby more more!!!" Begonia screamed as I increased my pace thrusting in and fast from behind.
"yeah...ah...yeeeahhh" she moaned as I grabbed on of her boobs squeezing it in my hands.
"dummy I ain't trying to satisfy you" I thought
Kiera already got me mad and high.... how can she tell me she was going on a date.
"arrgh!!" I yelled as thrust more faster
"ba...ba..baby...you're to fast" she said bit it was like I didn't heard her
And wait...what and why am I thinking about Kiera's stupid date...
and why am I angry!!!!!!
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