"Can I first go out to buy lemons and honey?" I know it is stupid of me to ask because it's almost nine at night, but I can't have coffee without lemons. And I can't send my boss to the stores, right?
"Tell Mark to get you lemons and honey from the market. Buy as much as you want." He says and hands me some cash from his pocket. I run to Mark and come back immediately.
Mark doesn't take long to come back since there is no traffic at this hour, but within that short time, Andy has shown me how to use the coffee machine. With Andy settled on the kitchen stool still on his phone, I make coffee peacefully and with solace, and I make a lot of it. I don't care if I will battle to sleep after consuming two or three mugs of coffee at this time. I just miss it so much.
"Here, try it.", I utter, positioning a mug of tdon'thot steaming coffee on the table and he sniffs it. I take mine and start walking out of the kitchen.
"Where are you going?" His voice stops me in my tracks, turning to him.
"To have my coffee."
"There is a lot of space here." He says, putting his phone down and pulling another stool and patting it. I don't move, because I don't want to misunderstand the gesture. He wants me to sit beside him? "Am I that scary that you don't want to sit with me?" He asks.
"Aah.. no! It's just that...nothing." I walk back and sit on the stool after pulling it away from him a little.
"I don't bite, for your peace of mind." He says, taking a sip of his coffee, and another, and another, then he gulps the third sip looking up and tilting his head slowly from side to side.
As he faces up with his eyes closed, I look at him. I hadn't had time to have a close look at him since I met him. He leaves early in the morning and comes home late and exhausted. Even now, his face looks so tired, and the way he is rotating his neck is a result of tiredness.
"Don't stare too much." He says and opens his eyes, his hand grabbing his mug of coffee again, not looking in my direction.
How embarrassing! I know my cheeks look like a tomato right now. He caught me staring at him. I hope he doesn't think ill of me. I take my coffee and sip slowly, enjoying its taste down my throat.
"Who taught you how to make this?" He breaks the silence. Looking at him, I realize he is taking the last sip of his coffee. That was fast!
"My mom did. She also taught me how to prepare different kinds of dishes. You like the coffee?"
"It's the best I have had in my life." He says, and for the first time, he glimmers at me. Adrian smiling, huh? He must have had a very beautiful day at work to act like this. Or maybe he went on a blind date that turned out well? Damn!
"There is more. You want some?" I ask, shyly smiling.
I bring the remaining coffee and pour him a full mug and fill mine too. We drink until the jar is empty, and I am glad that he at least looks a bit glossy in the end. There was nothing much said and that puts me at ease.
"Thank you for the coffee," Andy says as he stands up to leave.
"Welcome." I take the cups and walk to the sink to wash them.
"Can you make some for Angel tomorrow after school, please?" He softly asks, standing beside me.
Why is he requesting? I thought bosses are supposed to give orders. To command. But he is kind of different.
"Of course. I will gladly prepare it for her. I hope she likes it."
"She certainly will. I'm sure." He adds with certainty and pats my shoulder. "Goodnight." And walks out of the kitchen, leaving me here blushing like an idiot.
I didn't know this side of him, but I like it already. I finish washing the utensils and drying up the sink, hoping that I will see myself cooking in this kitchen someday. There is no harm in keeping hope alive, is there?
Just when I am about to lock the kitchen so that I can retire to bed, I hear Adrian's phone buzz from where we were seated. Did he forget his phone? I didn't intend to, but I happened to see the caller. I swear, it wasn't intentional. Ambrose, Andy's PA is the one calling. Well, at least it's not this other gender. Sigh!
I grab the phone and lock the door quickly, and run upstairs to Adrian's room on the right, next to Angel's. I knock thrice, and I was about to leave when the door opened, Andy standing in front of me with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He was taking a shower, and men, he looks so damn hot. So hot and cute. His tight muscles on display and his flat broad chest are bewitching my mind. And those wet lips, ooh gosh!
"You brought more coffee?" He spoke when I just stand here like a zombie, ogling him like a piece of meat I can devour in a flash. It must be the effect of seeing a man like this for the first time. Yeah?
"Coffee? Y..e..s... I mean, coffee! Aah...no, sorry! I mean phone. Yes. I brought your phone because you forgot it in the kitchen and Ambrose was calling and you..." His eyes and raised eyebrows stop me, making me realize I have been ranting nonstop. What is with me?
"Oookay...Thank you." He says, taking the phone.
"Aah... I'll go now. Bye... I mean, goodnight, Andy." I say and walk as fast as I can to my room.
I can't be tempted to look back because I know I have made a total fool of myself back there. Jeez! What is he thinking of me right now? Good job, miss Tania Lawson, for embarrassing yourself!