Chapter 7
I came in and saw him waving over a table.
I doubled up my steps and almost kicked down a chair that was on my way. I was too much in a hurry to get to him and receive the great news.
I was almost out of breath when I got to the table.
He was not looking so bright, he curve his mouth into a smile as I sat opposite him, so excited.
There was a bottle of wine and two cups.
He was gradually sipping his own and later poured some for me in the second glass cup.
He asked me if I care for anything to eat, I could have said yes on a normal day because is my favorite eatry and their food tastes so good.
But i was filled up with excitement and told him that I'm okay with the wine.
I Just wanted him to quickly get it all done.
I placed my two hands on the table so that he can see that I'm fully ready.
He cleared his throat, look straight at my beaming face filled with smile and said.
"Becca, I love you and you know that... we have being together for three years now. Three months ago completed it three years that we are in a relationship which had being awesome. You are good and and very understanding. You are beautiful and has being patient with me...
I nodded my head still with smile as I expect the main news.
Richard continued.
"Becca... will you...
Before he could complete the statement.
I started chorusing my yes...yes...yes! I will marry you Rich...yes I will!
The air was cool, beautiful and romantic music was playing that evening.
The music is probably coming from my own mind but I did not care I was enjoying the great moment of my life.
He paused and looked at me confused.
I assumed my "yes" was not loud enough for him to hear, so I screamed it out, forgetting that other people were at the place, eating and relaxing.
I noticed that some people turned and looked at me, but they will not understand the Joy in my heart that my loving boyfriend just finally proposed to me.
Richard cautioned me with a frown on his face
"Lower your voice Becca, stop being so dramatic. Why are you acting like a little child? I was not proposing to you. Why are you so desperate... what is wrong with you?
My beautiful smile suddenly changed into a frown.
"What else are we doing here Rich if is not what I'm thinking? why did you call me out that you have something to tell me... what other thing can that be since is not a proposal? What exactly did you want to say by asking me "if I will....?
I asked him getting confused and uncomfortable with his attitude.
He replied with a hush voice that is rather harsh.
"Maybe if you have calm down and listen to the end of what I had to say you won't be too fast to conclude. Look at the way you almost created a scene...did you see the way people were turning and looking at us earlier? I was about asking you if you will be kind enough to explain to me what you are doing with your boss friend? You are cheating on me right?
I scoffed out at first in shock. my boss friend.. Mr Ohio? How did Richard got to know that. Who hold him? JoJo was the only person I spoke with. How did Richard got to hear about it?
"My boss friend? How...who told you such lies that I'm cheating on you. I have never cheated on you Rich...never!...
He scold me with another harsh voice.
I began to wonder what has come over him all of a sudden.
"Keep quiet and answer the damn question Becca. You are going out with your boss friend and also sleeping with him. You thought I won't know right? I have my informant even right there in your office, they update me on your every move. How could you Becca? I loved you and I thought you also loved me. I don't know your desperate attitude for a ring has pushed you into another man's arm. I just want to tell you that I'm done... I'm done with this whole relationship thing. There was no way I was even going to marry you Becca, you are too old for me. I need a younger lady, smart, more beautiful...less desperate... and independent lady who does not need her parents to dictate for her. Maybe one who lives alone has a higher class. I don't need someone that is 28 going to 29years. Never... even my parents will not support such union. I wanted to still put up with you and see if things can still work out but since you have started sleeping with your boss and all his friends, I have no choice than to call it quit. You are here by free to sleep with all your boss friends, your boss himself and even your colleagues...is none of my business any more. I'm moving on with my life and I'm sorry it has to end this way. We both enjoyed ourselves, we both had a great time together for three years but I can't continue anymore. Is time to get serious with the right one...
All through the time he was speaking I didn't realize that I left my mouth open in shock and kept looking at him as if he was speaking Latin or reading out my death sentence.
I kept looking at him even after he was done talking and gave me a chance to speak.
Is this a prank, could this be a joke?
"Becca... Becca? Why are you acting loss? Hope you heard everything I said? You are looking as if you have seen a ghost. If you have anything to say then say it and stop behaving like you are crazy. Becca! Answer me because I don't have all the time to waste here...
Is Richard mad, is something wrong with him? I hope all this is one hell of a joke. He can't possibly mean what he just said.
"Rich, I don't understand any of those things you just said. Please stop it if is a joke, is too expensive for a joke. You stab me hard like a knife with every word from your mouth. What do you mean "you are calling it quit? Who exactly are you done with because is definitely not me. Why do my age becomes a problem after three years... Rich, is three good years that we are talking about here. This whole prank is not even funny. Is not funny Rich. Please stop it. I will pretend I did not hear you say any of those things.
I said with almost tears in my which I try to hold back.
How can Richard be joking with such expensive thing. He should think of my feelings before vomiting such hurting words.