James Pov:
"Honey are you okay?" My wife, Sarah asked. I knew I wasn't okay but I couldn't tell her what the problem is, at least not yet, until I figured out what to do and how to go about it. She moved closer to me. I'd been sitting on the sofa since morning without even realizing how much moody I'd been. If Sarah realized something is wrong with me, that meant I'd been very bad with my expression.
"Nothing honey, I'm fine. I've just been working harder than usual, but I'm fine, I think I just need rest" I responded trying my best to convince her with my words.
"You really need to slow down with work, our family is doing well, and so is the business. Take a break already" She said before lightly massaging my shoulder. I looked at her and sighed.
I'll get the company working, I just needed a little time.
"I'll be fine Sarah. I probably just need rest." I told her again. She sighed and walked over to sit next to me.
"Where are the kids?" I asked her
" they are possibly playing outside, I guess." She shrugged.
"Okay, James" Sarah turned to face me
"I know how hard you work okay, take a break sometimes, I am proud of you." She concluded, taking my hands in hers, she kissed my palm.
I've been married to Sarah for 10 years and have been blessed with two kids, Natalie and Andrew. My family has been happy, I've kept them going, and my business has been so good. I own a luxury hotel on the better side of Chicago.
"Thank you" I reciprocated the kiss. She stood and started walking away towards the kitchen I guess, I just didn't look that way.
"Food will be ready soon in 3" she yelled.
I nodded even though she wasn't there to see my approval, I lacked the energy to talk.
I thought about the company, how in the last two days our sales and figures had gone down, I was only hoping the week following the observation things will get better. And I can't let my wife know yet.
One month down and sales are even worse. Sarah hasn't known yet but I think she suspects a thing still I wasn't planning on telling her that my company was falling and soon we'll be in debt.
"I'll figure something out" I assured myself on my way driving to work one morning. Somehow I believed I'll work it out, I just didn't know how to start or where to start. The rest of the shareholders had not called in yet, so I'll need to work something before there begin.
I parked my car in the parking lot and came out diligently as always and walked into the building holding my company.
I stepped into the elevator to drop off on the 4th floor. In my head, I should get the sales up and moving again in a week or two but I wouldn't do it alone I know. The question is who will? Not my wife, she didn't know much about business.
I exhaled sharply before walking out of the elevator.
"Good morning sir" Micheal greeted walking up to me.
"You have some men waiting for you in your office, I tried getting them out to wait in the lobby but they wouldn't. From the look of things, those men do not look like good people" he said.
"It's fine Michael" I smiled and zoomed away into my office with a heart a little heavy.
"You are late" a voice welcomed me once I entered the office. I didn't see the face owning this voice yet but I met a few other men who didn't look happy.
"Emmm sorry?" I needed to speak most calmly.
"Is this our you run the company?" The voice asked before unveiling himself, turning around to face me.
"No wonder you've lost sales" he smiled.
"And who are you?" I asked exercising a little boldness.
"I am Antonio," he said and blew out the smoke in his mouth.
"I have an offer for you James Tores, I want to buy your company, let me relieve you of this stress you call business" Antonio laughed wickedly.
"Think about it James, I'll offer anything you ask, okay?" Coming closer to me, he blew the smoke to my face and rubbed my chest then left my office.
I know Antonio, one of the underground criminals. Why did he need my company? Did he not have enough? I won't let him have it. He even knew about my low sales. Did anyone send him?
Just before the day was over, someone stepped into my office without an authorization to come in. He wore a thick cotton jacket and a hat, he had a pipe in his mouth and he blew out the smoke simultaneously. He was alone.
"Can I be of help?" I asked looking at him while I observed.
"No, I am the one in a better position to help you" he said.
"Antonio was here but I have a better offer than that of his" he sighed blowing out more smoke before walking up to my desk.
"I don't know what you are saying" my words slurred out finding each other.
"I'm Sabastain Mateo, and I always get what I want" were his last words before he left my office quietly as he came in.
I needed to do something. I only knew one man that will be of help but I wouldn't do so without letting Sarah know at least.
"Sarah, you have to understand, I can't take a loan from the bank, I might not meet up to pay, but if I ask Saint, he'll help. Remember Saint and I have a little past" I tried to convince Sarah to at least approve of the idea.
"I know the kind of man Saint is, I don't want you having any relationship with him again" Sarah spoke like she was going to cry.
"Saint will help that's all I know, trust me"
I held her hands together. Sarah looked at me, her eyes forming a little water pool.
"We'll be fine Sarah" I assured her and she nodded before pulling her into a hug. I left a kiss on her palm and another on her forehead.
I got prepared to meet Saint, I didn't have to inform him I was coming, even if I wanted to, I didn't know how. I hated that I was needing Saint's help but somehow, I had no choice.
I drove 5 hours before sighting the massive gates enclosing the building that belonged to Saint. On the gate, there was a bold carving that reads "Don Santiago Daniel" and on another side "Saint".
I smiled askew when I got out of my car.
They must have noticed my arrival from their CCTV I suppose. Before I got to the gate, it was already moving opening itself for me.
" Don is waiting," the big bald guy said to me.
I nodded and followed him behind.
The compound was pretty large and looked a lot better from the last time I remember. It smelt like green.
We walked through a pathway that led us to another long path decorated with little flowers growing inside small vases.
"There, knock before you go in," he said pointing at a door in front of us and left.
I walked to the door and knocked as instructed and walked in. Saint sat across a desk having lots of papers on top. I wonder what those papers were for.
He gestured for me to sit with his eyes and hand.
"James" he mumbled scratching lighting a cigarette.
"Why are you here?" He asked and cleared his throat.
"Saint, I need your help" I adjusted on my seat.
"My company......, I need money I'm going low on sales " I stammered welcoming a fear I didn't understand. I mean this is Santiago Daniel.
"Antonio and Mateo came to my office days back. They want my company, Saint, and I'm scared they'll come for my family" I concluded.
"Antonio? It's fine" He smiled and I nodded frequently.
"How much do you need?" Saint asked looking at me.
"I......" I opened my mouth to say something but Saint stopped me.
"You'll sign a contract first" Saint said dropping his hat on the desk.