Trip to Dover, Kent 4

Mr. Denise Bailey dropped her cup of tea by her side and sat on the couch opposite her with his tea cup. Olivia looked at the tea by her side happily and looked at Denise who was walking to take his seat on the couch opposite her before she appreciated.

“Thank you, Mr. Denise.”

Denise, who was already seated and sipped his tea, placed his tea cup back into the saucer that was on the side table before him and replied.

“Consider it as nothing. It is good for you, take it.”

Olivia began to sip her tea too when Denise Bailey spoke and asked.

“You must be famished by now due to the prescription. Would you like to have brunch?”

She gave him a smile and declared.

“Fruits will be enough for now. Thank you.”

“It is all right. Caleb.”

Caleb, who was in the kitchen, appeared.

“Yes, boss. You called me.”

“Yes. Get some fruits for her.”

“Noted, boss.”

Caleb returned with two bowls of assorted fruits. He dropped them on the center table and returned to the kitchen, where he was preparing lunch. Mr. Denise Bailey spoke.

“You can have the fruits.”

“Thank you.”

Olivia took the last sip of her tea and after a while, she began to munch her fruits of watermelon with a skewer stick with great desire. She remembered the first day that she met Mr. Louis Bailey and how he was by her side all through her stay in the hospital, and she began to sob uncontrollably. Then, she dropped her bowl of fruits on her couch and bent her head as she wept. She was not mindful of her environment. It was as though she was bent on pouring out all her anguish at once.

Denise, who was mindful of body contact, rested his head on the couch and watched her cry while he fought hard to control the tears that were forming in his eyes from falling. When she calmed down, he looked at her with empathy and spoke.

“You can cry freely. It will help you a lot to ease physical and emotional pains.”

She calmed down and dried her tears before she continued with her fruits while they watched the Television. Then, she began to feel sleepy, but Mr. Denise Bailey stopped her. He had to do what he needed to do.

“Angel, come with me to the dinner table.”

She jolted forward when she heard him and looked at Denise, who was already standing. He walked to her side and helped her to get up.

“Get up. You need to have your drugs before you go to sleep.”

She obediently stood up and followed him to the dining table. He made her to seat comfortably before he announced.

“Wait for me.”

He walked to the shelf where Freya kept her drugs and card and picked the drug bag, walked to the kitchen, got a glass of water and walked back to the dinner table.

“It is time for your prescription. I would not have you sleep off without taking your drugs.”

“Thank you, Denise. I'm so grateful.”

Denise ignored her appreciation and began to sort the drugs for her. She took them as prescribed. Subsequently, Denise took the pack away and returned with two plates of chips and fish with sauce. He dropped one plate in front of Olivia and sat down opposite her to eat his. He observed that she had a heavy appetite and could finish her food immediately, he called on Caleb.

“Caleb, get another plate for me.”

“All right boss.”

Just as Mr. Denise Bailey anticipated, before Caleb returned with the plate of fish and chips, Olivia's plate was empty. Mr. Denise Bailey collected the plate of food from Caleb and dropped it before Olivia, who showed surprise and wanted to protest.

“I am all…”

“Just a moment. Let us do it this way. I know you are all right, but let us share this third plate. You take half portion and I will have the rest. Let's go.”

Mr. Denise Bailey presented it as though it were a game, and Olivia began to play as though she were trying to be the winner. She forgot the rules of the game and finished the food before she realized that she had goofed up. She looked at Denise, who had been watching her, and volunteered to report herself.

“Sorry, I ate your portion.”

Daniel teased.

“That was the idea. Keep it up. By the way, may I have your contact. I am on PM Shift today. I may leave before you wake up.”

Olivia looked at him and showed worries. He wanted to avoid stressing her, so he dismissed the idea. He had forgotten that he picked up her shattered phone and threw the pieces into the car trunk.

“Do not bother. I will always contact you through my staff.”

She nodded. Then, Denise Bailey got through with his meal, and they left the dinning table.

At Seven oaks Branch Clinic

Mr. Louis Bailey who had accepted the inevitable went back to his house after he was discharged. The only ray of hope was that Olivia must have traveled to see her parents and probably apologize to them. The conviction helped him to keep his head above water. By Monday morning, he had partly recovered and was only battling with loneliness and the hope that she would be back someday with his baby, and they would live happily ever after.

Olivia's perspective, on the bed in Denise Bailey's bedroom.

She had waited for Mr. Louis Bailey's call or message all the night after she returned home, but none came. While she was booking for cabs after she got to Dover, she was making mistakes because she was hysterical. She had not used her phone since she regained consciousness and did not wish to because the thought that Louis Bailey would not call her would drive her crazy. Besides, the phone was a gift from him at her twentieth birthday and seeing the phone would make her weep; she never bothered to search for it. Concerning her family, she had made up her mind to stay away from everyone until she had her baby. The stress she would go through when her parents discovered may make her lose the baby, and that would make Mr. Louis Bailey happy. She rubbed her stomach and said.

“Baby, I will not abort you. You are precious to me.”

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