Chapter Seven


The next day morning, I woke up and remembered how Jay tried to boost my confidence and confessed his true feelings for me. It was a great day for me to remember forever. I got ready and went to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast. I went to upstairs to give the coffee to Jay.

"Good morning, Jay," I said and Jay looked at me with a smile. I admired his smile.

"Good morning, sweetheart."

"Take this coffee prepared by your wife."

"Thank you. But why are you doing all these works, Vidya. It's not necessary. I just need your love and loyalty. Nothing else than that."

"Jay, I am not feeling it as a trouble. I love to do your works. I am just showing my love in this way," I said.

"There are many other ways to show love, angel," Jay said and pulled me towards him to place a kiss on my cheek. I smiled with his cuteness.

"Next time, try this way to show your love for your husband."

"Sure, Mr. Rock star. Now come and have your breakfast."

While having the breakfast, I asked Jay about my job.

"I want to work with you from today. Shall I come to your office today?"

"Sure. I think you love me a lot and that's why you don’t want to miss me even for sometime. So you want to be with me even at office. Am I right?"

"No. If I don’t work my husband won’t give food or even water to me. So, I need to work."

"Vidya, I already said sorry for those words. On that day, I couldn't control my anger at your father and I thought to hurt you. So, I have spoken such words."

"I am just kidding, Jay. I already forgot all those. Sorry if I hurt you by remembering it again."

"It's ok. Come let's go to the office."

We went to the office and Jay showed me my cabin but asked me to sit in his room. He explained about the company, his concerts and my work. One week passed by and we were so happy in love for one another. We were in the office and then, a beautiful girl in a blue coloured anarkali dress, loose long hairs, and cute hangings entered into Jay’s cabin without knocking the door. I was in Jay’s lap and he hugged me from the back. With her sudden entry, Jay left me and I stood up.

"Don’t you know to knock the door before coming?" I said.

"Shut up. Be in your limits, Vidya. I know what to do and what not to do. First you get lost from here. I want to talk personally with Jay."

"You both just stop it. Vidya, she is my best friend Shwetha. You shouldn’t talk like that to her. Being my wife, I expect you to respect my friends," Jay said and I got irritated with his words.

"Iam sorry, Shwetha," I said and thought to leave but Jay stopped me.

Jay held my hand and pulled me near to him. He kept his hand over my shoulder.

"Shwetha, she is my wife and personal secretary Vidya. She no need to learn her limits and she can decide what is right and wrong for me both personally and professionally. You have no right to talk with my wife like that. I hate anyone disrespecting my wife. She won’t go anywhere. Apologise her, Shwetha."

"I am sorry, Vidya," Shwetha said, but I observed her hand clenched.

"Now sit and tell me what you want to say," Jay said to Shwetha.

"I think you are so busy in romancing with your enemy’s daughter. Do you remember your purpose of coming to India, Jay?"

"I remember everything, Shwetha."

"You married Vidya for the revenge. But now you fell for her completely. How could you do that, Jay?"

"See, Shwetha, culprit is her father but not Vidya. We have no right to treat her rudely because she didn’t do anything wrong."

"You are not understanding, Jay. You are loving your enemy. She is your enemy and she never loves you. I am sure she will cheat you one day and helps her dad."

"Enough now. Leave this topic."

"Now your wife became more for you than your family and revenge. Very good. Her father is cruel and a criminal but still you love her."

"Don’t talk wrongly about my father. What proof do you have to say my dad is a criminal?" I said.

"Everyone knows your dad is a criminal," said Shwetha.

"He never do anything wrong," I said.

"Yes, your dad never do anything wrong and we are the one who do wrong."

"I said stop it. Look you both are equally important to me in my life. I don’t like anyone to get hurt in both of u. So leave it and just get last from here both of you," Jay said yelling at both of us.

Shwetha went from there angrily and I got shocked listening his words that both are equally important to him. I looked at him.

"Vidya, please leave me alone for sometime," Jay said and I left to our home.

In the afternoon, Jay came to the home.

"Vidya, did you have the lunch?"

"I don’t want anything. Leave me alone," I shouted at him.

"I am sorry, Vidya."

"No need. When a best friend is equally important as your wife, it's not a small thing, Jay."

"Don’t you trust me?"

"I don’t trust you. How can I trust you without knowing anything about you? Except your name and profession, I know nothing. I can’t trust you."

"If there is no trust, there is no love and relationship, Vidya. If you don't trust me, then leave me and go.

Saying this Jay went off and I started crying. In the evening, Jay returned to home. I thought of playing a game with him.

When he reached the home, it's completely dark. Jay switched on the lights and went to our room. He couldn't find me there. He called my name out louder but of no response. He called me.

"Hello," Jay said.

"Where are you, Vidya?"

"At my home," I said.

"Vidya, I am sorry for talking rudely to you. I will explain everything to you. Please come back.

"No, you hurt me a lot by asking me to leave the house. I won't return to our home," I said

"Vidya, please try to understand me."

"If you want me to come back to you then you should come here and take me to our house."

"You know well that I don’t like to come to your home."

"If you want me then come here, otherwise, leave me."

"I won’t come. If you don't want to come now to our home then stay there at your home forever. Bye," Jay said and disconnected the call.

Doesn't it matter to him if I leave the house? I felt sad knowing that his ego is more important to him than me. But surprising me, Jay called me again. I received the call but stayed silent.

"I am coming to take your home. Get ready," Jay said making me happy.

"Sure," I said.

"I don’t like to come there and see your father’s face. Still I am coming there only for you. So, please understand me. I will call you after reaching there and you come outside from your house," Jay said.

"No, you should come inside the home and convince me," I said to irritate him more.

"I don’t want to step into your house, Vidya," Jay said.

"It's upto you. If you want your wife to come to your house, you should do what I said. Or else that's fine, bye," I said and thought to disconnect the call.

"Wait. Okay, I will do what you said. I am coming there," Jay said.

"Okay," I said.

Jay came downstairs with his car keys and surprised to see me there.

"Vidya, Didn’t you go to your home?"

"I am already at my home. Is this not my home?" I said.

"No, this is your house. But you said that you left our house. I thought you went to your maternal house," Jay said.

"Why would I leave my house. Who are you to say to leave you? You are my husband and I have all rights over you. I won’t leave you. I will torture you forever," I said, smiling at him and Jay too smiled for my words.

"I am sorry for asking you to leave me," Jay said, holding my hands. I nodded, patting on his hands.

"I am sorry, Jay. I trust you completely. I shouldn't have said those words to you. Shwetha is your best friend. Friends are also important in our life. I should understand that. I know that you asked me to leave in anger. So, I didn’t leave.

When I know that you hate my father, how can I go to my maternal home? I can’t go there. I don’t want to hurt you, Jay."

Jay hugged me.

"I love you, Vidya. You are right. I asked you to leave in anger. But if you leave me, I can’t live. Whatever I should not have said you to leave me and go. This is your house. No one including me has the right to ask you to leave. You are so sweet. You understood me well and didn’t leave me. I am lucky to have you as my wife," Jay said, kissing me on the forehead.

I hugged him.

"I won't leave you. Don't worry," I said.

We sat in the sofa talking to each other and Jay intertwined his fingers with mine.

"Shwetha is not a rude person. Her anger is at your father but not at you. She knows everything that happened. I am sure if you come to know the truth, you too get angry on your father."

"Dinner is ready. Shall we have the dinner?" I said, cutting the topic.

"Shall I ask you one thing?"

I nodded.

"You don’t like anyone commenting on your father and you immediately opposes them. Then why don’t you stop me when I criticise him?"

"Because for me you both are equally important. So without knowing everything, I don’t want to hurt anyone of you. I am hungry. Let's have the dinner."

We had the dinner and went to the room.

"Jay, Still I am angry with you. You should never ask me again to leave the house. If you ask me to leave again, then surely I won’t stay here forever."

"I promise I won’t say you to leave me ever. Because I can’t live without you," Jay said, kissing my palm. I smiled and we dozed off happily clearing out the misunderstanding. Next day, Jay woke up and hugged me from the back while I am brewing the coffee.

"Good morning, Jay."

"Good morning. I love you," Jay said and I smiled.

"Why didn’t you say I love you to me at least once till now?"

"I… I need sometime," I said.

I love you, Jay but I want to help my father. So, before that I can’t say I love you to you. Because I don’t want you to think that I acted love just to steal the pen drive from you. But, I really love you.

Jay left me and went off from there to get ready. I went to him with coffee and noticed him wearing another dress and not the one which I kept on the table for him. I gave coffee to him but he refused to have it.

"Jay, are you angry with me?"

"No, I am very happy to know that my wife doesn’t love me."

"Jay, please understand me."

"Yes, I am trying to understand you. Vidya, any relationship is based only on love and trust. But you don’t love or trust me."

"I trust you, Jay."

"Leave it. From today till you love me, I will stay away from you. I think I am troubling you by showing my love for you. I won’t trouble you from anymore."

"Jay, I am sorry," I said.

"Don't be sorry because I am not angry at you. I am just saying that I will give you time without troubling you."

I turned another side to hide my tears. Jay patted on my shoulder and took the coffee from me. He wiped my tears and made me look at him.

"Vidya, I know you are loving me. So I want you to realise that. I didn’t mean to hurt you but without love we can’t stay as a couple forever. Realise your feelings for me," Jay said softly as he doesn't know that I have already noticed my love for him.

"I will prepare the breakfast," I said to go away from there. However, Jay too accompanied me to the kitchen as he wants to share my work. He never allows me to do the work alone. While we were preparing the food, someone knocked on the door. Is it Shwetha? I wish nothing happens again that hurts us both.

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