I stepped out of Elijah's car and stared at the magnificent building that stood in front of me. It was truly out of this world and everything just felt so surreal.
Elijah joined me soaking in the beautiful view.
"So what do you think of Venus university?" He asked curiously.
"I think it's amazing!"
"I can't believe that I'll be studying here for the next four years."
"Come on, you can soak in the view letter. I'll help you take your luggage to your room."
"If you're helping me then who's going to help you?"
"I can carry my own luggage Kacey."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, now come on, I want to show you around campus."
"Have you been here before?"
Elijah took my luggage and I followed him.
"Well yeah I've been here before but only a few times."
"My father owns half of this university and I used to come here to help him."
"Woah your father must be a busy man since he owns half of the town already."
Elijah chuckled softly.
"Yeah I guess so but it's not something I'm proud of."
I checked my name on the list of new students and the rooms they were assigned and found my room number.
I turned around only to find a pretty girl with brown hair smiling at my best friend.
"Hey Mandy."
"So aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"
"Sure umm Mandy this is my best friend Kacey."
"Best friend? Are you guys still doing that thing?"
I looked at Elijah puzzled.
"What is she talking about?"
"Don't listen to her, let's just go."
"Wait you're the girl Elijah told me about, wow you must be more desperate than I thought."
Elijah glared at her.
"Many stop it."
"You know what? Elijah had a big fight with his father so that you could have a scholarship here."
"What are you trying to say?"
"I Know it hurts darling but you didn't get accepted here because of your good grades your friend Elijah helped you secure a place here."
"I mean commoners like you don't get accepted to such a great university like Venus because it's only for the gifted as in rich kids."
I looked at Elijah and grabbed my luggage.
"I can find the room on my own."
"And what are you even wearing? It looks like something you picked out at a cheap thrift store."
While everyone was laughing at me I left the hallway and returned to find my room but on the way I got lost and burst into angry tears.
This was supposed to be the best day of my life but I somehow ended up here crying on a bench alone.
Someone handed me a handkerchief.
I wiped my tears away and looked at the guy he was giving it to me.
He was beautiful.
He smiled at me.
"Aren't you going to take it?" He asked curiously and I broke eye contact.
I took the handkerchief and wiped my tears away.
"You must be a new student here, my name is Maxwell."
He offered me his hand.
I grasped it slowly.
"My name is Kacey."
I wiped my glasses because they had become foggy from the crying.
"So why is a beautiful girl like you crying alone here?"
"It's actually embarrassing."
"Well I'm good at hiding secrets, you can tell me anything."
"I'm just having a bad day and I also got lost. I can't seem to find my room."
"Give me your room number and I'll gladly help you."
"No I'm sure you have other important things to do you don't have to help me I'll figure it out."
"Hey I would never leave a pretty girl like you in distress. Come on, I'll show you around and I can help you find your room as well."
I felt the heat in my cheeks.
"Do you have your room number?"
I nodded quietly and took out the paper where I wrote the number to my new room out of my purse.
"Kacey this is just around the corner you should have said something earlier."
I suddenly felt embarrassed.
"I'm sorry."
"You don't need to apologize, I was just messing with you after all it's your first day."
He grabbed one of my luggages and offered me his hand.
"Ummm what are you doing?"
He looked puzzled.
"Holding your hand to make sure that you don't get lost."
"Is it necessary?"
"Yep and I won't take no for an answer."
I hesitated at first and then grasped his hand when he cocked a brow at me.
Maxwell showered me around campus but the worst part was where people wouldn't stop looking at us.
And I hated being the center of attention. Maxwell seemed to ignore the comments that were passing around. Maybe he was used to them but I wasn't.
A few minutes later I made a stop.
"He we are safe and sound. I told you that you could trust me."
I let go of Maxwell's hand.
"Thanks for helping me."
I grabbed my luggage from him ready to leave but he held my hand and stopped me.
"Kacey, wait."
I looked back at him.
"Did I do something wrong?"
I shook my head negatively.
"No Maxwell you didn't do anything I guess people are just not used to seeing you with a girl like me."
I should have taken my mother's advice earlier. Maybe I wouldn't be in such an embarrassing situation but instead I ignored her warning and chose to be plainly dressed.
"A girl like you?" He repeated.
"Kacey I helped you because you were lost and I honestly think that you're a kind person and don't let the people here intimidate you."
I nodded quietly.
" I guess I could try that but thank you for showing me around campus and also making sure that I don't get lost."
He smiled at me.
"I hope that I'll see you around Kacey."
Maxwell winked at me and walked away.
I watched him walk away in disbelief like he wasn't real. A guy like him actually helped a girl like me.
It felt like I was dreaming. Before I could open the door someone opened it from the inside. It was a girl with dark black hair and gray eyes.
She smiled at me when she saw me.
"Judging by the luggage I guess that you must be my new roommate."
She offered me her hand.
"My name is Ronnie."
I grasped her hand gently.
"My name is Kacey."
She picked up one of my bags.
"Here let me help you. I'm sure that you must be exhausted."
"Yeah, thank you."
I looked around the room and I was lost for words to describe its beauty.