Chapter 8

Ismena woke up early the next morning with a clanging headache. "Awwggh," she moaned, palming her banging head.

Where am I? The events of the night before filled her head, most of them anyway. Those men had tried to rape her, and she was rescued by—

Big Bad Wolfe! Where is he?

Eyes darted around the empty bedroom. He's gone. Did he...?

Eyes darted to her body. Nope, he didn't take advantage of her.

Then, other memories came rushing in; the way she'd forced him to save her, he'd carried her out of the nightclub and brought her here. She'd propositioned him for séx!

"Unholy pants, did I really do that!?" She cringed, horrified as more memories pricked her clanging head. "Oh, my... What the hell did I do?"

Shit, she's the one that almost took advantage of the man. Bad Ismena, very bad girl.

Rising from the bed, she reached for the room phone and ordered some hangover tea. She's feeling surprisingly good this morning, too good. Wasn't her chest burning the night before?

Her meds have finished too. Double-shit, way to go reality. Always here to ruin her happy moods.

She rose from the bed and entered the bathroom. Maybe she'll go to her jerk-boss for a loan of some sort to buy her meds, it's not as if she's gonna be alive long enough to pay him back, and he'll really be an asshole if he goes to her funeral with plans of making her family pay him back.

Nope, he'll really do it. Mr. Macdonald is an àsshole.

"Now, what are you gonna do, Ismena?" She said out loud, letting out her frustration. Slumping down on the toilet seat, she let out a deep breath. "Even if you're gonna die eventually, you still need to be alive long enough to do the fun things on your list. You've only done two!"

Fingers raised, she began bending each as she ranted, "Riding a rollercoaster was a success, you almost died but you got over that fear. Going to a club was a total failure. Yikes, you almost got ráped."

"Then, you got yourself a real dark knight in frowning armor, and disgraced your ancestors slash descendants in front of him," She let out a huge breath, "Typical you. Always doing things the opposite. Now your meds have finished and—" BANG!!

The memory slammed into her brain so unexpectedly, "THE RING! Wait, was that a dream?" She jumped up from the toilet seat, jerked her panties back on, and rushed out of the bathroom door back to the room.

"Where is it, where is it, where did I put it...?" Her head was working, trying to remember what happened after she picked it up from the floor then she— "In my bra! My bra, my bra, my bra..."

Repeating the mantra anticipatingly over and over again, she yanked down her bra—did big bad Wolfe temper with my clothes? I sure hope not!—aaaaand, there the ring is.

Thank God!

"Holy...Sanitary...Pad!!!" She screamed with so much excitement. Her hand slapped her mouth shut almost immediately, looking around to make sure no one was listening.

"Of course, no one is listening, Ismena. You're in a hotel room!" She danced around in excitement, cradling the ring to her chest like the treasure it is.

Those ràpists are the losers in the end. They didn't get to ràpe her, and she stole their diamond ring! Bet it's gonna be expensive too!

"I'm so going to pawn this ring and buy my meds." She decided, doing a little waist dance, "That's my way of saying 'fuck you' ràpists wherever you are!"

All morning, the thoughts of her dark knight in frowning armor remained on Ismena's head as she searched for a pawning shop for hours.

Damn, the man was too hot, just thinking about him was wetting her panties to embarrassing degrees. Devils, since when did she become such a slút?

"Oh, cut yourself a break, Ismena, any woman will react the same. The man is too hot." She muttered aloud as she crossed another road.

But, it was pretty obvious the man wanted nothing to do with her. Hell, he doesn't even like her, not even the normal way a person likes another random person.

Too bad for him. She'll just find another man who wants to have a one-night-stand with her, no way she's forcing herself on any man born by a woman.

That decided, she took a deep breath and continued her search.

Hours later, Ismena was so excited when she finally saw an open pawning shop. No thanks to google. All the stores she googled and found didn't open or aren't working on Sundays.

She has been searching for more than a few hours, hell, it wasn't easy. Finally, she stood at the clearing, staring at the boldly-written signage at the very top of the store. "Found you."

She took a deep breath and made her way inside. A man in his mid-fifties stood behind the huge desk, he smiled at her as she walked in.

"Welcome, young lady. How can I help you?" He was polite.

"I want to pawn a piece of jewelry. I don't know if it's possible here..." She allowed the sentence to trail off.

"Yes, it's very possible here. Can I see the jewelry please?"

Ismena stuck her hand into her handbag and withdrew the diamond ring. As she raised it towards the old man, the diamond sparkled and the two pearls caught her eyes.

"So beautiful..." The pearls kept her entranced and in awe, she was almost in regret of trying to pawn such a beautiful item.

But, she can't regret this. A girl's got to pay her medical bills and get new drugs.

"Can I see?" The pawnbroker outstretched his hand.

"Just for a minute, please." Brows furrowed, she stared pointedly at the two pearls acting like a crown on the ring...and that was when she noticed it.

An image. No, a picture. There's a very small picture of something beneath the pearls.

"Wait a minute." She walked to the window where the light was coming in, brought the ring really close under her nose and—

"Oh, Mother Of Everything That Is Good And Holy!" She gasped and let go of the ring so fast like it burned her.

The ring fell to the floor. One of the pearls fell off.

"Is everything alright?" The pawnbroker asked, confused.

"Yes, yes, everything is alright." She let out a nervous laugh, "Everything is completely fine."

Nothing is fine! She screamed in her mind.  "Ohmigod, Ohmijesus, Ohmimary!" Heavens, she's freaking out.

The ring belongs to the Big Bad Wolfe. It is his picture on the ring!

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