Chapter 6 Jaxon

The door slammed as Grayce Something stormed from the room. She was practically seething, I could tell, and I tried my best to hold back a laugh. She was too sensitive, easily riled up, and it was funny as hell. She felt embarrassed about last night, that much was obvious, and for some twisted reason, I was getting quite the kick out of it. Last night wasn’t the first time I’d put a drunk girl to bed, but generally, that task also involved waking up with said girl in the morning after a night of fucking.

I’d initially been caught off guard to find that the same girl there to interview me for the school newspaper was the very woman I’d carried home the night before. It was a small enough school that my intention to never see Grayce again was no longer a possibility. I was mildly impressed she was a writer, even more so if the article I’d seen was her handiwork. After meeting her last night, I guess I’d assumed she was just like any other person who hung out at the bar on a weekday. She seemed intelligent and driven, and from what I’d seen of the article before she’d ripped it out of my hands, extremely well-informed.

“Dude, Coach is ready for another round.” My best friend, Tyler Hammond, poked his head inside the office. He was sweating, black hair damp around his face as he stared at me, cheeks flushed. “Who was that you came in here with?” he asked.

“Some girl from the school paper,” I said. “She wanted an interview.”

“Celebrity status, dude.” Tyler clapped me on the back as I followed him back to the field. “Have you banged her?”

“She didn’t get much of an interview,” I admitted. “She lost her temper and stormed out. And no, jackass, I didn’t bang her.”

“Oh, a firecracker. My kind of girl,” Tyler joked. While it was true that I wasn’t the kind of man who found myself in a whole bunch of long-term relationships, Tyler gave me a run for my money. That kid would screw anything with breasts and minimal common sense. The dumber they were, the more he wanted to get them into bed. It seemed to me, however, that Grayce didn't lack knowledge and intelligence. She’d probably run circles around Tyler’s self-esteem, but I didn’t tell him that.

“Yeah,” I said instead. “She’s something.”

The coach blew his whistle, and the discussion was over. Tyler and I got into position on the field, but not before Ty had saluted to the blonde bimbos making eyes at him over the bleachers. I put my head down, grunted, and continued with the practice.

Sex. It’s all about the sex, you know? As a man, we’re pretty much content with any sex, with any woman; I mean, for the most part. Sure, all guys have their details. Some of us like blond-haired women, others like them thin and tall, while some enjoy the chubby chick. When you’re in college, sex is just part of the deal. There are women galore looking for a fling. Some are even okay with a one-night stand. Those are my kind of girls because it’s all about the sex without having to get involved in the sappy crap like movie dates and Valentine’s Day gifts.

The chick lying in my bed tonight was someone new, a long-legged brunette with beautiful skin and a nasty chain-smoking habit. She was a dancer for the college drill team, so I couldn’t resist having those toned legs wrapped around my waist, but she wasn’t the kind of girl I would ever consider being with long-term. Not that I ever considered being with anyone long-term. I had other focuses that didn’t involve coddling an insecure relationship with a girl who had more looks than brains.

“I heard you were a good screw, but I had no idea,” the girl said after our third romp in the sack. She reached for the pack of cigarettes she’d sat on my nightstand and lit up. I wanted to tell her to take that disgusting habit outside, but I wasn’t finished yet.

“Yeah? Who told you that?”

“Just a friend,” she said, then batted her lashes at me and shrugged. “Or two.” I laughed, pleased.

“You aren’t too bad yourself,” I said. The sex had been good. As good as emotionless, meaningless sex can be with a stranger. The girl, Breanne, I think, put out the cigarette and turned into me again, pushing the sheet off to reveal her naked body. She reached down and began to caress me, ready to go at it again. I was getting hard under her touch, my body reacting to the invitation with feverish anticipation.

“You up for another round?” She reached for a fresh condom on my nightstand, slipping it on me. Before I could answer, she was on top of me, sliding onto me, taking control. I placed my hands on her hips, closed my eyes, and let her do her thing.

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