Refuge of the Alpha

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3: The Wail

“You ain’t shit, you know that don’t you?”, Chloe was furious. Classic Chloe. The first sentence of the conversation. Sophie was used to it. The cheap android phone croaked loudly.

“No, I didn’t. Thanks for reminding me”, she responded. The conversation was being had with darkness on both sides. Sophie was too tired to keep her eyes open for more than an hour so she had turned off the lights, planning to fall asleep in a few minutes. While Chloe didn’t have a choice, her stereotypical African-American mother would have killed her regardless of her age, if she found the lights of her room turned on after twelve.

“You send a two-word text and even that after four hours. Might as well send a K to piss me off to another level”.

“Come on, I’m sorry. I was too preoccupied. I sent you the text as soon as I caught my breath”, Sophie wanted the onslaught to end and her friend noticed it.

“Your mom?”, Chloe had been around the family long enough to know the kind of characters it had to offer. “Yeah. Thank goodness I had remembered to put it on silent or she would have caused it to explode”, Sophie said in her defense. Chloe didn’t need anything more to be convinced.

“Found any handsome hunk yet?”, Chloe asked as she clicked her tongue. Sophie fought the urge to reach across the telephone lines and punch her in the gut. “That all you got in that head of yours?! You better clean all that shit up before I come at you with a plunger!”, Sophie knew it wouldn’t budge her friend an inch but she still made the futile attempt at reviving some fragment of dignity in Chloe. There was silence on both sides. Sophie had expected a loud roar of laughter.

“So, you actually got it?!”, Chloe was back to her ever excited mood. Sophie was relieved to see her friend put it behind her and move on.

“Not officially, but they said they’ll hit me up”

“And you bought that?”

“This one was different. They almost sounded like they meant it”, Sophie had started to doubt her judgment and the doubts grew every time she defended it.

“That’s great!”, Chloe exclaimed and the phone barked with a deafening high-pitched shriek of happiness. She did her best to muffle her sorrow at her only friend growing apart from her but Sophie detected the hint of blue in her tone. Sophie was wondering what to say when she heard a sniffle on the other end.

“I’m not gonna turn into a city girl all of a sudden and forget my partner in crime. We’ll keep hangin out the way we did, if not more than usual”, Sophie comforted her friend. There was still silence on Chloe’s end. There were a few more sniffles. “If you start wailing, I swear to god…”, Sophie was interrupted by a loud cry that strongly resembled an ambulance siren. The wails would last the entire possible strength of human lungs. Sophie kept trying to snap her out of it but she could barely hear her own thoughts over the noise.

“Chloe!!”, Sophie repeatedly shouted but to no avail. Chloe was finally exhausted and the fire alarm broke into sobs. Sophie let her be for a while before stepping in.

“You done?”, Sophie finally asked. A pathetic whine originated from the other end. “For fuck’s sake, act your age! I’ll have enough money and paid holidays for us to have some real fun back in Kentucky”, she added. Chloe seemed to get the gist of it. The whines dimmed to nothing.

“They all say that!”, Chloe spoke in a weak voice. “All of our gang walked out of town never to come back. I can’t do anything but flip patties for a living but I was happy to have friends by my side when I dumped the apron for the day”, she continued. Sophie felt a thorn in her heart. She loved her friend to death. Chloe had always shown indifference whenever the subject of employment was brought up. She had never opened up about it. Now that she did, Sophie was devastated to see her best friend in such a pitiful state. Both of them had run out of words.

“You could have considered your father’s offer”, Chloe blurted through the hiccups. Sophie closed her eyes and sighed. That was the last thing she needed. “Sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to say that!”, she instantly regretted saying that.

“Let’s talk tomorrow okay? Have some sleep. We’ll keep hanging out. You got my word on it”, Sophie said and concluded the call amidst the rampant apologies from the other side. The statement had royally pissed her off but she knew her friend. Chloe would never say something like that being hundred percent. It took her a moment to cool down and she regretted hanging up the way she did. She decided to make amends the next time they spoke. She put her phone on the side table and tried to get a shut eye.

The sleep evaded her. She couldn’t place if it was because of the anticipation and excitement for the job or the fear of her father’s reaction if he found out. Michael Rosenberg, founder and CEO of the Red Stallion group of companies was among the richest men in the state. He had been born in an underprivileged farmer household in Kentucky and had climbed his way to the top. He had a doctorate in agricultural technology and had successfully sold his ideas to several governments that reaped the fruits of his revolutionary innovations. Mike had married his high school sweetheart Grace who loved him back the same, if not more. The money attracts enemies like flies to shit. Mike grew extremely paranoid for his family’s safety. He had hired multiple security companies to guard his family from the shadows without showing themselves. Even the police and Feds took it on themselves to provide extra security to the Rosenbergs but Mike didn’t trust them and refused to cooperate with them. Sophie was caught in his father’s paranoia that had suffocated her since childhood. She was itching to break free. She didn’t want to be a spoiled brat living off on her father’s fortune. She wanted to climb her way up like her father did and earn her respect. Mike didn’t approve of that and had asked her to assume a position in one of his companies. In that track, Mike wanted her to ultimately inherit the leadership roles and the fortune. He had even brought her to some of his board meetings and introduced her to everyone. In those meetings, she was encouraged to speak her mind as she had studied business management. But every time she added to the conversation, she could sense that the participants only listened because she was the big gun’s daughter. She didn’t like the idea of inheriting the company and declined. The father and daughter duo had been in cold war ever since.

Sophie longed for the times when the family had fun together and had nothing in the closets but now, whenever her father initiated a conversation with her, she couldn’t help but smell that question from behind every smile and hidden between the sentences. Her overprotected position, however, had always been the same, even before they had the disagreement. Even Mike himself seldom left Kentucky and maneuvered every meeting into the local hotels. The villa that they lived in was nothing less than a palace and had everything one could possibly ask for. But a cage remains a cage even if it is made of gold. She had spent her entire life in the villa and was now determined to spread her wings even if her father didn’t approve of it. She was bound to move away from them at some point in her life and Mike was expected to understand that, once he was enlightened on the plans, she and Grace had kept from him.

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