Read with BonusRead with Bonus

5: Breach

The breakfast was brought to the suite. Mike was supposed to be home for the day but the constant ringing of the phone kept him busy. He seldom watched TV. Not that he didn’t like to, it was just as if him and means of entertainment were two same poles of magnets. Both somehow ended up repelling one another. The once a week movie night routine, strictly observed by Grace, was more for him than for her. She had known what the love of her life used to be like before the endless hauls for money gripped his hours. She did her best to keep intact whatever sanity was left in him. Sophie had been asked to share the meals like they did back at home. She didn’t mind. She was watching the news. Grace was busy binge-watching all the episodes of a cooking channel she had found on YouTube. Earphones weren’t her thing so she blasted the entire suite with the instrumental background music in the videos. If there was any room for more noise pollution, Mike’s barking on the phone gladly claimed it. His secretary had been on leave and had nominated another guy to assume his position for the duration of his absence. Mike had always trusted his secretary’s judgment but this one had managed to bite him in the ass. The new guy was scared shitless. He wouldn’t take a dump without ringing Mike for approval. Mike himself liked to spoon-feed as much as he could but working with this guy gave micromanagement a whole new meaning. It took Mike an hour to program a series of possible scenarios and their sufficient responses into the head of his secretary. He hung up, threw his phone on the couch and collapsed beside it, letting out a long sigh. Sophie tried hard to concentrate on whatever came on TV. She kept switching channels. Her father liked those business-related channels that keep on rambling about the stocks and shares with some super old, barely breathing expert predicting the future trends for the new investors to swarm to. Mike wasn’t on the list of investors but he was on the other list. He was tuned in for the news of the stocks of his own companies. Not that he needed it because he had the most recent data in his pocket and the guy on the news gleefully showed the old numbers. He just liked to hear it on the news. Sophie wasn’t in the mood so she didn’t care about it. The next channel was airing a documentary on technological advances. She didn’t give any channel more than a few seconds. Another documentary channel came in view. That one had some sort of expert on mythological history, that he claimed to be real but lost in time. What the guy said could have been dealt with seriously if only he had looked less like a text book tinfoil hat guy. “When the orcs attacked the high elves, the treaty was broken. The elf queen Mirabel didn’t take the betrayal lightly and rallied her wizards and sorcerers for counter attack. Just as the orcs, started to retreat, the imps …”, the man flailed his arms, imitating a bat’s wing motion and continued, “…imps appeared out of thin air to honor their treaty with the orcs”. Mike looked at Sophie and they shared the look of sympathy for the guy.

Sophie’s phone rang. Mike was surprisingly more interested in the show than he had wanted to be. His eyes were glued to the screen when Sophie left the room with the phone. It was an unknown number. She answered it when she was alone. It was from Bjorn Services Inc., the company that had interviewed her. An overly formal young lady on the phone, most probably from the HR department, greeted her. A few seconds into the conversation, it was no secret that hearts were at the throat on both sides. The HR lady sounded as if it was her first time and was being watched by her superiors. Sophie, of course, had every right to be nervous. The lady informed her that the company was ready to make her an offer. “The board found you overqualified for the job that you applied for so Mr. Lawson personally vouched for you to be offered a senior supervisory position”, the voice on the phone informed formally, over pronouncing every word. Sophie fought the urge to run around the suite dancing. She imagined herself barking orders at a team of rookies and saving the company from some possible scenario of bankruptcy as Lawson peeked at her through the blinds of his office, giving her a look of appreciation. She imagined her colleagues chanting slogans of her name as confetti flew around her in slow-mo. “Miss Rosenberg?”, the voice snapped her out of her daydream, “Huh”, was all Sophie could manage to convince the caller that she was still on her feet. “You are invited by Mr. Lawson for Lunch to formally talk about the company’s offer. Mr. Lawson is eager to meet”, the voice continued and awaited a response from Sophie which was another “Huh”.

“Is Monday suitable for you?”, the girl asked. Sophie managed another “Huh” but sounding somewhat affirmative.

“See you soon. Take care!”, the girl said on the other side. The call was concluded. Sophie was shaking with excitement. She tried to calm down but it wasn’t happening. She texted her friend, “Got the call!!!”. The prompt response was, “Nope, it’s a text”. Sophie knew what was up so she sent, “You high?”.

“AF”, was the reply form Chloe. Classic Chloe. She was in no condition to be spoken to, so Sophie decided to wait till she was thinking straight again. A minute later her own ecstasy had worn off and she started to worry how she was going to break this to her family. She went back to the room where her parents were and took a seat on the couch. They immediately caught the hint that there was something off. Mike decided to keep the questions to himself because most of the recent quarrels between him and his daughter had been initiated that way. Grace however, had different kind of chemistry with Sophie, so she ended up asking.

“Who was it?”

Sophie knew that it was for the best if she broke it to them through this very conversation. “The office that interviewed me”, she responded, evading eye contact from her father. Mike was puzzled. All of it was too far from the version of daily bulletin he was being fed. He just stared at her, trying to grasp the news. Grace, on the other hand, looked excited as if she had been in on it all along.

“You got the job!?”, Grace asked almost hopping. “Better. They are offering me senior team lead”, Sophie told her mother, hoping that it would smother Mike’s disapproval. Mike was intelligent and, in some cases, even cunning. It wasn’t easy to keep him in the dark but he had chosen to trust Grace and that was the blind spot. Hence, Grace was at the receiving end of his disgusted glare and her excitement disappeared when she caught it. He didn’t need to say the words because his eyes spoke enough.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake!”, Mike whispered under his breath, rubbing his eyes. “Grace? You too?”, he added, this time more audibly. The guy on the TV kept on chattering about the mythological creatures and aliens but he was now being ignored by everyone in the room.

“We must let her out someday, Michael. What’s wrong with now?”, Grace tried to defend. Sophie was depending on her mother to do it for her. “I just wanted to keep you safe”, Mike pleaded, this time to Sophie.

He added as he now looked at Grace, “I thought you wanted to spend some quality family time together and that’s why you had pulled her and yourself into this trip”.

“I’m done with the armed guards escorting me everywhere. Nobody ever respected me because of that. I want to earn my name, like you did, and what’s wrong in that?!”, Sophie had finally jumped to her mother’s aid. She later realized that she had yelled. “I have all the right to decide”, she added. The father decided to put his foot down. Harsh words came up to his lips but never left. Just as they were about to, he saw a four years old boy with a school bag on his back, waving him goodbye and enthusiastically running away. He felt his heart come to his throat. The look of anger and disgust on Mike’s face, had transformed into one of pure sorrow. He knew the day had come and as he had feared, he wasn’t ready for it. Teenagers of Sophie’s age were moving out and living their lives to the fullest. But Sophie couldn’t grasp that that life was not for her. He had seen many of his friend’s children, at Sophie’s age, rebelling against their parents and harboring bitterness against them for the remainder of their lives. He feared that he might initiate a similar response if he contended too much. The way she had yelled, that was an indication that the bitterness had already started to well up. Mike shook his head in desperation, abruptly stood up and left the room. As he did, Grace saw tears in his eyes. She felt a thorn in her heart. Grace had never seen her man so broken other than that one time when their world had shattered beyond all repair. Silence was dominant in the room. Even the ladies that were on the same side, didn’t like the way things had played out. Sophie dashed out of the suite. It had been a messy victory but victory all the same. Grace had started to doubt if she had made the right decision siding with her daughter against her husband.

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