Chapter 4
Broken and worried at heart, sat Evelyn quietly at a corner of the bed, the door got opened and this time, a box was dropped by her door. How long would she be kept here? Weren't there no one except this strange man whom hardly spoke a word and acting all ruthless since they met, why did he ever save her when she would end up getting tortured? Neither was there proper treatment for the injuries sustain, there was no trace of mirror either to view her appearance as her clothe felt sticky too. Evelyn trammed to where the box was kept and perceived it was a meal brought for. Who would eat at such an odd hour, that challenging? Evelyn was only drawn to the inscription on the box, which states;
"Be ready for tonight"
"Tonight?" She stated with widen eyes, it felt the word was crumbling on her as her assumptions might turn out right; that she was going to entertain clients with her body. Such people need to be brought before the law and punished because it was unscrupulous. What could tonight mean in an unknown place. There was neither no tool excluding her bag which she guessed had been abandoned at the hill surrounding the mountains. She gave up striving to escape and waited for night to fall desperately.
The night lurch in slowly as the moon acted as the light to this isolated room, and the weaken victim had placed her head on the bed when the door got opened and two boots walked up to her, it was quite similar to that which she saw on her deathbed. Evelyn hoist high her head to see who this being was; because he was quite different from the harsh man of earlier, was he a client? It stoops low and was inches away from her that the warmth of his breath swept her face. He tilted her face up with his hands and all she could see was a pair of blue eyes staring at her as she sank into them as though hypnotized by the latter. Evelyn shoved his hand away, ready to fight back if he tries anything funny. A smirk escaped his lips as he stood up and scrutinized her while pitching a balm at her.
"Apply them…it would heal you up quickly" he muttered deeply as his gaze on her darken?
"Who are you? What do you want from me?" She asked in a faint voice. There was silence which freaked her out because no one was giving her a reply rather, leaving her curious. He lit a cigarette and scoff, which puffing out wild smoke from his mouth.
"We're married" was all he said.
"How? This can't be, you're mistaken am not who you think I am listen to me, I have a fiancé and if he learns I'm alive…"
"Why should I care?" He cuts in, stepping back as his ardent stare made Evelyn more insecure. How did she get entangled with two strange men, especially the latter whose face wasn't visible in the dark except for his eyes that sparked a beatific expression on this man's face.
"I object to being married! There's no way…"
"You agreed with a full chest". This man kept intervening in her words, reprehensively.
"How did I ever get here?"
"Give up asking because no response for that, take care" he ended the conversation and walked out on her. What has Evelyn done to herself? If she hadn't been too curious about the mountains, perhaps she would be at home with max, contemplating on what the government decisions would be. It was so difficult to draft an idea in this room as once again, everything became void to her. She applied the balm to the affected area and waited for the next phase of her life.
"Why does it have to be her, Alex?" The former questioned immediately, the latter stepped out of the room.
"She pulled me closer" Alex replied, dumping the cigarettes in a trash can.
"I sense she's going to be tougher than the others we found" he furthered, sitting on the cushion as Alex gave a wry smile. He picked the file which laid on the table and sighed.
"Your tricks worked on her, if she's of no use, we would dispose her" Alex muttered with a stern look.
"Weren't you quick in telling her she's your bride?"
"Colton… that's what the contract states" he interjects, massaging his shoulder as Colton grimace at him. The Alex he knew cared only for himself, and helping out a woman all out of the blue was quite suspicious. Maybe he had met her somewhere earlier than in the woods.
"Are you ready?" Colton asked, standing up as he glanced at the gloves Alex had on.
"I'm exhausted, not today" Alex responded, shutting his eyes.
"You kept saying that, and I end up in the woods all myself" Colton complained which trailed Alex's eyes towards his gloves.
"You're changing gradually, Alex, but you can never be someone else".
Alex leered at Colton, whose looks bore terror now because the latter was glaring at him, and it wasn't a good notion this time.
"I would be off I guess quietly" he diverted, pacing out of the place and Alex kicked a foot on the table as he pulled out the gloves and stared at his fingers. He quickly wore back the gloves and stride to the window, fixing his eyes on the moon.
"What fate have you got for me? How long will I…" He suddenly paused when he heard a noise coming from Evelyn's room. Alex postulates that she must have wanted attraction so sad she wouldn't be getting any because only he got to decide her fate. Alex exhaled and went to the balcony, he suddenly sniffed around the place and leaned in on the wall while controlling his urge.
The morning appeared, and it was yet another day in this part of the earth. Colton slowly opened the door which he had kept Evelyn, but she wasn't in the room, he drew closer and was about to check the large bed when he halted, reckoning that she was behind the door and Julie had come out of her hiding, she had seen Colton moving away from the door and got the chance to sneak out presently as the door was widely opened. About to step a foot outside the room, Colton grab her hand and she struggled, but it was futile as he was much stronger. In rage, she used her foot and kicked against his dick hard, which made Colton loosen his grip on her wimping. Evelyn had run out and prodded the stairs in a hast, she wasn't in pains, all thanks to that balm of last night.
"That lady!" He cursed, running after her. There were many exits doors in this mansion, and she couldn't surmise which was the one leading outside. Slightly looking towards the stairs, she was unable to see Colton and feared he might be on the watch for her and it was so, he was right in front of her.
"Nice try" he complimented attempting to get a hold of her hand she was proficient in sighting a vase on the table behind him, and before he could get a hold of her, Evelyn went low and rolled herself in a ball while gliding between his legs like an idiot to the other side. she picked up the vase and threw at him but he caught it right before her eyes and she picked the second vase aiming for his head, but he moved his shoulder aside slightly, and it flew pass him.
"You're tougher than you look!" He growled hastening his steps to her, due to the tension awoke in her, she ran to a door and opened it. Not wanting to see what awaits her, she jumped out and banged it before Colton could get to her. Relieved that she was out of the prison so to say, Evelyn gazed at her surrounding which was catchy to the eyes and this cruel men locked her up in a room that just didn't define this mansion. How could only two men exist in this gigantic building? The gates! Going through the gates would guarantee her freedom. Evelyn swallowed while summoning the courage to get to the gate, but she suddenly bumped into someone and fell to the ground. How comes she never noticed someone standing there? While focusing on the gates, there was absolutely no one on the standby and unexpectedly bumping into this being made her bemused as she stared at this person from behind. He wasn't even turning his gaze at her, perhaps he was a mannequin with the position he took. She felt someone pull her up, and it was Colton, who swung her on his shoulder to return to her current state.
"Please let me go!" She cried sorrowfully while hitting Colton on the back to release her howbeit none of that was working.