Kimberly Richards walked into the dark forest as the fresh breath of air wavered through her hair.
She loved it. Her trainers on the dry leaves were soundless, she knew it was an opportunity for her to think.
At twenty-three, Kimberly was moving to Los Angelos from New York and was enjoying the sight. A red thick hair flowed over her back as she paced her forehead. She was at a hotel somewhere in Lornato, she was taking the journey alone, and as an adventurous lady, a photographer at heart, she took pictures of everything she saw.
Kimberly walked father into the forest with no fear at all, she had booked a five-star hotel, and her room looked like the forest that loomed, opening to the darkness. Since she arrived late that evening, she had been very interested to check out the vast plains, she knew it was worth it, thus, after dinner, she had grabbed her camera and set out to the big tall trees that invited her so badly.
After one hour of walking aimlessly, Kimberly arrived at a clearing and she stopped. She heard noises, it was not from a man, but men, it was weird because it was the peak of the night and no one will make a home in such a horrid environment.
Not like it was scary but quite dangerous.
Approaching close to the field, realization dawned on Kimberly that she was trespassing, a meeting was been held and she wasn't invited.
Looking closely, all the men were in suits, they sat on dry leaves and we were discussing. They faced a lady, with a grim face and his voice was enough to make her legs quiver.
"We have to recover the Red Diamond before Alpha Fredrick gets into possession of it," the leader of the group said.
"But we do not know where it is," a man with jet black hair spoke, the moon shone on his hair and only half of his face was showing, he looked fierce.
Kimberly knew she should be going back as discreetly as she could, but damn it, the conversation was only getting better, she felt like listening more, knowing more about the red diamond.
"The damn guy is as sneaky as ever, he will do everything to hold it, and if ever that is the case, he will be powerful, I do not want that to happen," he muttered out.
His hair was a light brown color, but in the dark, it appeared almost as dark as the first man who had spoken. Four men sat on their knees, facing the leader.
"Alpha, but..." whatever the guy was going to say was unheard by Kimberly, realization stroked her at that point that she had walked right in on a pack of wolves.
Something deep in her stomach churned badly, she felt like she was going to pass out, she literally had to, she felt like it had only been an illusion, but no, it was real.
Taking a close look, she realized why all of them were so comfortable on dry leaves. Their nature is that way.
Kimberly closed her hands around her mouth, she knew she had to be brave. She saw this as fascinating. Removing her Camera from her neck, she took the first picture, and then, the second.
Kimberly had always had one weakness__ her clumsiness. She wanted to take an even more precise shot, lifting her leg, she didn't see where she placed it until she heard a dry branch break.
It was the heart of the night, and then, everyone in the meeting turned around and saw her.
"Shit!" Kimberly muttered as she started tracing backward and ran away.
It was too late, they had discovered her.
Alpha Lucas had no clue that someone had been spying on his meeting, he was the Alpha of the Blue Moon pack, the biggest and most fierce of the entire Lornato Clan.
His aim was to retrieve the Red Diamond, it was his, and it belongs to him, but he doesn't know why fate keeps toasting it away from his grasp.
And then, he hears the cracking sound of a twig, anger boiled in him, he presumed his enemies had traced and found out the next plan.
Lucas lifted his head to meet a small ladylike figure disappearing into the woods and his stomach churned badly.
"An impostor," Gary called out beside him as he started to transform.
The four of his pack elders who had gathered for the meeting transformed with the same vigor that boiled in him.
He was next, a big white wolf, heavy curls and it got him well to know what he wanted.
"I'll chase after her, look out if they are others," Lucas growled out in the wolfie language.
His wolf was now in command, he knew Wolfer would trace the lady in a second and he wanted to be the one to get her beneath his grasp.
That wasn't difficult, he paced into the words after the lady, catching up with her.
Kimberly had watched with dignified horror how the men had fully transformed into werewolves, it had been terrifying, she wanted to take a picture, but her sense of survival took the better part of her. It was nothing but common sense, which she totally lacked.
While running, Kim knew that she had lost track of her way back home, the howling sound of a beast made her heart grow weak, and then, she stepped on roots, she had not seen it, she could barely do, as she flew face downwards, she knew it was the end of it, thus, she rolled to her back, looking at the man who had now become a wolf.
Those white furs were cute, she wished she could touch them, but then, she wondered if she was going to live another second.
Lucas was one step to the lady when he heard his wolf yell out heavily.
They had been finding their mate, but he couldn't believe it yet.
He glared at the lady, her mass of red hair sprawled on the ground.
He howled, watching in delight as the lady shivered in fear.
"My mate is an impostor," he raged in his mind.