Chapter 6
The night came, and Kevin is absentmindedly driving his car toward Gwen’s home. Since the incident this morning, he cannot shake his mind from thinking about the reminder of his past. Never did he think that in all of the years he tried to improve himself, people would still get to see and point out his wrongdoings.
He already reflected and changed himself, but it seemed that it was not enough, at least for the public. And now the whole company that he is trying to work for and lead to success is now in jeopardy.
All he can hear is his girlfriend, running her mouth on the irrelevant things that she might have found interesting while she is away from the press conference that he just did with the media as part of his introduction as the new boss. Kevin could hear the words but could not comprehend the message she was trying to convey.
“Now, remember the girl that was with me earlier, she was just a new employee and is trying so hard to live and is already gossiping to me about the lives of her boss and fellow colleagues, “she said with glee and lightly clapped her hands, eyes fixated on the road just like her boyfriend. “She is going to be a cheeky little boss in the near future, and I would love it if she will be in the same department as me. She could be my new best friend, you know.”
Kevin, instead of having his usual responses, only breathe deeply and sighed as he was gripping hard on the steering wheel and keeping his composure to drive calmly and not cause any trouble for himself and the two of them. Gwen noticed his behavior and quickly decided that it was dry, and he sounded like he was not even interested in her. She turned to him sharply and slapped his right shoulder. Kevin was startled by her action, so he put his foot on the brakes and stopped in the middle of the road.
“Are you even listening to me?” She asked, pointing to herself, and looking at him with anger in her eyes. “I am talking, and your mind is somewhere else.”
“Sorry,” Kevin was the first one to apologize, raising a hand to her, trying to stop and mediate their sudden argument. “I am thinking about –”
“Your secretary?” Gwen butted in and did not even try to let him finish his sentence. She scoffed and licked her lips, looking sharply at him as if judging the humbled posture of the man. “Kevin, it has just been a day and you are going to already replace me with a woman that basic.”
“It is not about my secretary, she is not even in my mind right now,” he explained, quickly following up on his cut sentence earlier. “I am reflecting about –”
“What did you like about her, Kevin? Tell me so that I can even know whether I should get you replaced too,” she did not bother to listen to her boyfriend’s words and kept on believing in her own. Gwen does not have the slightest interest in what Kevin is saying at the moment and overwhelming him with her words.
Kevin’s patience is getting thinner, and he is breathing sharply in response to what his girlfriend has been babbling about. Gwen is still not over her self-made conclusion and is raising her voice to him.
Until the thread that was hanging on to Kevin cut, putting him in the same mood as his girlfriend.
“I have been thinking about what happened earlier at the press conference!” He finally screamed, overpowering the ranting of her girlfriend, turning her mute, and looking at him wide-eyed, scared, and starting to shake at his raised voice.
“Why can’t you even listen to a single word that I am saying?” Kevin’s desperation of wanting to be listened to is showing, his hands have been slamming the sides of the steering wheel, barely holding on so that he will not break down in front of the woman. “Do you even think that I have time for your silly talks and irrelevant topics that I have no interest in, to begin with?”
“Ah…” Gwen responded with a light voice, taken aback by what he said. She gulped a lump in her throat and tried to say a thing in response, but she could not help and resist and shed a tear. Kevin’s expression immediately softened and attempted to console her, apologizing immediately but it was a little too late for the both of them.
“Don’t touch me,” Gwen shortly commanded and the hand that tried to reach her stopped midway. Kevin was hurt by the expression in her eyes, for he loves her so much. The next thing that he knew was the door opened and his girlfriend stepped outside, in the cold.
“What are you doing?” Kevin asked him, trying to get her back inside. “You will get cold there. I have to keep you safe.”
“Don’t bother,” Gwen replied, sniffing, and wiping a tear away from her cheek. “You don’t have an interest in what I have been talking about, it means that you don’t even have an interest in me anymore.”
“That is not how it works! I –”
Gwen raised her hand and closed her eyes, looking away from him. “Just please, don’t speak. I…no we. We need to have some time for ourselves.”
Kevin was stunned at what she decided to do, not even saying another word. He was then left inside the car as she slammed the door behind him, leaving him alone inside the car and watching through his tinted windows Gwen walking away.
For some reason, the cold inside is even greater than the one outside, and he could feel it to the point that the hair on his skin is rising. His chin started to shake, already at his limit in holding back, but he found his hands resting on the steering wheel and decided to drive away until at least he could get home safely.
His home is in a condominium, where he lives on the third floor. Just when he walked inside the lobby of the first floor, he could already hear murmurs as he walked past a couple of people, probably already heard the behavior he displayed earlier at the conference.
Knowing the media and their movements, especially on public figures such as him, they could be already on the move and creating, and showing news about him, either to make his career get stronger or already on its last legs.
He only sighed and mustered the strength and create the thickness of his face just like before, getting into an elevator where he caught someone gawking at him.
Kevin could not help but had the urge to explain his actions back then to a stranger, trying to make them understand why he did what he did in the past. However, he held his breath instead, trying to put a strong and tough act in front of the person.
He simply did not have the energy anymore to even say another word to converse with a person, even more, to try to explain anything to them. They would not just listen when they had already chosen a side.
The elevator stopped and opened its doors on the said floor and several people inside stepped outside, including him. He mustered the courage to turn around and there was still the person, locking eyes with him. He felt strange, in a bad way. Like something will happen bad to him if he makes the slightest of mistakes.
Kevin then walked into the hallway which seemed to be a little longer than usual. It was then at the end of the hallway he found his room to the right and opened the door together with the lights. He dragged his feet across the room until he found the empty corner and sat on it, throwing his phone on the couch, leaving the notifications and messages alone.
The day is done. His ideal day of having a smile on the camera and having a positive impact on his employees is nothing but an idealistic moment in his mind when he was met by a revelation from a reporter that seemed to have run a thorough check on him.
Does he want to know where the information came from? Of course, he does. Kevin wanted to know so that he will find and try his best to even take down the information and have his name cleared for the sake of his company and his own reputation.
But he also knows that trying to hunt down the person who did the malicious deed means that he is desperate for such an act. He needs to calm himself and be composed tomorrow since he knows that a lot of people would be wanting to hear his side and the media’s eyes are on him.
Kevin unconsciously put two of his hands on either side of his ears, muffling every sound in his room. He is doing this as a mechanism to cope with the severe stress and anxiety that he feels. Every second that passes, he is hoping that the thoughts inside his head will suddenly go away, but they do not.
He closed his eyes even further and tried harder, now putting pressure on his ears, making the noise go away, but for the second time, it did not even do an inch to make his feeling lighter.
The scene earlier, and then with Gwen when they fought, accidentally screaming words that she might not have wanted to hear from him. His world is going to go down in one day, and he is just hoping he could do something with those.
Sadly, he cannot control what happens next.
“Am I… going to go that road again?” He suddenly let the thought go out of his mouth and Kevin felt a little hot from the heat from his body and a warm, single tear fell down his cheek. His eyes widened in surprise and wiped it with his hand, but another fell, and he tried his best to calm down, holding his breath, preventing himself from breaking down.
But the defensive walls that he put up had gone down and it forced him to shed more tears until he could hear himself sobbing and whimpering at the immense amount of pain that he felt for today. He might convince himself to look like a stoic, strong man that is always smiling but deep inside, he is a child, trying to reach out for whoever will take his hand and keep them by his side.
But no one is there for him, leaving him all alone and vulnerable.
“Shit. Shit.”
While crying, his phone suddenly rang, but Kevin chose not to answer the call. Not like this, not like he will have to have someone to hear him crying and breaking down from the conference earlier.
The ringing lasted for a solid thirty seconds until it stopped. Just when Kevin had a grip on himself and with one deep breath, he barely composed himself and tried to reach for his device but stopped himself.
Maybe it could wait until tomorrow, he thought to himself and backed himself further to the walls at the corner of his room. Kevin also folded his legs and hugged himself tightly, closing his eyes, trying not to feel or think of anything tonight.