Read with BonusRead with Bonus


It was at exactly 12:05 p.m. that the car pulled on the parking lot of Real Bridge Hotel. It os the best in Arizona, a five star hotel and through out the drive here, Michelle has been nothing but awed.

Harold Thompson swiveled his head to face her, she looked beautiful, her bright eyes illuminating in the white lights from the car. He felt something switch between his pants, but he ignored it.

Harold's wolf was literally going bonkers, but he knew he couldn't just dive in yet. He doesn't want to be involve with a lady, but Michelle seems so fragile before him, more like he needs to protect her.

"Do you like what you see?" he asks his voice as tough as a feather.

Michelle was dumbfounded for a whole minute, she found the words hard to come out of her throat, but she is an Angel, she has to put on the attire of one that isn't bothered, and has seen more of this kind of places.

"Just a normal building, it's not like a normal hotel..." Michelle couldn't finish what she was saying because the young man cut in.

"It's a five star hotel. The reception is top notch, and before you say anything that will disgrace you further, let's go inside," he muttered out.

Michelle's mind was mashed up, she barely breath, the man before him could literally see through her.

Harold walked out of the car after turning the engine off, he walked around the car and quickly opened the door for her. He blocked the way, stopping her from coming forth.

Michelle used that as a point to ask that question that had been throbbing through her mind.

"I thought we were going to your house?" she inquired biting her lower gently.

It was no doubt that she is nervous, her baby brown eyes is enough to capture her attention, not always the typical type, but then her eyes fixated on the man's face while she wondered why they ended up in a hotel rather than at his family house.

"It's late and I can't take you there. We better grab some sleep now, it's been a hectic day travelling to this end of the country," he says gently.

Even at that, Harold hesitated to leave Michelle's side, he was pulled to her, but he couldn't explain why, or how. Her lips biting got into his head so much that he wanted to break out his rule of not pushing forth on a lady unannounced.

"Sure, I'm tired," she replied.

That wasn't a lie, and Harold noticed that she barely ate anything through out their flight. Only a donut and bubble tea.

She had literally consumed a lot of that, he wondered if that was her favorite drink.

He finally forced himself out of her way, and holding out his hand, he felt a shock travel through him as she placed her hand over his.

'Damn!' the words roared through his head, but with every will power in him, he suppressed that anger from eloping even a but.

Real Bridge Hotel is located right at the center of the town, but it is far from Mont Pearl's Pack house, that is where Harold is heading to, where his family lives.

A gigantic building of over twenty floors stood solid on the ground, the young lady's eyes plastered on the ground, not for once shifting his attention to Harold's side. His presence is one that she was constantly aware of, it got her a little mad, but she could not flip it put of her mind. She just fought her patience and tried as much as to remain positive.

Once the reached the receptionist table, Harold introduced himself, a dark-haired lady welcomed them.

"Mr. Harold Thompson," he said in a bored tone.

Michelle watched with delight as the little figure behind the desk started panicking, her face lit up as she got so nervous in front of him.

She knew she was under the influence of the big man in front of her, but there was another reason she didn't know, it was hard to tell since she is human.

"Your keys, Sir, the room is warm and cozy already, I didn't know you would show up tonight since it is already late," she stammered.

"That's okay, a warm meal will be welcome. If I need anything, I will let you know," Harold let out.

The reception curtseyed and with a swift hand, Harold's large palms held around his waist and pulled Michelle's fragile body towards him. The lady's yelped from the shock, but she recovered as easily as she had lost her balance.

"Let's get you to the room now, you look exhausted, darling," he murmured in her ears, his warm breath making startling her.

The young lady was dumbfounded, she literally lost her tongue, Michelle couldn't tell if the act was for the staff before them, or Harold was game to creep through his body.

Opening her mouth to speak, she discovered that she couldn't make a single sound. With the words failing her, she nodded, then, gathering as much courage as she can, she nodded violently.

"Yes... yes... Ha... honey," she stuttered.

The gleam in Harold's eyes is a clear prove that none of this was an accident, he had his plan in place and was just acting according to it.

"This way, cupcake," he let out leading the way towards the elevator.

Michelle Donnelly knew this wasn't going go be an easy ride, hell no! just the fact that she is being so close to Harold makes her want to go mad, she doesn't know about what else might go wrong, but she know things wouldn't be right for as long as she shares a week with a man like him.

Harold leads the way to the elevator, and once they are inside, his dark forest eyes loom over her body.

"What was that you put out there for the secretary? it wasn't necessary," she shot out.

"Well, to me it was, so get used to it," he let out.

Without waiting for her to talk, he grabs her and pins her to the end of the elevator car. Michelle gasps in shock.

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