A new taste of Coffee!
A new taste of Coffee!
“No my dear I’m ok just stay here with me,” Mr Madison said grabbing a hold of his daughter’s hand Keegan couldn't do anything but smile at her dad and complied with what he wanted. She wished she could get more moments like this with him.
The next morning Keegan was woken up by the sound of her phone ringing Keegan rasped carefully not to wake her father.
“Hello?” Keegan greeted getting up from the seat she had fallen asleep on which was the closet to her dad’s bed
“Hello, Keegan! You’re late where are you?” Alia was Keegan's colleague from work you could say they were best friends cause they were close. Alia was a redhead brunette five sixth height and ocean blue eyes. “ did you forget you offered to take the extra hours to fill in for Mrs Olivia who went on maternity leave.” Alia explained
“Oh my God yea I remember, I’m on my way please stall for me for a few minutes ok I’ll be there soon”
Keegan had completely forgotten about her job and the extra hours she had taken to earn more money for her dad’s surgery. She quickly grabbed her stuff carefully in order not to wake her sleeping father she then planted a kiss on his forehead and left without even saying goodbye.
Keegan was already too late for work but she showed up anyway so they’ll just have to cut it from her pay.
“You know you should be lucky you just get a cut in your paycheck than get scolded and not get paid in full” Alia said putting some plates away and cleaning the counter.
“Lucky you say? The only reason I’m working this hard is for my father’s treatment and nothing else so I’ll prefer to get scolded and get my full pay” “ these are critical times for me Alia.”
“ I know I know I’m sorry I was just teasing you a bit” Alia apologizes just. when Keegan thought the day was getting worse with the number of customers that came in and went out of the restaurant then Cruise came in accompanied by a guy Keegan assumed was his friend. Oh great could this get any better? Keegan mumbled to herself.
“Hey, Alia could you cover for me a little I need to go to the bathroom” Keegan lied to her friend she needed an excuse to leave the counter cause she didn't want to be seen by Cruise.
“ oh okay just be quick alright” Alia agreed but it was already too late Cruise had spotted Keegan from the door and besides that Keegan was his mate he didn’t need to see her to know she was somewhere nearby, he could feel her.
“Keegan!” Cruise moved up to the two ladies with his friend following close by
“Cruise, how nice to see you” Keegan faked a smile
“Hou work here?” Cruise’s first question sets Keegan aback a little
“Mmm yes, yes I do “
“Great, I wouldn’t trust anyone else to make my coffee other than you” Keegan stared at him like he was trying to mock her or rather playing a try on her.
“Oh, by the way, this is my friend, Lucas “ Cruise introduced Lucas his beta to his mate who is the supposed luna of the Dark cross moon pack, but he couldn't tell her that just yet it might cream her out. Lucas on the other hand gave Cruise a glare as to why is he introducing him to his luna as a friend. He better have a good explanation for this, Lucas thought.
“A pleasure to meet you” Keegan forced a smile that everyone could tell was fake
“The pleasure is all mine” Lucas offered a genuine smile. On the other hand, Alia stood there completely frozen as to how her friend knew Cruise White, personally! I mean what the hell.
“So what will the both of you have?” Keegan asked trying to shift their attention from her to something else.
“Oh um, we'll just have coffee to go” Cruise knew that Keegan wasn't enjoying any of this and wanted to keep the act going a bit longer.
“How do you like your coffee then?”
“Black” Cruise stated not taking his eyes off Keegan’s. This was awkward.
“What time does your shift ends?” Cruise questioned watching her moves sceptically
“At four why?” Keegan wasn’t sure where he was heading with his question
“ how about that date I told you about?” Cruise confessed causing Alia’s mouth to drop open and Keegan perplexed.
“What date?” Keegan was trying to act like she didn’t know what he was talking about
“You don’t remember? Asked if you could go on a date with me after I offered-” Cruise didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence cause Keegan had cut him off before he reveals what had happened between the both of them yesterday. Cruise knew exactly what he was doing, he knew Keegan wouldn’t want anyone to find out about their little disagreement at the hospital.
“Oh, that date, um” Keegan wanted to think about her options but Cruise didn’t give that luxury
“I’ll pick you up at six-thirty” Cruise finalized bearing his pearly white teethes. Damn, he was perfect, Keegan mentally scolded herself for saying that.
“ Okay,” Keegan said knowing she couldn’t protest.
“You both can have a seat and your coffee will be ready in five minutes”
“ Thank you,” Lucas said while Cruise only puts on a mischievous smile and they both turned around and took their seats by the window
“ you didn’t tell me you were friends with Cruise Tyson freaking White!” Alia whispered yelling at Keegan
“Look it’s a long story and I only met him last night” Keegan sighed in frustration
“Just last night? And he’s already asking you to go out with him? Are you kidding me, Keegan?” Alia was freaking out
“Calm down, trust me I’m surprised as you are, I mean. Why will a guy like him be interested in me?” Keegan thought out loud
“Wasn’t he dating this international supermodel eh what’s her name again? Chloe Roberts?” Alia examined other thoughts out in the open
“ yeah, yeah I remember I’ve seen them together before in a magazine,” Keegan agreed almost doubting her own words. These ladies were clueless to the fact that Those men weren’t normal humans and could get everything they were saying a mile away. what a twist.
“Would you ladies stop chitchatting and focus on your orders,” the manager said sneaking up behind them, he was probably eavesdropping on their conversation
“ yes sir” “ sorry sir,” Keegan and Alia said in unison.
“ Good! Now get back to work” with that said their manager turned around and went on with his business. Keegan managed to steal a glance at the table where Cruise and Lucas were sitting and caught them as if they had just heard everything that just happened or maybe one of them just made a joke. They don’t look the types though.
“Here you go, black coffee as you ordered”
“ kinda took a while but thank you” Cruise teased
“ you’re welcome, do the employees here accept tips?” Cruise was bent on getting Peyton Keegan’s nerves, he said looking straight at her with a smirk plastered on his perfectly shaped face.
“No, they don't “ Keegan reading the books right understood where he was headed with that question so she lied through her teeth.
“Oh well that’s sad, I was going to offer you a huge one” Cruise knew she was lying but decided to play along. Who was Keegan kidding? She needed that tip she needed the money but why did she lie? Why did she just do that?
“ Anyway thanks for the coffee again, I’ll see you at six” Cruise said winking at Keegan and walking out with Lucas following closely behind.
Cruise’s POV
Lucas and I took our seats by the window where it was easier to keep an eye or two on Keegan, last night she didn’t just make me feel like I had no control over her even though I was her mate but she disrespected me as an Alpha she wasn’t just going to get away with that.
“ Now I see why you asked us to get coffee here instead of your regular Starbucks coffee,” Lucas said giving his best friend the look. I turned my head back to the table not realizing I had been staring at Keegan the entire time. There was just something special about her I couldn’t resist looking at her. Or maybe it’s just the mate thing.., I thought to myself.
“Oh um,” I chuckled “ yeah I mean look at her I only met her last night but I can't go a minute without looking at her,” I said turning my gaze back at Keegan.
“ I Do agree with you Alpha she is pretty” Lucas complimented but heard Adam growl in my head he didn’t like other males noticing mates' beauty even if it was our beta.
“ Careful” I warned earning a chuckle from Lucas with both arms raised in the air which meant I surrender
“Ok ok Relax”
“ but what are they even talking about?” I thought out loud I needed to know if they were talking about a guy or even me.
“Don’t do it Cruise, give them their privacy” Lucas interceded which was pointless cause Cruise will still do as he pleases
“ fuck it,” Cruise said sharpening his hearing abilities towards the direction of the girls
“You didn’t tell me you were friends with Cruise Tyson freaking White!” Alia whispered yelling at Keegan
“Look it’s a long story and I only met him last night” Keegan sighed in frustration
“Just last night? And he’s already asking you to go out with him? Are you kidding me, Keegan?” Alia was freaking out
“ Calm down, trust me I’m surprised as you are, I mean. Why will a guy like him be interested in me?” Keegan thought out loud, it hurt me to know my mate didn’t think she was pretty enough or worthy enough to get my attention. Adam whimpered a little, Don't worry about it, buddy we’ll make her feel special once we get the chance to. I said trying to calm Adam down.
“Wasn’t he dating this international supermodel eh what’s her name again? Chloe Roberts?” Alia examined her thoughts out in the open
“Yeah, yeah I remember I’ve seen them together before in a magazine,” Keegan agreed almost doubting her own words. These ladies were clueless to the fact that I could get everything they were saying a mile away. what a twist. Don’t worry about it baby Chloe is long gone.
“Would you ladies stop chitchatting and focus on your orders,” the manager said sneaking up behind them, he was probably eavesdropping on their conversation
“Yes sir” “ sorry sir,” Keegan and Alia said in unison.
“Good! Now get back to work” with that said their manager turned around and went on with his business. I chuckled a little seeing their faces when their boss scolded them.