Read with BonusRead with Bonus

A helping hand

On the way back to Blue-moon Pack we were attacked by a group of rogues.

Damn! How dare they pick on a team led by an Alpha?

With the determination to make them all go to hell, I turned into a wolf and killed these rogues without a care in the world. Their flesh and blood were torn apart by me. Their bodies turned into scraps. Their blood flew into the sky.A feast of death.

We soon finished off all these rogues, and the fated disappearance of my enemies gave me comfort.

However, I didn't expect the slave to have the courage to run away. She was really brave. What the hell was she thinking? Did she want to go back to continue being a dirty slave? This was beyond my comprehension.

"Don't try to challenge me by running away. My patience with you is limited."

I warned her after tearing apart the slave who presumed to attack my woman in front of my eyes while she cowered in the corner of the cage shivering with fear.

I led the procession as it continued in the direction of my pack. As the sky grew darker and some figures gradually appeared ahead, I understood that I had arrived at the Blue-moon Pack, the pack that belonged to me.

"Gillian, welcome home."

A middle-aged woman stood at the front of the crowd welcoming me as she walked toward me.

"Winnie, this is Jane, my maid. She's so dirty, you should take her to a bath."

I frowned in disgust as I looked at Jane and said, Winnie looked at me in surprise, "This lady is your new maid?"

"Of course," I said calmly.

This slave was weak and strange, and she tried to escape back after being treated so cruelly by Gray pack. To prevent her from escaping, I had to make her my maid and keep a strict eye on her!

"Oh, that's wonderful. I've been hoping for a suitable person to help me take care of you." Winnie curtsied toward me with a kind smile on her face, "I'll go ahead and clean her up."

Then she took Jane and left.

I breathed a sigh of relief, glad to have the scruffy woman out of my sight.

My nose was filled with the strange smell of her body, and I hoped she would become cleaner after her bath, or at least not affect my mood.

I sat down on the couch and stretched out before turning on the TV. The news of the day was playing on the TV, making me slowly forget about these troublesome things that were bothering me.

The comfort will make the time pass quickly.

"Madam. Does this dress fit me?"

"Of course, Jane! This dress is perfect for you! It looks perfect! I'm sure you'll make a fine personal maid."

The women's voices came from behind me, and I subconsciously turned my head to look at them. The moment I saw the cleaned Jane, my calm heart suddenly had a violent fluctuation.

This beauty in front of me, was she the dirty slave?

Her appearance looked like she had been blessed by the moon, her smooth red hair shining softly down her back, her dark golden eyes shining like stars in the night. After washing her skin with a milky white hue, the maid's outfit could not cover her curvy figure.

Her beautiful appearance and hot body don't remind me of the slave I just saw!

Gillian! She was our MATE! I felt the attraction of her! She is ours!

Armand was roaring inside me, and he was affecting me like crazy.

My body burned like it was on fire, my mouth was dry, and an uncontrollable desire climbed up my spine.

I wanted to pound her to the ground! Tear her clothes to shreds! Mate with her! I wanted to fuck her!

Damn it! My body betrayed my thoughts and reacted to her physically!

No! Jane is not worthy to be my woman! She's too weak. She would have an inferiority complex. She is not strong enough to be Luna, even if she is beautiful, she is just a weak slave, and I hate weak and incompetent people.

I can't be controlled by my desires! I can't accept her as my mate! She would lead my pack to hell!

I forcefully suppressed my desire for Jane' body and ordered my Beta loudly. "Take her away! I don't want to see her right now!"

Jane's POV

What the hell was this man thinking?!

He brought me back to this pack from Gray Pack after inexplicably humiliating me, and wants to make me his maid. But he hates me so much, why did he have to bring me back? And I was given the job of being close to him as a maid. If he hates me, he should stay away from me! I have to take revenge! How can I be his maid?

The man I had fallen for at first sight had plunged me into a swamp of confusion.

"Are you hungry, Jane? Come and eat something first."

A warm female voice came and I looked up as Mrs. Winnie's face entered my eyes. She had her silvery gray hair tied neatly behind her head, and her dark brown eyes held a warm glow. There was not a crease in her housekeeping dress and the curved contours of her face made her look gentle.

She brought me some snacks and tea on a dinner plate. The hot air inside the tea wafted up and made me feel a warmth I hadn't felt in a long time.

"Many thanks. Madam." I said very sincerely, then picked up the snacks and swallowed them.

It was so delicious.

I hadn't had such a good dinner in a long time. When I stayed at Grey Pack, the food was either leftover cold food or food made from inferior ingredients that the dogs wouldn't eat. Sometimes they bring me food that has expired and gone bad.

The smell of fresh food echoed in my mouth.

Because I ate too quickly, I accidentally choked on my throat. The food stuck in my throat almost made me choke.

"Oh! Poor girl! You should not eat too fast, eat slowly, we have plenty of food."

Mrs. Winnie patted me on the back to help me. She didn't mind my sloppiness at all, and she made me swallow my food with a sip of water.

I felt as warm as if she were my mother.

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