Chapter 4
The squealing of my mother as she run out the door towards my mate brought me out of my thoughts but before I could interfere, she was already on Chaos and hugging the life out of her. I watched with a grimace as she squeezed her tightly as if to drain her life essence out of her and all I could do was standby whiles sending her an apologetic gaze as she turned to look at me.
My mother being my mother went right ahead and talked her ears off whiles the rest of us watched on in amusement because my mate seemed to be caught up in her web but then I knew my mother had crossed some sort of line when she mentioned my mate's father and the small smile on my mate's face vanished only for it to be replace with her everyday annoying cold mask.
Her next words sent chills to my heart and seem to snap my mum out of her obliviousness and notify her that she had crossed some sort of line but before she could apologize, my mate had already left and I couldn’t help but follow her. I followed her scent which led me to my room surprisingly. But I wasn’t ready for the sight I was met with when I entered my room. It literally broke my heart. I could feel the unbridled pain, sorrow and longing rolling off of her in massive waves.
Chaos sat on my bed weeping so hard that it had Kaeden howling in sorrow. It broke my heart that such a strong person could break down like this. She didn't need me asking questions so I didn't. I sat beside her and wrapped my arms around her. I knew that was what she needed when she buried her face into my chest. I held her for how long she needed and before I realized, she was fast asleep.
Dropping a soft kiss on her forehead, I lifted her into my arms and walked round the bed before depositing her on one side of the bed.
I made a quick work of taking off her shoes and in as much as I would have loved to undress her and see her naked, I knew she was in a vulnerable state and didn't want to worsen it by taking advantage of it.
She would never trust me enough to let her guard down around me again and I didn’t want that. I was tucking her into bed when a knock sounded on my door.
Already sensing who was behind it, I called out for the person to enter. My mother walked in with a sad, guilty look on her face.
"Is she alright? I didn't mean to hurt her. Am sorry"
Smiling softly, I walked towards her and after giving her a comforting hug I said, “I know mum. You didn't know and I know Chaos knows that too. She's resting and am going to stay with her and then if it not too late by the time she wakes up, we will come down and see you so she can assure you herself"
"Yes mum... I promise"
With a nod and one last glance at Chaos, she quickly walked out the door. I followed behind and locked the door before stripping down to my boxers. I dropped my clothes inside the laundry basket before getting into bed beside her.
But after lying beside her for a couple of minutes and not being able to rest, I gently pulled her into my arms. Swiftly inhaling her scent causing my tensed muscles to unwind and before long, I was drifting off to sleep.
Chaos’s p.o.v
I am awakened by the sun blaring rudely in my face. Which fucker left the damn window open? I would really like to know and give that person a delightful piece of my mind. It’s not like I hated the sun but it's in my face rudely and I am not a morning person. I try to move only to realize I am being held tight to a chest. I mean a very yummy muscular chest by a muscular arm.
I look up only to be met with the adorable sleeping face of my mate. Ugh... sleep really does stuff to people. He looks so angelic but you and I both know he is nothing like that.
I throw my head back on my pillow as the events of last night rushed back to me. I felt bad for walking out on Alpha River's mum and pack but I couldn't help it. My father is a touchy subject and I didn't like the idea of someone talking about him as if they really knew what he was or where he was.
It is a guarded secret that his children, mate and a few select people and council elders of my birth pack will take to their graves. He may be dead to the world but he wasn't dead to me and our family and I won't take it from anyone who thinks otherwise. I was clearing my mind when I heard people moving to what I guessed as the training grounds at this time of the morning.
Gently grabbing my pillow, I swiftly moved from under Alpha River's arm before replacing my body with the pillow. With a soft kiss on his forehead, I rushed to the washroom where I quickly brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a loose bun before going to take a leak and that is when I realized I was still in yesterday's clothing.
Quickly shrugging out of them, I dropped them in the laundry basket before looking round for my suitcases. I found them alright but they were empty. I opened the second door after the washroom door only to find out it led to a rather extravagant walk-in closet.
I walked further into it and was amazed to find my clothes arranged just how I liked it. Color coordinated. Though there not that many colors to put them in. my clothes come in specific colors such as black, white, grey, ash, maroon and dark red. I hate bright stuff.
I quickly searched for my black training gear and as soon as I found them, I tugged them on before pulling on my favorite combat boots to finish my look. After checking my outfit and liking what I saw. My tattoos out for display and making me look sinfully sexy and intimidating, I tiptoed out of the room so as to not disturb Alpha River.
I closed the door and turned only to be met with the creepy beta seizing me up and down like a piece of meat. Having had enough, I drew a fist and socked him heavily in the jaw and smiled when I heard the satisfying crack of his jaw breaking.
Taking a step closer to him, I lift his head up so he could meet my eyes and said;
"I may be a woman but I would not let you disrespect me... look at me like that again and I will make sure you never see anything else for the rest of your life again. Are we clear?"
"Crystal. I'm sorry Luna" The beta replied with his eyes cast down in shame.
"You better be. Where were you going?" "To wake Alpha up. It’s time for training."
"Yes, I know but he's sleeping. Let him. I will be supervising the training today"
I may have surprised the beta because his head snapped back up to look at me and it was amusing. The way his eyes widened with shock. So much that he stammered out;
"Re... really??"
"Yes Matthews. Now let’s go. Lead the way"