Chapter 4
Valerie Taylor couldn't believe her eyes, that she standing in front of Kayden. Her heart pounded against her chest so much that she couldn't breathe.
She quickly thought about the time when he didn't want her when she chased after him and what did he get in return? nothing at all.
"What is the matter?" she asked her voice shaky.
It had dawned on her who this young man was now, but she felt it right to deal with him a little, just to let him know that she can as well mess around with him.
Kayden held his breath for a second, if he was going to say something tangible to break the ice between him and the lady, then, it rather is something tangible because she isn't happy with him.
It was still raining, they were in it, and when he blinked to maintain his gaze on the lady's face, he noticed that she had Pearls of raindrops touching her face. It was funny how he hadn't known it was her all this while.
"I am Kayden, the guy from high school whom you defended," he said trying to make the situation a little more awkward than it looked.
He failed woefully because the young lady kept her blank gaze on his face. It wasn't helping at all.
Seconds ticked and she decided to talk.
"Maybe you just be mistaken me for someone else," he scolded out.
She hadn't figured it out until now who this kayden of a guy was, but now that he does, it became a very sharp pain to her. He realized those big blue eyes were like the sea, it was the brightest he had ever seen. And all that body fat was gone, she wrecked her mind how she would have noticed this man if he looked ten times younger than he is now, and had curly hair instead of strained black hair.
They didn't say anything else, and from afar, she held a ladylike voice, calling out to him.
"Kayden? Are you alright?" the lady called out repeatedly.
Blinking severally and trying to focus on the present, he swirled his head around and was surprised to see her calling out his name as he stood at the porch of the hospital beckoning to him.
His first impulse was to rush to her side, but then, he remained her and swirled his head around to talk to her, which wasn't going to help her. A bolt of thunder stroke and he watched how she shrieked in her position.
Without another word, he left the lady's side carrying her file in his hand.
Taking the stairs two at a time, he managed to get to the top level and Brenda, as if sensing something awkward, threw her hands over his neck and kissed him.
He didn't know why kissing Brenda was so awkward, he felt her pushing herself closer to him, that must be very awkward, the manner in which he let it roll off that way was so demeaning, and thus, he provided a show for Valerie Taylor to watch.
"Good morning, darling," she said finally breaking off the kiss.
"What was that for?" she asked his eyes widening, and he looked as shocked as the lady was.
In any other circumstance, this would have been some pleasurable shit, he would even have clapped for her, but, knowing deep in him that he had a readymade audience, he didn't want to appear so rude.
Brenda chuckled, blushed, and muttered faintly.
"Yuck! Kayden, you can't be this wet, you better get dry if not, you might catch a cold," she uttered cheekily as she went about in a way that he could only stare at her with ultimate shock.
Taking a deep breath, he looked behind him hoping to see Valerie there, but he was so shocked that she was gone. He felt disappointed at first, but he knew that it was for the best.
If there was anything Valerie was so afraid of, then it was thus battle she has started with herself, she had openly lied to him that she wasn't the lady he thought he was, but then, things wouldn't be the same now, she was nothing but a pathetic liar whom life has taken a hard turn over her.
She walked into the hallway where she stood holding herself, shivering from too much cold. She had witnessed the kiss between him and that strange lady, she wondered if they were dating.
'They must be dating," she said to himself.
She was in the workspace she was supposed to share with other interns, they were about six to nine of them in the hall, but she didn't care to know who was whom because they were all other internships, they had their purpose and so did she.
Signing lightly, she wrecked her brain a little weirdly, making it snap up in an inactive way when she heard her name being called over a released speaker.
"Ms. Valerie Taylor, report to his office,"
That was it, she looked around in embarrassment, hoping that no one had heard it, but damn, everyone did, but no one seemed to have her time. It seemed like it was just her thing, she couldn't control how she felt as she walked out of the room and crossed the hallway leading into his office.
She knocked once as her own had told her to do and when she entered, she gasped.
He had a towel over his black hair, he had worn warmer clothes, so she guessed she had warmer clothes to change into. He was clad in black trousers and a white shirt who he tucked it into his trouser. If there was an identification for beauty, then it should be this man because he was so hot that he had to sniffle a little to act sober.
"I didn't grant you permission to enter, what if I was naked?" kayden shot staring intently at her smoothened face.
It was all his plan, of course, to block her at a corner and let her answer his questions. Since he had walked into his office that morning, he had checked the lady out, and nothing good was told about her nor herself, but her details matched the lady who had been his hero for ages during high school.
"You didn't grant me permission, but you made an announcement for me to come here, what was that supposed to be?" she shot out her voice dry and interrogative.
As a law student, Valerie was learning medicine as a junior cause, she was aiming to be a nurse to help others, and although the two degrees will mean that she has to focus on one, she wished that the one in which made her the most valued, is what she might end up with.
He didn't smile, not even a trace of guilt was on his face as he picked up a clean towel from a pile where it stood in a warm basin and walked over to the lady, handing it to her.
"Get yourself dry, and don't you have any warm spare clothes you could change into? that would be nice," he said advising her.
Valerie was in shock that the rude doctor was been nice to her, she would have opened up to him right now if she wasn't like the role she was impersonating now.
"Oh wow! Do you care? that should be a bonus on the fact that you save lives, huh?" she shut teasingly.
He still didn't take that as disrespect, but his eyes net her cold ones, and the young lady knew that that gaze of his could freeze the Thames river if he had it as a focus. Well, not her, because she had in mind to deal with him for acting so rude to people.
"I don't owe you an explanation, miss," he said gently.
He was going to get the truth from Valerie Taylor and if it was this kind of game he wanted to act, he was more than ready to face this will, and bridge it as well.
Valerie wasn't going to stand there and take all these insults from the young man, she was so damn angry, and she said it might be cocky not believing in herself, despite what is going on, she had her own pride, and she can go as far as being stubborn if that is what it takes him to be someone the man would never forget.