Chapter 2

Since he was just thirteen years old, Trent has cared for me as if he were my parent as well as an older brother. My filthy rich parents were constantly travelling to places all around the world- leaving me and my brother at home.

It wasn’t even like they had to go away for work; my parents had never worked a single day of their lives. My grandfather’s the one to thank for that. He invented something and got heaps of money for it; you ever heard of the IPod? Yeah, well my grandfather is the genius behind it and my parents inherited all that money.

When my parents first got married, Trent was born. Usually, a baby’s meant to bring joy and happiness to its family. With my parents, it had completely the opposite effect. They resented him and a year later, when I was born, they were provided with the opportunity to resent me too. Unfortunately, they took that opportunity.

Mom and dad had obviously decided that we were both responsible and independent enough to be left alone. I knew this because, one day, they simply disappeared. Now they would send some money every couple of months. At least it showed that they cared to a certain extent…

All my life it’s just been Trent and I. I guess that’s why he’s so protective of me all the time. I understand why he acts like that but sometimes he’s overly protective. It does get annoying; I have to admit. He only wants the best for me though so I know his heart’s in the right place.

Trent also has a serious trust issue- probably due to our parents just up and leaving. The only people he actually trusts are Grant and I. If he found out we were both lying to him, let’s just say all hell would break loose. Because of this, we both decided that our relationship should be kept on the down low. It was for the best until we wanted to tell him.

Our ride to school was 40 minutes long. Even though our parents won’t even drop in to see we’re okay every now and then, they still insisted that we had to attend private school. Thanks to them, from 7:00am to 2:00pm, I had to deal with spoilt, slutty bitches hitting on my brother and my undercover boyfriend. Granted, they don’t know he’s taken but he’s still mine.

I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on my brother and Grant’s conversation but hey, I’m Trent’s little sister. It’s basically my job.

"Are you going to Stacy's party tonight?" Trent asked Grant. No, we have plans together. I answered mentally.

"Nah, I can't." Good boy.

"Why?" Both Trent and I looked at Grant waiting to hear his excuse. This was going to be interesting; Grant was an even worse liar than I was.

"I have to babysit" I bit my lips to stop myself from laughing. One: he doesn't own a cat because I'm pretty sure he's allergic. And two: that was a pretty lame excuse anyway. Who babysat cats? Honestly…

"Aren't you allergic to cats?" Trent asked raising his eyebrows. Yup, I knew he couldn’t be within a mile of a cat without sneezing like crazy.

"I’m only allergic to the furry ones. My mom got me one of those hairless cats." Grant answered. Yeah, that made it sound so much more believable…

"So you’re going to miss one of the best parties of the year for a naked cat? Dude, seriously?" Trent’s eyebrows were still raised. Grant just nodded in confirmation. "Babysitting your cat won’t sound so appealing after you find out who’s going to the party anyway."

"Why? Who’s going?" Grant asked with obvious indifference.

"Amber. You know her? I heard she has a crush on you. Apparently she was hoping you would give her a good time tonight." Trent smirked. Grant stayed silent and I couldn’t help letting out a loud sigh.

Trent turned to me. "What's wrong Rose?"

"Nothing’s wrong- not really. It’s just that I can't remember whether I left the stove on or not." It's something I say when I didn't want to talk about my feelings. It was my usual excuse when I didn’t want to talk about my feelings; I was a bad liar. I only had fruit this morning.

"Well that's weird since you didn't use the stove today." He frowned. Yeah, I know.

I just laughed awkwardly and looked away. We sat in uncomfortable silence for the next half an hour. Trent parked his car at the school's parking lot and got out- Grant following him out. Well here goes nothing…

I stood at my locker collecting my books for the next class. I turned to find Ryan leaning on the locker beside me.

"Hey girl" He greeted with a smile.

"Hey back Ryan" I gave him a quick hug. Ryan has been my best friend since, I don't know, forever? When I said that nobody knew what Grant was really like, Ryan didn’t count. He was the only one I told about us being together; it’s physically impossible for me to keep anything from him.

I think Ryan is cute in his own way. It’s too bad his reputation as a loser ruins it all since he’s hanging out with me. He has the cutest jet-black hair which he painstakingly styles in spikes every single day. He also has big grey eyes which I personally find absolutely gorgeous. They kind of remind me of cat’s eyes.

And yes, he’s flamboyantly gay.

"Look at them." He nodded his head towards the 'popular' crowd before shaking his head. I looked over to find my brother and Grant surrounded by sluts and jocks. Why people want to be popular, I do not know. It seems pretty terrible from where I’m standing.

“I know.”

"I can't believe you’re hitting on that." He commented giving another subtle nod towards Grant. To say Ryan was shocked when I told him about us would be an understatement.

"I'm not hitting anything; you know I'm still a virgin." I responded with an eye roll.

"Whatever. When you're done with him, would you just pass him on to me? Thanks." He winked.

"What happened to not dating each other's exes?" I asked with my eyebrows raised- faking offence and shock.

Ryan laughed before his gaze focused on something behind me. “Girl, someone is looking at you.” A slow grin spread across his face. Turning my head, my eye’s locked with Grant’s. As soon as the connection was made, everything fell away. All that was left was us.

Turning to my brother, he whispered something. When Trent nodded, he started to make his way over in our direction.

I slammed my locker shut. "Where is he – He’s coming over here! What the hell!" I started to panic. People were going to realise! Trent was going to know!

"Girl calm down, it's just Grant." Ryan shook my shoulders. He’s right though; it’s just Grant.

"Can I walk you to class?" Grant asked as soon as he reached us. Ryan was left completely unacknowledged. Not that I cared; I was too busy getting lost in his eyes. I was full of clichés today. Jeez!

Okay, it was probably a good time to answer him. "Yes, I would like that." I nodded with a smile.

The bell rang signalling first class. And that was my cue to go. I set off towards my English class dragging Grant along with me.

"Rose, you forgot something!" Ryan’s voice sounded from behind me. "Me! You forgot me!" He shouted down the corridor. I just chuckled to myself; he’d get over it soon enough. If I had the opportunity to have some alone time with my boyfriend, I was going to take it.

When we reached my English room, I realised Grant had a goofy grin plastered all over his face. It quickly turned into a smirk as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a nearby janitor’s closet.

"What are you…?” I cut my own question off with a moan when he began to kiss my neck. He kicked the door closed- pushing me against the wall. "Grant we’re going to be late to class." I complained trying to push him away.

He stopped kissing my neck and raised his eyebrows. "Does it look like I care?"

"You may not care about school but-" The next thing I knew, his mouth met mine. As usual he filled up my mind until there was nothing else. I felt kind of drugged with pleasure, with closeness, with happiness. It was amazing how he was mine- how I could kiss him whenever I liked. Well, I could kiss him when nobody was around. I guess that kind of cuts our ‘together’ time down a lot.

We started making out again; soon enough I had to pull away to catch my breath. Instead of stopping, Grant decided to give my neck some more attention. If that wasn’t enough, his hands trailed under my shirt sending shivers all over my body.

Concentrate Rose! You’re so late. “Grant, stop it. We really need to get to class” He just moved his mouth to the sensitive spot bellow my ear and made me moan again.

He chuckled. “I don’t think you want me to stop” His voice dropping to a seductive whisper.

“I don’t.” I admitted and drew his face back up to mine.

Who cares about class, right?

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