Chapter 3


By the time Rose and I had decided we should probably get to class, we were really late. Rose threw a coy smile over her shoulder before disappearing into her English lesson. And then there was one. I sighed; pre-calculus seemed even less appealing after having some alone time with my girlfriend.

Really though, whoever decided that three minutes was long enough to get to class was an idiot. I was insanely late. What was I even supposed to say to my teacher without a slip? Sorry Mrs Morgan. I got caught up making out with my amazingly hot girlfriend in the janitor’s closet? Yeah, that’ll work.

I peered through the glass pane in the door. Great; my teacher’s back was to the class. I slipped in quietly and sat at my desk. Pulling a pen out of my bag, I began writing down the board notes as if nothing I was here all along.

Did I really just get away with that? Nobody managed to slip past Mrs Morgan. I couldn’t help being smug; anyone else would do the same thing.

“Grant?” Oh crap. Mrs Morgan’s gaze lifted from her deskwork to my face.

"That’s me." I replied looking up. Well done Grant; you just had to go and jinx it.

"You're late." Smart, isn't she? And the obvious prize goes to…

"Sorry about that" I apologized.

"I appreciate the apology but why are you late?"

"I tripped on the stairs." I lied smoothly. "My papers flew everywhere. It took forever for me to get them all together again." Lying to teachers was easy; Trent was a whole other story.

"Be careful when you’re climbing the stairs next time. I don’t like students being late to my class so I suggest that you don’t make a habit of it." She cautioned before going back to whatever she was doing.

I tried to concentrate on my work. Honestly, I really tried. Despite my efforts, my thoughts decided that Rose was a better subject than pre-calculus. Who could blame them? I needed to do something special for her tonight. It wasn’t really about apologising; it was about showing my girlfriend how important she was to me.

Man, I felt like such a wimp. She was special though- different from any other girl I’d ever met. I guess that’s why it sucked so much that nobody could know about us. If only Trent would…

A manicured hand smacked onto my desk making me jump. Yeah, that was one way to snap me out of my thoughts.

I looked up to meet Mrs Morgan’s disapproving face. "What?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"Did you do the problems on the board?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Does it look like I did the problems on the board?" I replied whilst gesturing to the book right in front of her. And these are the people who are educating today’s youth- scary thought.

"I don't like your tone." She said leaning both hands on my desk.

"I wasn't aware that I had a particular tone." So I had a tone now?

"Don't get smart with me Mr Marcellus." She threatened. "Do the problems on the board before I send you to the principal’s office." Pushing off my desk, she began walking back to the front.

"No." I replied boldly. She slowly turned back around with a shocked expression spread onto her face. Trust me, not a good luck.

"What did you just say?"

“No.” I answered in an even louder voice. “This is all crap anyway.” Who did she think she was? I had more important things on my mind than the wonders of pre-calculus.

Mrs Morgan returned to my desk and snatched the pen out of my hand. After writing something furiously on a slip of paper, she practically threw it at me. "Marcellus, go to the principal’s office." I just leant back into my chair. "NOW” She screeched.

"Jeez, lady" I pushed out of my chair and grabbed my stuff- shoving the slip into my pocket. "No need to be such a bitch." I muttered. The classroom broke out in oohs. Oops, maybe that came out louder than I’d meant it to.

I walked out and slammed the door behind me.

Oh well, stuff it. She really was a bitch; about time somebody told her the truth anyway.

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