Chapter 4


Finally- lunch time! I grabbed one of the empty tables and slid into one of the seats.

"What are you doing after school?" Ryan asked as he sat down opposite me. He tried to take a fry from my plate but I slapped his hands away. He should have learned to never touch my food after all these years.

I gave him a warning look. "I’m not exactly sure yet..." I admitted. “Grant and I are doing something but we haven’t decided what.”

"Why don't we watch a movie?" He suggested. “We could double date."

“Double, huh?” I raised my eyebrows. “And who would your date be?”

A dreamy smile spread onto his face. “Trent.” He sighed.

I rolled my eyes. Of course it would be Trent. “For the last time Ryan, my brother is not gay!"

"Girl, you’re just worried because you know I can turn him gay." He winked.

I shook my head. "Actually, I need your help." I told him.

"Oh, with what?" he asked curiously.

"Like I said, Grant and I are doing something tonight. I need you to help me pick something out to wear” I explained. “You know how hopeless I am with things like this.”

He squealed in delight. I found it hilarious how he was so much more excited than me. "Can I do your hair too?"

"Sure, why not?”

"Yes!" He exclaimed. I could swear that Ryan was bouncing up and down with enthusiasm. It was a rare occasion that I allowed him to do a makeover on me.

Chuckling at his childish behaviour, I picked up some fries and shoved them in my mouth. Yeah, I knew there was a reason I didn’t let Ryan take any. Delicious!

For the remainder of the lunch, I had to listen to Ryan blather on about this guy he met at a coffee shop. There may be hope for Trent yet…

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