Chapter 4


Leila gasped as another stray branch got stuck in her hair and she plucked it out with a breathy groan barely pausing for another second before dashing off again.

Her body was smeared with dirt, while her hair was a dignified birds nest and her silvery dress looked like rats had feasted on half of it, but she couldn't help the cheek-to-cheek smile on her face and the happy tears that she had to hold back so they wouldn't block her vision and slow her down.

Finally, finally, she was free!

And at that moment she stripped her skin for fur so that she would be even faster.

The feel of the wild wind caressing her and not those fingers was mind-blowing because this was how freedom felt like...not imprisonment.

It was just like a dream, and she didn't ever want to wake up for-

"I said no, stay away from us!"

She dug her paws deep into the soil and screeched to a sudden half as she heard a ragged little voice.

"Look you brat..." An older and grittier voice.

"We can always do this the easy way...after all who do you think you are a little rat..."

He said.

"That you can take on the three of us?"

Leila's heart tightened. The former voice sounded just like a child's. If she stopped to help then Dante's wolves might catch up with her if they were moving around their premises.

"Gosh, why am I even thinking about this...?"

She rushed over, towards the voice panting and almost breathless when she finally reached them, then a smell that stank past the trees.


Her eyes sought the child's voice that she had heard, then she saw this little girl in an emerald gown, she was holding a stick against the three rogues and there was a thick, weird-looking branch behind her.

Leila jumped between them, growling at the rogues.

"Who are you?"

Both the rogues and the girl said in unison, she gave the girl a glance trying to tell her with her eyes that she was there to help, and the girl returned it with a cock of her eyebrow.

"What are you doing? Please step out of my way!"

Leila was utterly speechless, then suddenly the little girl kept towards her with lightning speed swinging the stick in her direction.

She crushed her eyes shut, unconsciously waiting for the attack, and then her ears were filled with the cracking of bones. When she snapped them open she saw one of the rogues sprawled on the dried leaves with his face turned backward.

Did that little girl did she even?


Why was she counting now?

Before she could even react the little girl had grabbed one of the other rogues and snapped his neck like a stick.

There was now only one left and he was staring at the corpses of his accomplices.

"W-what are you...a monster?"


She began counting, he started running on his bare feet.

"Stay away!"


"Please...I can't..."


And then again with her lightning speed, she came to him snapping his neck.

Leila cupped her mouth backing up to sit on the branch, there was this inhumanity in the way this little girl could a child snap away life so easily as she breathed.

Then suddenly the little girl's glowing orange eyes came to her.


She tried to back away but something wrapped itself around her and held her in place.


She struggled, but with most of her energy drained from running and panting she could barely struggle her way out.


The girl was taking little steady steps towards her and her heart was racing even more than before.


She prepared to shift when the wind whipped in her direction as the girl dashed towards her an-

"Okay, that's enough...I can't get a wink of sleep,"

Her glowing eyes calmed down and came to a normal tone.

Now, who was that...

Suddenly the branch shifted...wait what? and then it rested on her lap.

"My Lord!"

The girl knelt.

"Please forgive me! the presence of those filthy cockroaches was...unexpected,"

It was a man's voice.

It was velvety, with this bedroom hint.

"Well, and so is hers..."

She realized that her bare thighs were on his lap.

"It seems like you were here to lend a hand..."

He sniffed the hair around her.

"...or a paw, but why?"

"You better not lie to my Lord,"

The little girl said in a voice that was in between a hiss and a groan.

"She doesn't look like the lying type,"

He swept aside a curtain of her hair to see her eyes without any obstruction.

"She's far too pretty for that..."

"Hmpf, my Lord don't forget that she is still a werwo-my Lord, what are you doing?!"

The male with the velvet voice stood up.

"Is that so important right now?"

He said as he tightened his hold on her.

"She fainted..."

He said.

"She looked like she was running a marathon and didn't hesitate to come over when she thought someone was in danger,"

He held her closer to his chest.

"I think I'm going to keep her,"

"But my L-lord..."

"No, buts...let's go back to the mansion, she needs some rest..."

When Leila woke up, it was to the smiling face and introduction to Bastian aka the Lord of the Axles, that was the strongest vampire clan around.

"And I've made some inquiries about you while you were asleep, Leila."

He said as he shifted the chair that he was sitting on closer to her bed.

"And I'm sure the name Dante makes your blood boil more than mine,"

The way she clutched the duvet with her fist answered his question quite well.

"I want to train you,"

He said.

"So that you can bring him to his knees, he deserves it, don't you think so?"

"Can you?"

She said her voice misted up with a little doubt.

He nodded, crossing his legs.

"Well only if you let me, I can only imagine what that monster has done to you and you never let that break your fighting spirit..."

She looked at him, her eyes stuffed with unshed tears.

"Well the choice is yours, you can always walk away from all and move on with your life-"

"He took my home..."

Her fingers became tighter.

"My family...there is nothing left for me,"

She looked at him.

"Let's do this,"

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