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Chapter 6: Flashback/Lost

It wasn't exactly a lie he told the receptionist. Adam did kidnap her even though she wasn't his sister. Damon's prayer was that the receptionist was going to come up with something for his wolf senses were no longer picking anything. It was almost like Adam and Laila had disappeared from the surface of the earth.

"We have to find them!" Damon growled to his pack. They couldn't afford to lose them again. They just couldn't.

They all regrouped and mounted their vehicles once again, then they zoomed out of the motel and back into the road. Adam and Laila's scent was becoming faint and Damon knew he had only a few hours till he could no longer sense them.

"Alpha, what if we let them go?" Logan asked all of a sudden.

Damon flicked his eyes to him and Logan swallowed the confidence he thought he had.

"What sort of question is that?" Damon demands using his Alpha voice. "The council needs her because she is going to destroy everything we have worked so hard for! Letting them go will mean sealing our fate. Sealing our death!"

Logan remained quiet but Damon knew there was something on the young wolf's mind. He was young but he was very smart. For him to have asked that question out loud, meant he had rolled it over in his head without getting an actual answer.

Damon was having doubts of his own, but he couldn't let his doubts affect his pack members. The council had another motive for wanting Laila dead aside from being the daughter of a mutt. She was the girl the old prophecy spoke of and even if the prophecy spoke of destruction, the worst they could have done was keep her a prisoner till she was too old to use any of the powers she had. Running after she was only going to give her a reason to turn back and fight.

Another thing that worried Damon was the fact that Adam was also assigned to the same mission but rather than take her to the council, Adam was keeping her to himself. They were both going on a rampage killing the innocent. Maybe this was why the council didn't want her staying out like this.

The truck suddenly swerved to the right and two black SUVs parked in front of their vehicle forced the driver to stop.

"Why is the council here?" Logan whispered.

Damon was asking himself the same question the moment he recognized the wolf sign on the black vehicle. Besides humans didn't drive such fine cars in deserted and dirty places like this.

"We'll have to find out." Damon breathed stepping out of the vehicle. Logan followed behind him and the both of them reached the first vehicle.

Damon tapped gently on one of the tinted windows and it slowly came down revealing the leader of the council himself, Dearkson, otherwise known as the Lord Supremo.

"My lord?" Damon asked bowing his head slightly in respect. Logan also bowed following his Alpha's actions. Both he and Damon are beyond surprised to see Lord Supremo himself here in the wilderness.

"Damon, I heard you found her. Where is she?" The lord Supremo isn't looking into their faces, his face is hardened and his dark eyes are focused on something straight ahead of him.

Damon is surprised at the question. When he had Laila, he didn't call the council to inform them that he had her. How then did they find out about it? This meant he had traitors among his pack!

"Damon, I didn't come out here to listen to the sound of your breath. I asked you a question and I won't repeat myself." His voice booms, vibrating within the car and to the surrounding outer area of the vehicle.

Damon kissed his teeth and squeezed his hands behind him. The deed had been done. He would deal with the traitor later. "I am afraid she isn't with me anymore, sir!"

For the first time, Dearkson's face turned and his dark eyes pierced deep into Damon's forehead. "Repeat your statement!" He growled softly. It was like the peace before the storm. Damon knew he wouldn't be forgiven.

"I lost her."

"What!?" Dearkson growled so a deep breeze seized flowing. "I sent you out here to find her and bring her to me. You do find her but refuse to report back to me. Now, you lost her and dare to stand in front of me and accept that you did lose her!" He was so angry claws sprouted out of his fists as he grabbed the side of the car.

Logan was almost peeing in his pants as he watched the display of power in front of him. No wonder he was the Lord Supremo of the council.

"Sir, let me deal with him!" said Kyle Mathews from within the vehicle. Without waiting for Dearkson's response he stepped out of the vehicle and walked to where Damon and a trembling Logan stood. He picked up Logan by his neck and was about to slit his throat with his sharp claws when Lord Supremo raised his hands to stop him.

"Let them be. We need them alive to keep on the trail of Laila." He said as he returned his focus to somewhere ahead.

Kyle bowed at the comment and dropped Logan who had finally peed his pants. The poor boy ran to stand behind Damon.

"Kyle, you will stay with them and make sure they deliver her to me this time. I don't want this to repeat itself and if they resist, then do not hesitate to do with them as you wish."

Damon's right eye twitched in anger at everything he was hearing, but he was helpless. Kyle Mathews was not someone to underestimate and Lord Supremo himself was an impossible force to be reckoned with.

"As for you Damon, you will be rightly punished for withholding important information when this mission is over." Having said that, the window slowly closed again and the vehicle took a reverse before turning around to return the way it came.

Damon was not even bothered by the punishment that awaited him. He could always defend himself. The current problem for him was Kyle Mathews. There was no way, he could follow on with the mission when Kyle was with them. He needed to find out some things for himself. That was why he didn't inform the council that he had found her. The mission had too many hiccups. If Laila was simply a destruction catalyst and they only needed her for questions they wouldn't have sent Adam after her. Lord Supremo himself wouldn't leave his comfortable office to come into this rough terrain just to apprehend a fugitive. There was more to this and he had to find out whether Kyle Mathews liked it or not.

"The winds are changing, her scent is dispersing. We need to get going!" Kyle muttered turning around to head to the vehicles.

Damon wanted to tell him he wasn't the one in charge and had no right to tell them what to do, but that would cause an argument and he wasn't in the mood. Without saying a word, he also turned and headed to his vehicle. Logan followed closely behind him.

"I'll ride in this vehicle," Kyle muttered again, opening the front doors of Damon's vehicle.

One of Damon's men was there and he got confused as he looked at Damon for help. He didn't know if it was a joke and if he should remain seated or if Kyle was being serious. This was their territory and their Alpha was with them, Kyle couldn't command him.

"Let him have that seat, Max," Damon said. He was tired. He didn't want to start a fight with Kyle.

Max frowned but stepped out of the vehicle, letting Kyle jump in, in his place. "What's going on?" Max asked as soon as Kyle shut the door.

"I'll explain at the next stop. Go use Vince's vehicle." Damon told him.

Max nodded in agreement and jugged to the next vehicle. Damon took a deep breath and also mounted his vehicle. He sat in the back seat with Logan still shaking and Kyle in the front seat.

"You have wasted too much time," Kyle growled. "They are up ahead, I can smell them."

The driver looked at Damon from the mirror, waiting for his signal and Damon blinked twice, signaling to the driver to do as Kyle said for now.

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