~ Prologue ~
It was a bright, sunny afternoon when they went outside to let their daughter run around and play. Her parents were standing on the back porch while she ran around with a couple of her toys. They had to watch her closely because if they took their eyes off her, she would wander off into the forest. That was the last thing they wanted with the rogue wolf problem they had been having lately. Little Katalina, only five years old, didn't know the extent of the rogue problems. She was old enough to know bad wolves were out there, but she was still too young to know exactly how horrible the situation was.
"What are we going to do, Jake?" Isabella asked her beloved as she kept her eyes on Katalina. "The rogues are getting closer, and we're not prepared," she said with terror for their daughter, turning her voice rough and hoarse. "We have nowhere for Kat to hide if things take a turn for the worst," her voice trembled as she tried to stay quiet so their daughter wouldn't hear their conversation.
Jake sighed as he pulled her into his side and pressed a kiss to her temple. "Ryan and I will figure something out. We always do. We just need a bit more time," he said as he turned his attention to Katalina.
"What happens to Kat, though?" Isabella demanded as she looked up at him. "If something were to happen to you and me, who would take care of her?" She questioned with a creased forehead. "We have no other family who would want her," Isabella woefully mumbled as she looked at Katalina again.
Jake soothingly rubbed her arm. "Ryan and Evelyn would take care of her for us," he said in a calming voice. "They know that we would do the same if they were to have any children of their own," he let out a small breath as he kissed her forehead.
"You're right," Isabella agreed as she turned her attention back to Katalina. "I just don't want anything to happen to her," Isabella whispered as she kept her eyes glued to Katalina. "She is such a free spirit."
Jake moved to stand behind her as he wrapped his arms around Isabella's waist. He rested his chin on her shoulder as he softly said. "She'll be fine, my love. Don't worry so much."
They went quiet, watching Katalina play with a small fox that had wandered into their yard. They both were enthralled watching her when they felt a mental push from their alpha. They cleared their minds and let him in. 'Everyone needs to meet at the pack house as soon as possible. This meeting is mandatory. Everyone must attend.'
Jake shook his head as he stood up straight. "Something must've happened. He didn't sound happy," he muttered.
Isabella nodded in agreement as she turned to look at him. "Let's get Katalina and head over there then," she rolled her eyes. "You know Ryan doesn't like to wait."
Isabella turned to yell for Katalina as Jake chuckled from her side. She frowned when she found their yard empty. "Katalina!" She shouted. "Where'd you go, sweetheart?!"
Jake groaned as he rushed off the porch. "She chased that baby fox into the forest," he mumbled as they both headed into the forest.
Katalina giggled as she chased the baby fox around the yard. She pouted when the fox headed into the forest. She chased after it until she got to the treeline. She hesitated for just a minute before following the fox into the woods. "Come back, baby fox. I just want to play," she said breathlessly.
Katalina continued to follow the fox until she was deep in the forest. She frowned when the fox disappeared into a small burrow. She pouted as she stood up and looked around. Her pout disappeared as quickly as it had appeared as she stared in awe. She realized she was in a part of the forest she had never been in before because it was too far from the safety of her home. She moved in a small circle and took everything in with a bright smile.
That was until a terrifying group of men walked out of the trees. She took a small step backward as the man who seemed to be the leader followed her. "Well, what do we have here?" He asked with a cruel smirk that promised nothing but pain. "It looks like the baby doll got lost in the forest."
Everyone behind him laughed as she spun around and tried to run away. The rogue leader's hand snapped out, and he gripped the collar of her shirt tightly. "Where do you think you're going, baby doll?" He growled out.
Katalina sniffled as tears left streak marks down her cheeks. "I want my mommy and daddy," she cried as she kicked her feet in the air.
The rogue leader chuckled as he lifted her higher and held her so close that his breath fanned over her face as he spoke. "You're never going to see them again, baby doll," he said in a low, deadly tone before throwing her into a nearby tree trunk.
Katalina let out a whimper as she felt the pain radiate through her back. She tried moving away from the rogue leader, but he was relentless in his pursuit. Then, just as he was about to reach for her, Isabella and Jake jumped in front of her.
Jake stood protectively in front of them while Isabella knelt next to Katalina. "Are you alright, sweetheart?" Isabella asked softly.
Katalina nodded with tears in her eyes. "I'm okay, mama," she said tremblingly.
Isabella stayed by her side as Jake stared down at the rogue leader. "What are you doing on our land, rogue?" Jake demanded with a growl.
The rogue leader laughed darkly. "I think you know exactly why we're here, enforcer," he said with a sadistic smirk.
Jake shook his head as he glanced at Isabella and Katalina. "I'm afraid I can't let you do that," he said as he turned his attention back to the rogues.
The rogue leader grinned as he cracked his knuckles. "Then we're just going to have to go through you."
"That's not going to happen," Jake growled.
Isabella sighed as she realized what was about to happen. She pulled Katalina into her arms for a tight hug. "Listen to me, sweetheart," Isabella said as she pulled back slightly. "When we tell you we need you to run to the packhouse. Whatever happens, you keep running. Don't stop until you get there. Tell Ryan that there are rogues close to the pack house. Tell him we will hold them off as long as we can."
Katalina let out a sob. "Why can't you and daddy come with me?" She asked with tears streaming down her cheeks.
Isabella gently wiped her tears away. "We have to keep the rogues busy to give you time to warn Ryan," she sighed as she took off her necklace and put it on Katalina. It was a gorgeous infinity symbol with angel wings and a glittering heart between the set of wings. "No matter what happens, I always want you to remember that your father and I love you more than anything else in the world," she pressed a kiss to Katalina's forehead before standing next to Jake.
They stared at the rogues as they waited for them to make a move. Everyone stood like that for a few minutes before Jake saw the first sign of the rogues attacking. Jake looked at Katalina over his shoulder. "We love you so much, butterfly. Run. Go now," he said softly.
Katalina only hesitated for a few seconds before running toward the pack house as fast as her little legs could carry her. She ran straight to the pack house without looking back. She barged right inside as soon as she got to the pack house. She could hear Ryan speaking to the pack as she ran up to him and tugged on the hem of his shirt. "Alpha," she said in a frightened voice. "Please, alpha," her eyes kept going to the door as she tried to get his attention.
Ryan knelt in front of her. "What is it, little Katalina?" He asked softly.
Katalina sniffled as she glanced at the door again. "Mommy and daddy. Please, you have to help them," she cried.
Ryan shushed her as he gently rubbed her arm. "Slow down, little one," he said in a comforting voice. "Take a deep breath and tell me what happened."
Katalina took a deep breath before telling him what had happened. "Mama says that there are rogues close by and that she and daddy will hold them off for as long as they possibly can," she gripped his shirt tightly. "Please, alpha. You have to help them."
Ryan shushed her as he gently nudged her toward his beloved wife, Evelyn. "I promise that we will get to them as quickly as we can," he stood up and turned to the others. "All warriors who are capable of fighting come with me. Isabella and Jake need our help against a group of rogues."
Without waiting for a reply, Ryan rushed outside and shifted into his wolf, knowing that a group of his warriors were right behind him as he took off into the forest.