Chapter 5

Chapter 5

“It’s only a scratch.”

Carrie Vaughn

There wasn’t any time for any of us to try and digest this new information – that it hadn’t a group of random rogues that our warriors went to subdue, but the lethal pack that had already tried to wipe us out a decade ago.

There’s no way Alpha Roman could’ve known. It would’ve been a suicide mission for him to go against the Blood Moons.

That thought rang through my mind as Hudson, Rae, and I sprinted across the territory, headed straight for the infirmary. We hadn’t even had time to shift, just sprinting at full speed in human form.

As we finally approached the large cabin, I had a little more sympathy for the teenage boy who’d come to deliver the message. It was an exhausting run.

Hudson was the first one to barrel through the door, Rae and I just behind him. As soon as we entered, it was all chaos. Every single hospital bed in the large cabin had been taken up by some injured warrior, some in worse condition than others. Most of them seemed to be waiting for medical attention, save for a couple of warriors that Luna Baila was patching up.

In the midst of all the panic was Healer Carol, leaning over an unconscious Alpha Roman to administer treatment. She was a middle-aged woman with graying hair and a hook nose.

She heard us enter the cabin and glanced up, relief in her eyes. “I take you’re here to help,” she said.

Rae and I both nodded. “Where do you want us?” I asked.

Healer Carol pointed to the hospital bed next to Alpha Roman. “You can treat Luke, Ollie. He’s got some nasty claw marks on his arm that won’t stop bleeding,” she said, “And Rae, you can go look over Meredith.”

We got to work immediately, but as I walked over to Luke’s bed, I couldn’t help but glance at Alpha Roman. He’d lost every bit of color in his face, and his torso was covered in bandages. I had no idea what his injury was, but it was clear that it wasn’t the kind of thing you’d be able to slap a bandaid on.

Still, my responsibility was helping Luke, who didn’t look nearly as bad as Alpha Roman. He was at least conscious, moaning and groaning about the pain in his arm.

“Here, lemme look at the wound,” I said, coming closer to inspect him.

Luke peered up at me with bright blue eyes foggy with pain. “Ollie? When did you get here?” he asked.

“Just now,” I replied, taking a seat next to the bed. Gently, I took his arm and he didn’t protest. Healer Carol hadn’t been exaggerating – his arm really was covered in claw marks. Long and deep marks that stretched from wrist to bicep, and leaking blood through the make-shift cloth that Luke must’ve used to slow the bleeding.

“Really?” He asked, “I didn’t see you come in.”

“Well, that’s weird,” I said, “I had such a grand entrance too – there was confetti and everything.”

Luke let out a breathy chuckle. “I see you haven’t gotten any funnier than the last time I saw you, Ollie.”

I used the drawer beside the bed to pull out an array of items – gauze, bandages, antibiotic ointment, and a bottle of painkillers.

“You know, it’s a bold move to insult the person responsible for patching you up.”

Before he could reply, Luke suddenly clutched his arm in pain, squeezing his eyes shut. “Moon God, this fucking hurts,” he growled. “I don’t suppose you’ve got anything for the pain?” I didn’t doubt that he was telling the truth. His blonde hair stuck to his forehead from the cold sweats.

“Well, it is your lucky day,” I said, grabbing the bottle. I examined the dosage guide on the back, and then popped two out of the bottle. “Here.”

There was no hesitation as Luke took the pills from me and took them. “This is the good stuff, right?” He asked. “You didn’t just hand me Tylenol or something?”

“It’s the good stuff,” I confirmed, reaching for the ointment next. “If it doesn’t kill the pain, it’ll at least put you to sleep. Either way, I doubt you’ll be complaining in thirty minutes.”

Fortunately, it didn’t take nearly that long for Luke to start feeling the effects. After fifteen minutes, his breathing had calmed down and he was no longer squeezing his eyes shut. Instead, I’d coaxed him into sitting up so I could put the ointment on his wounds and bandage them.

And in addition to the physical relaxation from the drugs, Luke’s tongue had gotten a little loose too. “Come on,” he pouted, “Aren’t you going to pull out the little needle and stitch up my wounds like a nurse?”

“Maybe if you hadn’t gotten slashed like this,” I said, rolling my eyes, “But you should know the deal by now. Any wound from a wolf’s teeth or claws will take forever to heal, but your body has got to do it naturally. Stitches will only slow down the healing process.”

“Yeah, I know,” he sighed, “But I wanted you to be my hot nurse.”

“Well, you’re welcome to try the human hospital,” I retorted, “But the hot human nurses might have a few questions about the claw marks and the rapid healing.” I blushed – as I always did whenever someone, especially a cute someone, paid me the slightest compliment. I reached for more gauze to hide my flushed face.

Even as beaten up as he looked right now with a shredded arm, Luke was still one of the most handsome members of our pack. Tall and bulky, with blonde hair, and blue eyes – he could’ve doubled as a male model if he wasn’t a werewolf.

“Nah, the only nurse I need is you,” he murmured, grazing my fingers with his good arm. “Do you remember when we hung out at Jason’s party two years ago? That was such a fun night.”

Great, here comes another blush.

And not one of those cute blushes either – I’m talking full-face and neck tomato blush.

It didn’t help that Luke was bringing up Jason’s party – AKA the night of the one sexual experience I’d ever had. Not just with Luke, but with anyone ever. Jason had thrown a big bonfire party, and after three beers, I found myself laughing way too hard at all of Luke’s jokes. He’d been just as tipsy as I was, and the night had ended with us sprawled out in Luke’s tent, completely naked.

I didn’t regret the night or the way I’d lost my virginity. Luke had been sweet and reassuring, even if the night never led to any kind of romantic relationship. We’d gone back to being casual friends, and while he had no problems making me blush from time to time, there had never been another encounter like that.

We both knew it wasn’t feasible to pursue anything romantic. We weren’t mates, so getting emotions involved was just a recipe for future heartbreak.

When I’d told Rae about the encounter, she hadn’t judged me. Well, not too much. Her only concern had been that my mate might be upset that I hadn’t waited. That was a fair concern, but these days, fewer people cared to wait.

I wasn’t holding out for my mate to be a virgin, so I’m sure they wouldn’t either.

Besides, I’m probably mated to someone who’s laidback and relaxed…definitely not one of those possessive, dominant wolves that doesn’t know the meaning of ‘sharing is caring.’

As I finished bandaging up Luke’s arm, the painkillers must’ve been in full effect as he could barely keep his eyes open.

When I was done, I took another glance around the room. Healer Carol was steadily working her way through most of the minor injuries, and Rae was just about finished with Meredith.

I sighed, turning to look at Alpha Roman. He was still unconscious and pale as a sheet, but now, he had Hudson and Luna Baila at his bedside. The latter looked devastated as she clutched her mate’s hands, looking on the verge of tears.

I opened my mouth to say something comforting – I’m not sure what – but I didn’t get the chance.

As if she’d been shocked by electricity, Luna Baila jumped up from the bed and began screaming. “Healer Carol!” She shouted, “His heart stopped beating! I heard it! He’s not breathing either!” Her voice descended into full-on sobs as Healer Carol was by Alpha Roman’s side in a flash.

Hudson looked just as disturbed, stumbling back to give Healer Carol plenty of space.

It felt as if the entire room had become one of those slow-mo scenes in the movies.

I was frozen by Luke’s bedside as I watched the scene play out like I wasn’t even there, like I wasn’t standing only feet away from his body.

Healer Carol pulled out the defibrillator pads, slapping them onto Alpha Roman’s chest.

It only took her a moment to shock him the first time, his body shaking with the force of the electric pulse.

No response.

She shocked him again.

No response.

With Luna Baila’s cries filling the air, she shocked him again.

No response.

Another shock.

No response.

She tried chest compressions before the fifth shock, but still, no physical response from Alpha Roman.

And after that fifth and final shock, Healer Carol dropped the defibrillator pads onto the bed with shaking fingers.

“Shock him again!” Luna Baila sobbed, “You have to shock him again! He’ll come back, I know it!”

Healer Carol’s eyes were wide and teary as she turned to our Luna. “I can’t,” she stuttered out, “I shocked him as many times as I could.”

Other than Luna Baila’s sobs, tense silence cloaked the room as we all stood in place, staring at the dead body of our Alpha.

Former Alpha.

My eyes found Hudson’s. He looked like he no less panicked than anyone else.

Then, as if he’d finally found the courage to pull himself together, Hudson schooled his features into a blank expression and approached Luna Baila. “Luna,” he said, reaching out to touch her shoulder. “Why don’t we get you some air? I’m not sure that being around his…body is helping you.”

She smacked away his fingers, looking more distraught and angry than I’d ever seen her. “No!” she said, “I’m not leaving him! That’s my mate! Not just his body, but my mate!” She was crying too hard for me to discern what she said after that, but she draped herself over Alpha Roman’s body and continued to grieve.

Hudson didn’t touch or try to move her again – he just let her be. We all did. We may have just seen our Alpha die, but she’d just lost her mate.

Alpha Roman was dead.

The man who’d led this pack my entire life, who fought alongside my parents and considered them friends, was dead.

As stunned as I was by Luke’s bedside, I knew his death meant two things.

One – Hudson was the Alpha now.

And two – the Blood Moon pack had killed our Alpha, and that could very well mean war.

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