Family forever

A family is nothing if there is no love, even if you are poor and have very little to eat, it won't matter when you have your family by your side.

"Bello, I was thinking of selling fish pie." My brother frown when he heard what I said.

"I won't let you go and work, you won't work around with a bucket on your head selling fish pie or anything." Bello place his hand on my shoulder.

"What will I do then? Every time I go out to look for a job, I never get accepted or I don't accept the job because they want my body." Bello hug me, soothing my back in an attempt to calm me down.

"And you think going to sell in the street is the best option? What if you get rapped? Or you get killed by one of these scammers?"

"There's no job without risk or something of that sought. Am going to be careful I promise." He still shook his head in denial.

"My decision is final, even Blossom will agree with me. You are going to stay here and help mama around the house while Blossom and I will work." His voice was stern and serious leaving no room for arguments.

"Fine, am not going to bring this up again." He gave me a kiss on my forehead before going to meet Blossom in their room.

"Amaya!" I heard my mother's voice.

"Ma!" I walk away from were I was standing to go meet her.

"Mom you called." She pull a seat for me to sit down. I did and watch her sigh before saying.

"I heard what you and your brother were saying, I know you are trying to help financially but you shouldn't think of hawking. You are my only daughter and I won't want anything bad to happen to you, your brothers and you mean a lot to me and I'll die if something terrible happen to you." Mom said holding my hands in hers

"I've heard mom and I won't bring up the topic again. Am going to leave that for my brothers to handle." Mom nod, she rub my head with affection in her eyes.

The next day, I left my mom to do the work while I went to look for a job. Mom and my brothers didn't object as long as it doesn't involve me moving around to sell stuff.

"Good Day ma'am," I greet the woman at front desk, she push her classes which were hanging on her nose up. She smiled a forced smile which I didn't mind because it is her job to always be nice to everyone who walks through that door.

"Good day, how may I help you?" She asked still wearing the fake smile on her face.

"Am here for the job, I saw the sign outside and I believe i'm fit for it." The fake smile on her face drop, she seized me up and down checking out my dress.

"i'm sorry but the job does not suit you. We want someone who can manage our company, who has experience in management." I frown listening to her words, she didn't even check my résumé.

"But ma'am, you didn't even look at my résumé to know if am qualified for the job." She chuckled before saying.

"Your dressing says it all, if you had experience in working here it would have shown on your dress. I can help you get a job as a cleaner if you don't mind." She said with a mocking smile on her face.

"Thanks for your concern but i'm good." I left but before leaving I heard her say in french (les pauvres veulent se mêler aux.) Meaning the poor wants to mingle with the rich.

I don't get why people are like that, so narrow minded. I can't believe because I didn't dress like a rich person I wasn't qualified for the job.

"Good afternoon mom." My mom looked at my face and sigh knowing I didn't get the job.

"You should rest, I believe your day was rough." I nodded. I went to my room, change my cloth and climb on my bed, I was in no mood to eat.

I slept off and only woke up when I heard my brothers enter my room. I felt Blossom's hand on my head.

"What are you doing here? I want to rest, get out." I groaned, instead of leaving they joined me on the bed.

"Mom said you weren't able to get the job, as from today you are not going to look for jobs. Just stay home okay." I nod my head.

"Mom said you didn't eat, come eat something before you fall sick." Bello pull me up from my bed and took me to the sitting room.

"This country is not for the weak." Bello joked. I laughed with, "yeah it is not."

"Kids, money is not the only thing that matters in this world, family is. Even though we have very little, as long as we are together nothing matters. Family is everything and that you should remember." I clapped my hands before saying.

"Mom has become a motivational speaker." I joked and this earned me a light slap on my back.

"You didn't let me finish mom, I was going to say, mom has become a motivational speaker but I agree with her. Family is everything and nothing else matters."

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