Never say goodbye

We all gathered in the living room waiting to hear what mom has to say. Mom pulled out an envelope from her back, she drop it on the table. "I took the decision without telling any of you because I know you would reject it." She began.

"I sold the two pieces of land we had, and I also sold the jewelry you father bought me before he died. Inside that envelope is money for Amaya's passport and flip ticket." I looked at her speechless, when she said she will see what could do, I didn't expect this.

"Mom why did you do that? You know the farm is the only thing we have and the jewelry is the only thing you have which can connect you with dad." I said crouching down beside her and holding her hands.

My brothers were quiet for a while before Blossom said "I got some money too, but it is not much. It is just enough to sustain you for while when you get there. Bello and I chipped in." Tears well up in my eyes, I stood up and hug them both.

"I love you" They circle their hands on my body, mom joined in the hug. "We all love you too princess." Mom said.

"You should go give Josephine that money so she will begin the process and the earlier she finishes, the earlier you go there." I nod. Cleaning the tears from my eyes, I took the envelope mom gave me and went to aunt Josephine's house.

I knock on the door, I heard a faint come in. When I got in, I saw her sitting on her plush couch. "Good morning aunt Josephine." I greeted and saw her smile.

"Good morning my dear, how are you doing today?" She asked.

"I am fine. I brought the money for my passport and plane ticket."I informed to see her smile. She stretched her hand and I place the envelope on it, she open the envelope and smiled.

"This is nice, by next week you are sure to be leaving this place and going abroad to work. You are going to be a blessing to your family my dear." I smiled at her words.

"Thank you aunt, uh I'll go now, I still need to help mom at home." She nods and I greet her goodbye and went home.

Days fly like the wind carrying dust. Aunty Josephine pass by the house today and she brought my passport and ticket, which means I'll be leaving in a few days time.

"We should get you some new clothes honey." I heard mom say from the kitchen, I smiled and said "that won't be necessary mom. I have presentable dresses and I mean I am going to work as a maid and not in an office or something."

"I know but then what if.." I cut her short by saying. "There is no what if mom, stop being paranoid. You've done a lot, let's not waste money on unnecessary things. When I get my first salary, I'll send it to you and then I'll use my second to buy some clothes. Is that okay?" She hum in approval.

"Ouch" I hiss when the knife I was holding came in contact with my finger. "Are you okay?" Mom asked.

"I am fine, let me go wash my hands." I washed my hands and tied my finger.

Later in the evening we had our dinner, the table was gloomy and no one was smiling. "Tsk guys I'll be going to work, am not going to die or something." Mom didn't talk.

"Am going to miss you." I heard Bello say. Do you know that in the family, the one who annoys you is the one you bond with more than everyone else?

"I know and I am going to miss you too, all of you. Let see this like me going back to the university and you won't notice I am gone, we will chat on video call all the time. When I go over there I am going to get a new sim, that's the first thing I'll do." My mom woke up and hug me, her chin on my head. "When did you grow up? You were just a baby yesterday and today your all grown up." She sniff the tears which were trying to escape her eyes.

"Mom this isn't goodbye, I'll be back before you know it., and i am going to call everyday until you get tired of me and tell me not to call again." I joked to lighten up the mood in the house.

"I'll never get tired of you." Mom pinch my cheek before going to her seat. "If cry now, what will you do when I want to get married?" I asked and heard Blossom say "let's not talk about marriage now, you still have a long way to go."

"Yeah I still have a long way to go, I'll marry when am fifty three since my brothers don't want to let go of me." I joked.

"You will marry when your one hundred, I'll make sure of that." Laughter fill the room, I can't believe him.

We retire to our room to sleep, I couldn't sleep in mine so I went to join the boys in their room. "Can't sleep?" Blossom ask making space for me on the bed.

"Yeah." I got on the bed and lay in between him and Bello. Bello rap his hand on my stomach, startled, I hit him "I thought you were sleeping."

"Vampires don't sleep, I need blood." He said biting my neck. "Bello stop it, aish." He chuckled.

"Do you remember when you fell ill? And dad took you to the hospital?" I chuckled when I heard him.

"I cried that day because the doctor said they are going to inject me." I said.

"Such a cry baby." Blossom commented, putting his hand under his head and staring at the ceiling.

"I don't like pain, I even cried today when the knife kiss my finger." I show them the finger, Blossom kissed it.

Actions like this are what keep me away from boys, the love they will show me will not measure up to the love I receive from my brothers.

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