USA here I come

Finally the day was here, the day for me to leave home and go to the U.S. I feel sad but I have to, I can't let my emotions get the better of me. I pack my clothes inside a suitcase, I wore dad's watch. I couldn't leave it behind, it is the only thing which can link me to him.

"Get inside, I'll carry your bag." Bello took the bag and put it inside the car while I enter sitting next to my mother who is failing to keep her tears at bay.

The taxi driver kick off, I held my mother's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze to assure her that everything will be alright and she won't miss me.

I stood before the airport, my mom hugged me tight. "Let's get in first mom." My voice was gentle.

Mom nods and we went in, i show my passport and plane ticket to the man on the front desk who scrutinize it then me, then his computer before telling me to go, I pass through the checkpoint. My family decided to sit and wait with me until the plane kicks off.

"Amaya, when your over there, please be a good girl, listen to your boss and work efficiently." I smile and hug her again.

"Mom you've said this already, I will be OK and I promise to be good." The plane was announced and I woke up, hug them and walk away with tears wetting my cheeks.

I got in, follow my ticket to my seat number, "great I got a window seat, how nice." I muttered under my breathe.

The flight attendance came to stand in front of us and explained everything that needs to be done, I follow her closely just to be safe. The plane kick start and it wheel the Douala airport and leave the ground.

I had my eyes close, I am afraid of heights and this window seat is not helping matters. After fourteen whole long hours or so, the plane finally announced its landing, the wheels of the plane welcome by the grounds of New York City.

I got down after taking my bag, got to the checkpoint and gave it, I took it at the end and went outside.

I walk out of the airport and went to buy a new Sim card so I'll be able to call my family. I asked for directions until I was able to get one but I didn't slot it right away, I kept it in my pocket.

I pull out a piece of paper which was given to me by Aunt Josephine, Which contains the address of the lady I'll be working for. I flack a cap and got in after showing the driver the address, he gave me look but I brush it off not knowing why he looked at me in that manner.

The cap driver pull over and I got down, I look at my surroundings which was covered in nothing but grass. I pay the driver and took my bag. I look at the place again for the second time and I was still surrounded by grass.

This can't be right, I look at the home address, I checked to see if I could see a house or something but there was nothing "how could this be? Did she write down the wrong address?" I took out my phone and slot in the sim card, luckily my phone is double sim, I don't have to look for the number.

I call aunt Josephine but it went straight to voicemail, I tried again but the same thing. "Oh no, did she no no" I shook my head "how could she? Aunt Josephine she tricked me, she tricked my family. What will I do?" I ask myself

"First thing first I have to leave this place." I carry my bag, walking around endlessly, didn't know which way to go, who to ask for help.

I walk until I found myself in a park, my legs felt tired, really tired. I walk to the bench which was at the park and sat down. I look at the busy and noisy park, children running and shouting, lovers holding each other.

My stomach grumble requesting to be fed, the money I have on me I'll have to manage it because it is the only thing I have. I went to a near by eatery and bought hamburger and came back to seat on the bench.

I ate my hamburger which wasn't sufficient but I just have to survive on that for now while I plan my life. I tried calling aunt Josephine again but the same thing, it went straight to voicemail.

Calling my family is the last thing on my mind, my mom will surely die of heart attack, she sold her farm land and even the jewelry dad gave her just so she would be able to afford my passport and plane ticket, only for this to happen.

Night came quickly but I still didn't know what to do, I still didn't move from my seat. My eyelid felt really heavy, I look at the empty park and decided to sleep on the bench.

I don't know how long a slept but I was woken up my the sound of someone hitting something next to me . "ma'am you cannot sleep here," I look up to see it was a security guard.

"Ahh please sir just let me spend the night here, please just today." The guard didn't bodge. I sigh stood up and took my bag and began pulling it out of the park.

As if that wasn't enough, it began drizzling and before I knew it, it began pouring. I ran using my hand to shield myself but it was not enough to hide me from the rain. I ran to a nearby store which was close and stood on the porch I saw bench and sat on it.

"Who did I offend? I must have been a bad person in past life to suffer such injustice now." I muttered to myself. I slept on the bench in my wet clothes, hugging myself and shivering.

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