Let's make a deal
I finally got up with him though he was already inside his car, I glared before entering the car, his such a jerk. A gentleman would give me a hand, a gentleman will be considerate but him, I leave that to the gods of my village.
He drove the car not saying anything, an uncomfortable silence fill the air, I turn to look at the window, feasting my eyes on the beautiful creation of God and man.
I don't remember how long it took but we got to a house which I think is his. He hit the steering wheel which made a beep sound and the gate open. The gate is a big black gate having white lines on each side, he stop the car and I got down not waiting for him to tell me to or open the car door for me which I doubt he would.
I couldn't help the "wow" which left my mouth, the beautiful building in front of me felt like heaven. The tall building painted white, it is a two Storey building, I took in the house and couldn't help but drew. Don't blame me, I know I use to be rich but it's been years since I last step in such a beautiful house.
Mr jerk walk pass me, I can't believe i don't know his name. But who cares? am going to know it one of these days, I followed him inside, limping.
Did I say the out side was wow? the inside of this house is amazing. The beautiful posh brown chairs was the first thing which caught my eyes, my eyes move to the TV screen which hung on the wall, am a huge fan of screens. The table was small and was on the floor with no legs or anything to keep it on the air, my eyes darted to the ceiling which held a beautiful chandelier. The dinning room was in another sector of the sitting room, the dinning table has a maximum of ten chairs. I notice the paintings on the wall, with the wine bar. Strangely there were no pictures of him or his family on the wall or anywhere in the sitting room.
"Baron!" he yelled startling me, I turn and gave him a look, wondering why he scream like that. Not too long a man who seems to be in his mid forties came running, his hands covered with water but he wipe it on the back of his dress.
"tell me you didn't hear the sound of my car," his voice was cold, the aura around this man is strong and intimidating, I normally have a sharp mouth but I around him though I put up a tough front, am shaking inside.
"Master Mason I was checking on the cook, supervising his work. Am sorry I didn't come to wait for you at the door to collect your jacket, please don't fire me." The man dress in a butler's outfit said, ahh so Mason is his name, cool name and why did he say he doesn't want to be fired? who fire's a worker for such petty things?
"I told you not to get a third strike." he sternly said "it seems like I've been too lenient with all of you." he muttered. "Master Mason please don't fire, I am already old and my family is poor, please." he begged holding his hands together like he wants to say The Lord's prayer.
This is sad, I am feeling sorry for the man, I hope this jerk isn't heartless enough to fire him. "your lucky am in a good mood. Tell Vanessa to prepare the guest room for our guest, she will be living with us from now own." I frowned but smiled later and said.
"I won't be living here for long, just for some few days." the man name Mason turn to look at me and said "we will see about that." I brush his words.
The man name Baron was dismissed and left properly going to tell Vanessa what their Master Mason said. Mason left going to God knows where leaving alone in the sitting room and I wasn't even told to sit down, what is wrong with this man?
The Butler came back few minutes later and offered me a seat and a glass of orange juice, at least he is reasonable and not like his crazy boss. I thank him and sat down quietly sipping my juice and the Butler left me, disappearing to the door where he came from earlier.
The maid called Vanessa ushered me to the room which was the guest room. "I have run the bath for you, I'll get a dress ready for you before you finish bathing." I thank her and enter the bathroom and wow it was big and beautiful, bigger than my room back home in Cameroon.
The walls are painted white which looks clean like a spec of dust has never touched it, it has a marble floor, a big bathtub, the shower stood with its glory, I notice the towel which was fold and place on a stool, toothbrush, bathing sponge, liquid soap, bar soap.
I got into the bathtub which was filled with water but not to the brim, the warm water felt good on my beautiful black skin.I took the sponge and began brushing my body, it was a little difficult because every time I stretch my hand, it hurts.
I finish my bath, true to her words, when I stepped out of the bathroom, there was a dress waiting for me on the bed. I apply the body lotion which I found in the bathroom, guessing it was kept for me.
I slip into the gown which stopped above my knee and went down. The sweet aroma of the meal being served by the Butler and a few maids, made my mouth water and my stomach grumble indicating hunger.
"ahh I was on my way to call you ma'am, lunch is ready." I frown when I heard the way she address me, she looks older than me, maybe for two years or more.
"please call me Amaya," she shook her head before saying "Master Mason frowns on such act, we were told to address the guests as Mr. or Ma'am or Miss or Mrs."
I sigh and nod, not knowing what to say to her. She guided me to the dinning room, Mason was already present and he was being served by the Butler.
Vanessa who had come to get me earlier, pull the chair for me to sit, I thank her and sat down. She was about serving me but I stopped her, I don't like people serving me "I'll take it from here, thank you." she turn to look at her boss who nod and with that she left.
The meal consist of soup, meat accompanied by potato, rice, fried chicken, salad and for dessert, chocolate cake.
I didn't touch the soup, looking at it, I am one hundred and one percent sure that I won't be able to eat it. I decided to have the rice and fried chicken.
I ate my meal forgetting about the arrogant man sitting on the table with me, I ate to my heart content, I drank the water in the glass before sipping the juice which was placed next to my plate, I took a piece of the chocolate cake and ate.
"thank you for the meal, excuse me." I stood up ready to leave but he stop me by saying "meet me in my study in thirty minutes time." I look at him for a moment before saying "I don't know where you study is."
"Baron will be kind enough to take you there." he said and left. I stood looking at his retreating back and twitch my lips "the Butler will be kind enough to take you there." I mimick his voice "stupid." I limp to my room.
With the butler's help, I was able to locate the study. I knock on the door "come in." the respond was faint but I heard it anyway. I push the door open and got in, closing it before walking to the front desk were Mason is.
"sit down." I heard his cold voice and did as I was told.
"I won't beat around the bush, I have proposition for you, if you agree at the end of it, you walk away with twenty million dollars." my eyes widened at the mention of the money.
"what am I suppose to do?" I asked him, he placed his hands which were locked with each other on the table and said "let's make a deal...."