Chapter 3
3 Months Later
Three months have passed and I still can’t get that girl out of my head. I have been getting flashes of our time together. I remember her smile and laugh. I would love to hear that laugh again. I have fucked around with a couple of skanks since I got back to get the girl out of my system. It hasn’t worked. Every blow job I get or every time I fuck one I see the girls face. I swear I can still smell her. And I can hear her moans. It was the best music I ever heard. And when I’m done with a skank I always feel guilty afterwards. Like I did something wrong. I can’t shake that feeling.
I have pulled out the ring I now keep in my pocket. It's like I hope it has the answers for how I am feeling. I keep feeling like I’m missing something. But it was just a one night stand. I had hundreds over the years and none had stuck with him like this one had. He can still see her in his mind when he closes his eyes. There was something different about her. I had to clear my mind of her. I had business to deal with today. We have a new client coming in.
So I did the only thing I could think of to clear my head. I called in Claire. My go to skank. She is one of the few that have never caused us any problems. She knows her place. And I’m willing to bet there is a small amount of fear they have about Merigold, Speed and Ailee. They are still in charge of the skanks and keep them in line. I love those girls and am proud to say they are doing a great job with the skanks. One less thing I need to worry about. But back to the task at hand.
I have Claire on her knees trying to get my dick to wake up so I can get off. I will be able to relax after and get ready for this meeting. I feel Claire take me in her throat but it feels wrong. I try to get into it but the only way to do that is to picture the girl with blue and purple streaks. I can see her small form on her knees. Instantly my dick gets harder than a brick.I put my hand on her head pushing my dick deeper in her mouth. “ Suck my cock. Take it all.” I grunt. I lean back and picture the little cutey from months ago while Claire does her job. She has me blowing my load in under three minutes. Well the pictures in my head did.
Claire gets up off her knees wiping her mouth with her hand. I roll my neck from side to side and she sees it. Without saying a word she goes behind my chair and rubs my neck while I look over my notes for this meeting. It is an important one. All of our meetings are but this is our first client since we decided to do some bodyguard work. Our local ice rink has had some trouble with vandalism, break in’s and threats. Not something a bodyguard is needed for. One of the owners is worried for his champion ice skater’s safety. Most of the threats involve her in one way or another. He wants around the clock protection for her. He is not only her coach but her brother. I can understand the need to make sure his sister is safe. I feel the same way for all the ol’e ladies. They are my sisters. Blood or not.
Merigold brought this guy to my attention because Jace and Jax go to the rink for hockey practice. She asked me to meet with the owner Nixon, well part owner. Nixon and his sister Sabine both own it. Passed down from their parents. I met with him and he explained what was going on and how he was worried about his sister. He thinks it is a crazy fan. From what he told me about his sister she isn’t worried about it. And that has him scared. I talked it over with my brothers and we agreed to take on the job. Not that it surprised me. Not only were we helping out someone in our community we all understood Nixon’s need to protect his sister.
I have already ironed out most of the details with Nixon but we couldn’t complete the contract without his sister’s ok. Then we have to go over her schedule to make sure I have guys with her at all times. There is a knock on my door and a shout “ Prez, you client is here.” Goof says. Claire kisses my neck and steps back as I stand. We walked out to the main room. I think nothing of Claire following me figuring she would go back to her rooms.
When I get to the main room I see Anna talking to someone sitting at the bar. Then I hear a laugh. A laugh that has haunted me for months. It can’t be. What is she doing here? Goof goes over to Anna and she moves to the side. I can’t believe my eyes. It is her. Looking as beautiful as I remembered. If not more. Before Goof can make introductions I yell “ What the fuck are you doing here? How did you find me?”
She looks over at me and I see shock first. Did she not know I was here? She looks me up and down then at Claire and her eyes change from shock to disgust. She looks like she just smelled something rotten. “ I asked you a question. What are you doing here? Are you stalking me? Me walking out didn’t give you a big enough hint that I didn’t want to see you again?” I growl. That last part is a lie but I’m not telling her that.
She leans back in the stool, crosses her arms and smears at me. “ If you are done insulting me I might answer your question.” I cross my arms over my chest “ I’m waiting.” I don’t have time to deal with her right now. I have a client to meet and I need her gone. “ Not that it is any of your business, Ethan.” She draws out my name in disgust. “ I have a meeting with Viper to sign a contract.” Oh shit. Anna clears her throat “ Sabine, honey. Ethan is Viper. And I’m guessing you two have met.” Sabine. That was her name. But she had a nickname she went by. Trixie? Mixie? Sabine looks at Anna like she has grown two heads then back at me. More importantly my kutte. When she sees my patch her eyes grow huge.
Sabine reaches into her bag and pulls out what looks like a contract. She looks me dead in the eyes and tears it up. “ Meeting over. You and your brothers are fired. I would never work with someone as unprofessional as you.” “ What the fuck do you mean unprofessional? You don’t know shit about me and my brothers.” I snap. How dare she? “ Why would I work with someone who insults his client without so much as an introduction? Or one who shows up to a meeting with a skank on his arm, lipstick on his neck and his dick literally hanging out of his pants. And if I had known it was you I wouldn’t have even bothered. I would just hire someone else.”
I look down and sure enough my dick is hanging out. She is right, I do look unprofessional. This was no way to start a meeting with a potential client. Sabine and Nixon would have been our first in our bodyguard business and I just fucked it up big time. Even Anna looks disappointed. Before I can respond Sabine is out of the stool and halfway to the door before she stops. “ Oh, I heard that I would have been your first client. I wouldn’t hope to get the bodyguard business going. I’ll make sure everyone knows how you treat clients.” she growls as she leaves.
Anna is hot on her heels “ Sabine wait. I promise he isn’t normally like this. Talk to our VP. You need this honey.” I don’t hear the rest of the conversation since they are out the door. Claire whispers “ Viper I’m sorry. I didn’t think. I shouldn’t have followed you out. And I didn’t know I left a mark on your neck.” I shake my head. “ It wasn’t your fault I should have checked myself over before the meeting. She was right, I was unprofessional.” I said. I should have at least checked my fucking zipper. I see Goof still standing there. He saw the whole thing.
“ Got something to say?” I asked him. He just smirks and shakes his head “ Nope. Just tell me when Merigold gets here so I can go to the next county to get away from her wrath.” Oh shit. Not only did I fuck up a meeting. I insulted the boys coach and a friend to Merigold. She is going to have my ass for this. I’m so dead. Maybe if I talk to Nixon I can fix this. I doubt it. If someone talked to Merigold the way I talked to Sabine they would be dead.