I jolt up when I hear my door open rather loudly, I blink open my eyes and groan immediately laying back down.
"Up! Up! Now, we are going to see if the dress is completely and totally fine," I glare up at Randy pulling the pillow over my face.
She pulls the blankets off of me then pulls at the edge of the pillow, I release it and she stumbles back slightly surprised.
"Did Zac agree to this?" I groan opening my eyes.
"Yup, I wouldn't be here if he didn't put me up to it."
I sigh and sit up looking at her, she's wearing a tight white dress and her black hair is neatly tucked into a bun.
Too perfect...
I stand and walk to the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror and I grimace. My hair is all over the place, almost like the 80's Afros. I have bags under my eyes and sleep in the corner of them, I sigh and turn on the shower and strip.
I step in and quickly shower then step out, I dry myself then wrap a towel around my body walking out of the bathroom to the closet.
I haven't really looked at the closet but I have, it still makes me gasp every time.
It's walk in, more like another room in a room. There's buttons that you can press to get out shoes or something, there's a black leather couch in the middle, a mirror with light bulbs around it which is oddly beautiful.
The walls are, pink. Not my favourite but it makes the closet feel homey, if that makes sense.
There is so much clothes and shoes, there's the going out ones, the sleeping ones, the casual then the dinner, it's all too much.
I grab random dark blue denim shorts and a black singlet, I quickly drop the towel and put on my underwear then I slide the shorts up my legs. I put the black singlet on and tuck it into my shorts, then I get my blue vans and socks and put them on.
I grab a pair of ray bands because I'm cool and put them on top of my head then walk out of the closet, she looks me up and down and rolls her eyes then rushes out of the room with me following.
"Hmm, it's maybe a little too loose around the waist area but that can be fixed within an hour with the best people," the lady named Simone says looking at my waist.
"Yeah, I see that," Randy nods.
"Come back within an hour and it will be all sorted," Simone says.
Randy nods and looks at me "let's go look at makeup," I groan and follow her out of the bouquet. "So you've decided on beautifully set outside area, with the fairy lights hanging from the trees, a white clothe as the isle and amazing white tables with different selections of food?" Now she's just rambling, picturing it herself.
We walk into this really expensive make up store and she leads me to a lady with her hair wavy, lips shiny and brown glittery eyeshadow and a winged eyeliner.
"Varia!" Randy exclaims, the woman named varia looks over at us and grins when she sees Randy.
"Randy!" She says with a Russian accent.
I remember when I was in year 8 drama we had to do a radio thing and we were doing Russia's got talent, God we misinterpret how Russian's actually speak
"How are you?"
"What can I do for... You?" She asks us.
"I want the best makeup styles that will match this dress," she hands her a picture of my wedding dress.
"So you are having a... Wedding?"
"Can I have a look at some styles?" Randy asks, Varia nods.
She looks at employees who are about to rush past but she stops them "I need the books! NOW!" She orders, they scurry away to get the books.
Within a couple of seconds they are back and handing Varia the books "thank you," Varia says, they stand there awkwardly "well dont just stand there! Get back to work!" She scurry away, her Russian accent makes her more frightening.
She opens the books and looks through them, she hands me the book.
"Isn't it perfection?" I nod looking at a sparkly gold one with a winged eyeliner.
"No, I want this," I say looking at a mix of bright colours.
On the edge of the eye there is a light gold then it gets darker near the middle of the eye then at the end there's a brown eyeshadow wing with a reddy brown on top.
Brown eyeshadow also sits under the eye with a little bit of gold, it's really beautiful.
"Perfect," Randy smiles.
"Are you sure? It is not the best-" I cut her off.
"I like it so I'm getting it," she puts her hands up in defends "see you in?"
"Three days," Randy answers for me.
Varia nods "well I have to get back to work."
"Bye Varia," she waves and we begin to walk out but I look back at the funny woman snapping at people.
"No! No! You're doing it all wrong!" I giggle and walk out of her makeup shop.
Randy drops me home telling me that she will keep hold of the dress for me, I just nodded and went upstairs.
You can't blame me, my bed was practically calling my name.
I didn't even get a sleep in, she woke me up at bloody five in the morning! Was it even needed? I honestly don't know how Zac does it since he wasn't here when I woke up, sleep time.
I wake up with someone hitting my face with my pillows, I groan and open my eyes.
"What?" I grumble.
"That's no way to speak to your fiancé," I roll my eyes.
"You are not," I grumble, he chuckles.
"Get up and get ready, we are going out for dinner. Make sure you wear something appropriate for an expensive restaurant," I sigh and sit up annoyed.
"Why?" I snap, all I wanted was sleep!
"Because I said so," he shrugs, I can practically see him smirk through the darkness.
He walks out leaving the door wide open and I groan sitting up and walking to my closet, how about over dress.
He wanted me to dress 'appropriate' and appropriate for a businessman is fancy shoes, fancy dresses, fancy makeup and fancy hair!
I grab a red dress and strip off my clothing not even bothered to shower since I did this morning.
I shimmy the dress on and look at myself in the mirror, it stops at mid thigh, it's strapless and it hugs my curves.
I shrug, not my favourite but good enough.
I don't even know how to over dress, this probably isn't over dressing.
I walk to the bathroom and squirt products on my hands and run them through my hair, I leave my hair out and falling down my back to my waist.
I apply nude lipstick that was in the draws and look at myself grimacing, yuckkkkkk.
I apply brown natural eyeshadow and put mascara on my eyelashes. I hate makeup but I'm used to it from the amount of times I've had to wear it, it's annoying.
I sigh and spray myself with Ariana Grande perfume, I rush out of the bathroom and to the closet slip on black heels and immediately trip over myself. I fall with a wail on the leather couch in the middle of the room, thank you to whoever put this couch in the middle of the room!
"Claudia!" He shouts, I steady myself and walk out of the closet and straight out of the room.
I grip the railing area and steadily walk downstairs, I look down noticing Isaac looking at me open mouthed.
His eyes run up and down my body and I actually blush which is rare, I descend the last step and he extends his arm.
"We aren't actually getting married remember, it's all fake," he drops his arm and nods walking in front of me, I follow behind him and he leads me out to his Porsche.
He opens the door for me and I slide in, he then shuts it and jogs around the car.
"Let's have some fun," he mutters starting the car, in that moment I look at him and he looks at me with a blank face.