Listen to don't let me down by the chainsmokers.

The restaurant is beautiful, expensive but beautiful. Lucky that I'm with a billionaire otherwise I would be able to afford this shît!

The carpet is like the red carpet! See what I did there? Anyways, it's a beautiful red and it looks really soft, the tables are black as well as the chairs and the walls are red and gold.

The counter top is a sleek black, workers are professionally dressed. Guys are wearing a fully black suit and the females are wearing a black dress, wow.

Fancy much.

Who ever owns this would get a lot of money, it looks like a plain Caesar salad would be $20! I could go to Woolworths and get one for 5 dollars!

He leads me to a table near a window and pulls the chair out for me, I sit down and he pushes it forward then takes a seat across from me.

When he says a waiter walking past he stops them, "champagne," he orders.

"Yes sir," the man says and scurries off, I look at Zac confused and he looks at me.

"I own this place," I nod.

Free food! Usually I would insist on paying but it's just Isaac, am I right?

I'm pretty sure he care spare a couple of hundred dollars even though he doesn't have to pay.

I look at the menu, "I have to say you look rather ravishing," his British accent makes him sound so much hotter!

I blush. Wait, I can't!

I don't reply as my eyes scan over the menu, fish, chips, salad and tartar sauce sounds great!

"Have you decided?" He asks and I nod placing the menu down.

"I want the classic fish meal," he nods and the waiter scurries back with a metal ice bucket in his hand with the champagne resting on the side.

He places it in the middle of the table and gets his notepad out, "what would you like today?" He smiles at us.

"The classic fish meal for the little lady and my usual," he writes it down.

"Is that all for tonight?" He asks and Zac nods, the guy scurries off.

I eye the champagne, "Serving children alcohol Zac, shame," I toot.

He rolls his eyes, "well you have an adult near you and its champagne! Couldn't get anyone drunk," I look at the table and he gasps, "Claudia Richardson have you gotten drunk by champagne?!" He exclaims.

"Maybe," I mutter, shyly looking at his beautiful sculptured face.

"How?" He smirks.

"Well I got dared to drink two bottles and turns out I can't hold my liquor because I was drunk, and a business conference!" I say embarrassed, he chuckles.

"Why was your friend at a business conference?" He asks.

"Her parents are Ruth and Taylor Stanton," I say, Taylor's a guy.

"Oh, I know them." Of course he does.

The waiter comes back and places our food in front of us, I immediately dig in noticing he has a plain boring meal.

Steak, chips and a salad, I could get that at sizzlers.

"So tell me about yourself, I might as well know a few things since your my 'fiancé', right?" I grimace remembering I'm getting married to the Devils assistant, maybe he's he devil himself.

"I'm turning nineteen in a month, on January the eighteenth, I was born 1998, I hate chickens, there's a massive fear there." I shudder, he chuckles. "I hate makeup, I really love the 80's and 70's music for some odd reason, my middle names Rose- I know it's common. Now tell me about you."

"Well my birthday is March 22, I'm 22, I love dogs-" I cut him off.

"Oh my god same! I also love cats, I actin decide," he smirks.

"Anyways, my middle name is Stone, I hate controlling people, I'm very serious with my business, I like the 80's music, I hate screamo 'music' it's not even music! I chose you Claudia, I chose you because you seemed... Different. You didn't seem like the person who would be all giggling and excited if I ever announced that I'm getting married to you, which you weren't. You're the complete opposite of your sister and that's a good thing, she's overbearing. You just stood out to me and I'm so fûcking sorry, but I have to do this, it's simply business; I know that you're meant to fall in love-" he rolls his eyes, "but who believes in that crap right? You literally just made me interested in you straight away, I needed to have you, every fibre in my body was telling me to go to you, to choose you so I did."

I look at him wide eyed, gaping at him. "I do, I believe in love," I stand angrily and he looks around.

"Claudia don't start a scene," he hisses.

"No Zac, couldn't they have slowly paid you back without having to ruin my life! I have to marry, you." I hiss, "I have my whole life ahead of me and I'm marrying you, Amelia would have been happy to accept it. I know you don't like her type but you should have chosen her, you should have," I whisper hiss.

He too stands, "And you think I wanted to go through this!? It's just business Claudia! You have embarrassed me in front of all my employees, thanks a lot," I glare at him slamming my fist on the table.

"I hate you with a passion Isaac Miller," I whisper into his ear and storm to the exit.

He follow behind me and stops the door from closing on him, he growls angrily and grabs my wrist when I reach the parking lot.

"I COULD HAVE HAD A BETTER LIFE! My own parents gave me away, MY OWN PARENTS ZAC! If I didn't choose to marry you, my father would have disowned me because his business is more important then me. AMELIA IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ME! If it were Amelia who were up to this he would have said no immediately, but no it's just plain old Claudia Rose Richardson. Amelia's so perfect, she's got the looks, the guys, the love, my family adores her! Then there's me, I still cannot comprehend after your explanation why you chose me!" I cry dropping to the floor.

I see his black shoes in front of me, shiny and perfect. "I chose you because you are better then Amelia, Claudia. You don't brag about your money, you don't brag about anything! You have a backbone and I need that, I didn't want a girl who would drop at my feet. I wanted a challenge, I wanted a girl with a backbone, I wanted a strong one, but you are so beautiful and you don't ever realise it," he grabs my arm pulling me up so I look into his blue eyes.

He tucks my curls behind my ear and shakes his head, "worth doesn't depend on your body, your hair, your clothes or how 'hot' you are, it's what's inside. Claudia, Amelia may be hot but inside she's like a devil! And you... You have a heart of gold, you could have said no to your father but you didn't, because you love him. But even though you have a heart of gold, you're still hot," he winks and I laugh a blubbering one after you've been crying.

"Zac I don't want to get married," I whisper.

He bites his lip, "I'm not stopping the wedding Claudia," he grumbles.

"But why not!?"

"Would you rather me destroy your family and your reputation? Would you rather me take the company that your father has spent every waking moment on? Would you rather have your father hand over all of his money?" I shake my head, my eyes dropping to the gravel road.

"No," I whisper.

"Then don't question me why I'm going through with the wedding," he grumbles walking to the car, "the weddings in Two days, we have many more things to prepare so get in the car."

I nod mutely and follow him to the car, I hate him so much.

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