Read with BonusRead with Bonus


For all my 17 years of living, my parents and family always made sure to remind me that I am beautiful the way I am. They reminded me that I shouldn't change for anyone in this world, especially a guy. Because one day, there will be that guy that will think you are the prettiest girl he's ever seen in the world; an he will love you unconditionally. But shouldn't we feel like that all the time? Shouldn't we embrace ourselves and feel comfortable in our own skin? Well I don't.

I'm sure most people aren't. But the thing is, if you're confident then you're seen as conceited and a narcissist. My point of this is, we shouldn't put others down to make yourself feel better. I think that's what Nick does.

Currently I'm at school, making sure to stay as far away from everyone as possible. It's actually pretty easy when Max and Ruby are making out constantly, Tyler is so oblivious to the world and Jake simply doesn't care. And with dad's threat, Nick hasn't even glared at me. Chad is a different story...their group of friends also cannot stop looking at me. Not in a good way either, this is the most that anyone 'popular' has looked at me.

At the moment though, Jake, Max and Tyler are the new hot topic. Guys don't even mention Ruby due to the fact that only this morning, one poor fella cat called her. Max was there, he ended up with a bruised everywhere... including his ego.

But it's extremely hard to avoid people when you have classes with them, I'm just not ready to set myself up for disappointment. "What's up with you today?" Tyler asks for the hundredth time.

"Nothing," I groan.

"Are you sureee?" He drawls out the r sound. Jake slams his fist on the table and glares at Tyler in complete annoyance.

"Tyler, Faye said that she is fine. Fine means fine so shut up and stop asking!" He exclaims. Wow. That's the most I've heard him speak. Tyler raises his eyebrows and shrugs, looking at the front at the teacher. The bell goes and I quickly close all my books and rush out of the classroom.

"YOU B*TCH!" My wrist is grabbed and I'm pulled back, I gasp and turn around with wide eyes. "I can't even step a foot into your drive way now because of you! I'm grounded for a century and you're going to pay," he hisses.

"Chad what are you doing?" Nick asks, pushing through the swarm of people. "Faye?" His face portrays confusion.

"Let me go Chad," I struggle in his tight grip and it actually hurts. The pressure he's applying surely will leave a bruise, no one is doing anything about it. Not even Nick.

"It's this little sl*ts fault!" Chad shouts, Nick's eyes go dark.

"Don't call her that," he growls. Chad raises his eyebrows, oh so now Nick cares? I wiggle around trying to get out of his grip.

"Let her go now!" Another male voice with authority shouts. "NOW! Before I bash your f**king head against a wall," Jake hisses, walking towards Chad and I with menacing steps.

"Oh yeah? Empty threats, that's what they are! Cause you're a puss," Chad smirks. Jake doesn't look amused, Nick watches with wide eyes and he still doesn't do a thing.

"You're calling me a pussy? You're the one that finds pleasure in bullying your best mates sister. Who does that?!" Jake roars.

"Who the f**k even are you? Why do you care about Faye so much!?" Chad roars.

"Chad release my sister right now," I continue struggling in Chad's grip, I try to bite his hand but his arm tightens around me so I don't.

Jake looks at me as he says, "she's my girlfriend."

Chad pushes me into Jake, he grabs me by the waist and pulls me close to him protectively. Everyone goes silent and I'm even shocked. We haven't even said anything to each other, we've only said about one word to each other and he said I'm his girlfriend?! Now the whole school will think that I'm dating a hot guy! This is so bad, my whole family will know soon! And it's not even true! They have a staring contest then Nick grabs Chad by the collar and leads him away angrily.

"Jake?" Max says in confusion. He looks down at me and I stare at him, he runs a hand through his curly hair.

"Why did you say that?" I whisper, taking two steps back. He raises his eyebrows, "now the whole school thinks we are dating and we are going to have to act like it!" I pull at my hair and Ruby moves closer towards me.

"Faye, it's okay-" I cut her off.

"No, it's not! I'm family friends with Chad! Nick is my twin brother! Do you not think they will hear about this? I will have to tell them so many lies, I don't want to lie to my family."

"I saved your ass Faye, maybe be a bit more appreciative," Jake angrily says, taking steps towards me.

"I am thankful! I just didn't think you'd say that you're my boyfriend, what do I do now?" My heart is beating wildly in my chest and I'm pancaking so much. I need to go to my place and think, I don't want to be here anymore.

"Don't you want the bullying to stop?" Ruby softly asks.

"Of course I do!" I exclaim. "But I don't think that was the right way to try and stop it all, knowing my brother and Chad... they will take it out of proportions. They try to mess up everything good in my life, okay?" I close my eyes.

"Look, lets just go with this. Jake is intimidating, he's not even bad! He just acts like it... if he is your fake boyfriend then all those people will lay off and you won't have to stress about being tripped or food going all over your face. This is your escape, take it to your advantage and don't see it as a bad thing," Ruby gently says and smiles softly. They do not know my dad.

"You haven't met my dad. He's very very protective, he will want to meet Jake and everything! I'm not ready for that. And we don't have to kiss right? Kissing is out of the question. I've never even kissed anyone!" I exclaim, breathing heavily from not breathing in that long sentence I just said.

"Not unless you want to," Jake chuckles to himself and I stare at him with a blank face. He coughs, "just speak to your brother and tell him not to tell your family."

"Nick will not do that."


"Please! It was your friend who was man handling me and hurting me! It almost looked like you cared." He spins around and stares at me with a serious face.

"Faye, I do care about you. You're my twin sister, I won't say anything but you have to drive me to school and convince dad to let Chad come over," my face goes blank and I place a hand on my hip.

"Why are you friends with him?" I ask.

"I kinda have to be, our parents a friends remember..." I sigh and grab his wrist.

"Nick that doesn't man you need to be friends with him, you're so different then who you used to be. I remembered when you would never ever let anyone say anything bad about me, what happened?" I feel a sadness remembering what we had and it was just gone one day.

"We both grew up, look just leave me alone now before I change my mind," I stop and watch him walk into his room.

I need to go to the forrest.

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