Chapter 3
“BECAUSE you asked for help. Don’t you remember?” Though she doubted he could remember everything clearly. He must be hallucinating as he ran in the middle of nowhere.
“I was curious why you helped someone like me when I looked like this. I could be someone dangerous, like a criminal on the run.” He cocked his head to the side.
“Well, I don’t think you’re a criminal running away from the authorities. The fear I saw in your face was different. It’s more like… you’re running away to save your life from grave danger.” He pressed his lips firmly. That was when she realized her hunch was correct. However, she still wanted to confirm it with him. “Are you…?”
“I think I am…” he muttered.
“What happened?”
He shook his head.
“I don’t know what exactly happened. The last thing I remembered was that I was...” He cupped the side of his head. “I think I’m hurt.”
“Yeah, I can tell by your wounds and bruises.” She sauntered toward him. “Did you know where they brought you?”
“I really don’t know.” He shook his head hard.
“What do you remember then?”
“I... I can’t remember anything. I don’t know a single detail. Why am I even here?”
“This place is secluded. There are only a few cabins here that are kilometers apart. This… our cabin is the nearest one to the civilization. If you know what I mean.”
“I’m not from here. I can tell because this place feels strange for me.” He heaved a sigh and wiped his hands with the tissue. “Anyway, I’m Ace.”
He held out a hand to her. Sybil stared at it for seconds before she shook hands with him.
“Where are we anyway?”
“Wait, what?”
Her forehead creased.
“I’m not supposed to be here.”
“Unfortunately, it seems you got kidnapped, tortured, and dumped by unknown goons, so now you’re here. Welcome to Tennessee.”
He cupped his forehead and breathed exasperatedly.
“I’m trapped here without anything.”
“Well, you can call home and tell them what happened.”
He met her gaze and pressed his lips firmly.
“I…” He sighed again. “I don’t know the phone number back home.”
“What?” she asked and stared at him back in disbelief. It was the first time she had encountered someone like him. “I-is that even possible?”
“Unfortunately… yes.”
“So, I presume you don’t know your home address either?”
He slowly nodded his head.
“It’s quite complicated… I mean, my life.”
“You know what… I thought we had met somewhere before. Now, I think I understand this feeling I had when I saw you. It seems that I felt beforehand… that you and I are somehow the same.”
“Well, I—”
Her were got interrupted when Sonja knocked on the door.
“Sybil, a word, please.”
She turned to Ace and smiled.
“Excuse me, my sister wants to talk. Enjoy the rest of your meal. If you need anything, I’m just outside.”
She went out of the room and followed Sonja outside.
“What was that?” Sonja snapped.
“I was…” She glanced back at the house. “We were just talking, getting to know each other.”
“Look.” Sonja turned to her with her hands on her waist. “You barely know that guy—”
“His name is Ace.”
“Was it even his real name?” Sonja scoffed.
“Look. I’m trying to ask him about the things we should know when you suddenly interrupted us—”
“Well, that’s not how I think it is.”
Her eyes widened.
“Were you eavesdropping? Were you there since the start of our conversation?”
“No. I got there a few seconds before I knocked. And I think I did it at the right moment when you’re just about to tell him something personal about you.”
She pressed her lips together.
“Tell me, am I doing it wrong?” She didn’t get any response from Sonja. “Listen. There’s something crazy about him.”
“And what was that?” Sonja’s brows furrowed.
“He couldn’t remember any details back at home. His address and phone number.”
“You mean that guy also has amnesia?”
“I don’t think it’s the case. He knows his name.”
“He could’ve used a fake name—”
“Sonja, do you really have to be this suspicious towards him?” They had this short staring contest. “You weren’t like this before when I woke up.”
“It’s different.”
“What do you mean by that?” Her eyes narrowed.
“You’re a woman, Sybil. What could you possibly do—”
“Whoa! That’s some sexist remark,” she said, shaking her head.
Sybil couldn’t help but feel there was something more to it. It felt like Sonja was keeping something from her, like a secret she didn’t want to share. What could that possibly be? But then, she chose not to ask about it. She would let it pass for now. It might create an argument, which was the last thing she wanted. Perhaps she could confront Sonja about it when she starts to remember.
“Let’s help him, can we?” she said after a while. “He seems like a harmless person.”
“I don’t know if I can agree with you on that matter. Don’t you think it’s too early to say that? You’ve been talking with him for a few minutes, and you already assessed he’s harmless.”
“How about this… let’s observe for a few days. If we think he’s not really a good person, let’s call the police.”
“Why are you so persistent about letting him stay here, hmm, Sybil?” Sonja folded her arms over her chest and arched a brow.
“I pity him. Don’t you feel the same?” She threw her hand in the air. “Come on, Sonja. Don’t you feel the same thing when you helped me?”
Goodness gracious, Sybil.”
“Fine. Let’s keep him in the meantime.” Sonja ran her fingers through her hair. “I hope his family finds him soon.”
“Yeah. It would be tragic if his family didn’t bother to find him. I don’t want him to… be like me.”
“Hey…” Sonja grasped her arm.
She let out a long sigh.
“You know what, the night’s almost over, and we still haven’t gotten sleep.” She linked her arm with Sonja’s. “Let’s go to bed now. Can we?”
“Well, I won’t be sleeping in a literal bed tonight. That guy’s occupying my room now.” Sonja pouted her lips.
She laughed and nudged her shoulder.
“Come on. You can sleep in my room.”
“Yeah. I love that idea. My back will ache if I sleep on the couch tonight.”
SYBIL moaned when she felt cold all over. Without opening her eyes, she hugged herself as tightly as she could. But her body kept trembling in the cold. She was mortified when she found herself lying on a rock at the seaside upon opening her eyes. No wonder she was shaking; her body was soaking wet. She sat up and felt her body aching all over. Upon checking, she saw bruises and cuts on her arms and legs.
What the hell happened to her?
She stood up and tried to search for help. But then she found herself suddenly trapped in the middle of a vast ocean. Her eyes wandered. Sybil saw the surrounding cliffs as though she was imprisoned.
“This must be a dream…” she told herself.
SHE woke up in a jolt and found herself inside her bedroom. Sonja was lying beside her, sleeping soundly. Ah… it was indeed a bad dream. She wondered if that had something to do with what really happened to her back then. Did she really fall from a cliff and lose her memories? However, Sonja never mentioned anything about where she found her. And it was only then that she realized that she and Sonja had never discussed the incident in full detail. Could it be that she was really hiding something…?
Sybil left the bed and headed out of the bedroom. She needed something to drink to calm her nerves. But when she reached the living room, she was startled to see a silhouette sitting on the couch. Her heartbeat raced immediately. And then she remembered there were three of them now.
“Why are you sitting here in the dark?” She let out a sigh and turned off the light.
Ace looked at her with narrowed eyes, adjusting to the light.
“Well, I slept for hours. I find it hard to sleep now.” He tilted his head to the side. “And you?”
“I woke up from a bad dream.” She sauntered to the kitchen.
She didn’t invite him to come, but Ace followed her. His eyes wandered around the kitchen as if he was looking for something.
“Are you looking for something to eat?”
He smiled shyly, and his stomach rumbled next. Sybil chuckled and pointed at the basket hanging by the roof.
“We keep bread in that basket, and there’s a jam in the fridge. I hope you’re not allergic to strawberries.”
“I’m not.” He smiled.
“Good. Now, help yourself because I’m going to make us hot chocolate.”
“Do you want me to make you a sandwich?” Ace asked after making one for himself.
“Yes, please.”
Sybil turned around and found him standing close to her already, holding the sandwich he had made for himself.
“Here’s the sandwich,” he said, smiling. “You can have it first.”
She cleared her throat and snatched the sandwich from him.
“Thank you,” she said as she moved away from Ace.
Did he really have to be that close?