What Happens in Walmart, Stays in Walmart
We walked in silence back to the main mansion. I opened my mouth to finally speak but Angelo beat me to it, "What did Tony do to you?" He asked.
"Well I walked in, saw those gross women and then tried to leave, but he
wouldn't let me. Kinda held me in a killer hug. He called me two words, I don't know what they mean though."
"Do you remember them?"
"I'm going to butcher them, I'm warning you. It was like dolce cuore and sciattona."
His facial expression went from flat to frowny, "Dolce cuore means sweetheart and sciatonna means...slut. What did you do to make him angry?"
"I didn't even know I made him angry!" I snapped. "Now, I want to go to sleep," I stopped right outside the entrance of the house, and crossed my arms over my chest. "But as you know, I can't. So what are you going to do about that, Mr. Mafia?"
"I have a name, Chloe. It'd be nice if you used it."
"I have a name too but that doesn't
stop you from calling me amore mia and gattina. My name is Chloe, in case you have forgotten. Now answer my question."
"I know someone-"
"Of course you do. You're in the mafia, Mr. Mafia. Take me back home," I crossed my arms and squinted my eyes in on him. "You're a criminal and I just so happen to be someone with a lot of money. I know my parents have noticed my absence and it won't be long now before people come looking for me."
He laughed at that, "No one is going to find you, amore mia. And even if they did, do you really think they wouldn't be killed on the spot? Not just anybody gets to see this place and live to tell others about it," he pulled out his phone, and started to text someone. Highly inappropriate granted the situation we were currently in,
"Someone's going to meet you here in a minute. Don't move until then," he warned before walking off.
Well I made the mafia man angry.
That somebody who was supposed to meet me was Doctor Patrick Young. The first non-Italian man I've come in contact with in a few days. He was hired by someone in the family to work on the property.
He said he mainly wrote prescriptions for things they didn't need though.
That brings me to where we are now.
We stood in line at the Walmart pharmacy. He had written me a prescription for the sleepy pills I needed. I looked behind me to see Luca and Dom making small talk.
They were sent to make sure neither Doctor Young or I blabbed about anything or tried to run away.
I gave the pharmacist behind the counter my prescription, "Ok...do you have an insurance card?" He asked.
I shook my head.
"Then it's going to be one-fifty without it."
And guess what? I didn't have any money.
I turned back to Dom and Luca, trying to decide which one I thought was nicer. I went with Dom, and motioned him over, "Do you have any money?" I
asked as he walked over.
He gave me a look, "How much?"
"One-fifty," the pharmacist said.
"O...one-fifty For dumb pills??" He stuttered, "God, you're expensive," he said while pulling out his wallet and handing the man his card. "How good are these pills?"
"Good enough to knock me out in a house full of mafia men," I said so that only he could hear me.
He pulled me to the side, leaving Doctor Young to handle the rest. "Watch it, gattina. We're in pubic."
"Oh. I know. You should let me call my dad. It feels like it's been forever."
He looked conflicted, "I...can't. Angelo would murder me and I'm sorry gattina, but I'm not dying for you. It's nothing personal."
"He doesn't have to know. I won't tell my dad about anything, I promise. Omertà . I'll live by that. You can even listen to me, I won't say anything."
He sighed and held up three fingers, "You get three minutes and you won't tell Angelo about this. Ever."
I crossed my heart with my finger, "I promise. Never. Can I have your phone?"
"No. That can be tracked. We'll get you a dumb little prepaid phone in a minute. Just wait."
I fought the urge to hug him so instead I just smiled, "Thank you."
"You're welcome, gattina."
"Why does everyone call me that?"
"You're a terrible listener. I've heard two different people explain this to
you. Gattina means kitten and you're just about as fierce and adorable as the smallest one," he poked my nose just for the added effect.
Doctor Young handed Dom's card back to him, "He said it's going to take fifteen to twenty minutes to fill the prescription."
"Alright. Let's get you a phone."
"A phone?" Luca decided now would be a good time to join the conversation. "Why is she getting a phone. That's kinda dangerous don't you think, Dom?"
"I told her she could call her dad."
Luca's jaw hit the floor, "You what? Angelo's gonna give birth to a freaking cow if he hears about this. And then I'm gonna get in trouble too!"
"Would you shut up? They made prepaid phones for a reason, dumb
"Well why didn't you say you were gonna do that? She can just use mine. I wanted to get a new one anyway," he reached into the side pocket on his black slacks and pulled his phone out, thrusting it in my direction, "Here."
"Can I call him now?" I asked Dom.
He nodded, "Three minutes, gattina."
I sat down on the bench pressed against the wall, Luca sat next to me after Dom told him he was in charge. Said he had to go to the bathroom.
I dialed my dad's cell phone number, thinking I'd have a better chance of reaching him that way. It rang four times before I got an answer, "Hello?"
"Dad, it's me! Chloe," I cheered excitedly. My dad was my favorite person in the whole world. Being away from him for even a few days was
always really hard for me.
"Chloe? Who's Luca Ortiz? Where are you?"
I turned to Luca, who looked totally oblivious to what was going on. "Oh. Um...he's a guy I met at the...charity event. It's nothing like weird though I promise. How are-"
He cut me off, "Sienna came home...without you. Chloe where are you? Who are you with? It's not like you to not call home every day. And don't even try to tell me you're taking a longer vacation because that's not like you either and I know it."
"Chloe Jai," he sighed, "I launched a search for you. This call is being recorded and traced right now."
"Dad!" I snapped, "I'm fine. You don't have to do that, really. I'll be home
"People are on their way right now, Chloe. They're gonna get you and bring you home."
"Dad no!" I knew that Dom and Luca would never let me leave. They'd fight, guns full blazing until either they were dead or whoever was coming for me was dead. "You don't understand-"
I trailed off, now more concerned about the two police officers making their way into the store. Wow, they work fast.
Dom came back out of the bathroom, his angry eyes immediately darting over to me, "What did you do, gattina?!" He snatched the phone out of my hand and crushed it between his shoe and the floor. "Luca, what did she say?" He grabbed my arm roughly, yanking me up and pulling me to the back of the store.
gattina?!" He snatched the phone out of my hand and crushed it between his shoe and the floor. "Luca, what did she say?" He grabbed my arm roughly, yanking me up and pulling me to the back of the store.
"She didn't say anything, just kinda stuttered a lot. I don't know what her dad said either, but he seemed pretty pissed off."
"God," Dom raked a hand through his gelled back black hair. "You're way more trouble than you're worth sometimes, Chloe."
"Yeah. Why does Angelo even want her to stay with us?"
"I don't know. Someone needs to talk to him though. She's gonna get us all killed."