Money Owed
The cops were chasing closely behind us. The NYC streets made it hard to get away clean. "Call Angelo. Ask him what he wants us to do," Dom threw Luca his phone before making a sudden turn, sending me flying into Doctor Young.
"Yeah, no thanks. He'll have my ass on a platter for the rest of the family to see. You call him!" Luca tossed the phone back to Dom.
Dom flipped the phone into the backseat, landing with a thud in my
lap, "You call him gattina. Tell him what you got us into."
"I'd rather not. Thanks."
"Yeah and I'd rather you not be sassy. Now call him."
"I don't know his number."
"Look in my contacts, Chloe!" He screamed.
I unlocked his phone and opened his contact app. Angelo was at the top, so the search wasn't that hard. After pressing call, I put the phone to my ear and waited. "What exactly do you want me to tell him?" I asked, still waiting for an answer on the other end.
"What do you think, Chloe? Tell him what's going on and ask him what he wants us to do."
"Hiya there, Mr. Mafia-"
"You're in so much trouble, amore mia," he groaned. "You're all over the fucking news! How did you manage that one?"
"Ya know, I don't think I like your tone. I don't respond well to bossy people for your information," I paused, "Dom wants to know what you want us to do. Can't exactly shake the cops. They're not having it."
He sighed, "Come back here. I'll have people waiting."
"You a cop killer, eh mon cher?" I remembered that I knew another language too. I was born and raised around French people. The words came easily to me. I can play this stupid second language game too.
"Goodbye, Chloe."
The line went dead and I threw the
phone back at Dom. "He said to go back to your mansion place...mafia house. Said there would be people waiting."
"That sounds like certain death," Doctor Young finally decided to speak up. "For one of the parties involved at least. Lets hope it's the right one," I had a feeling he was seriously rooting for the cops. Couldn't deny the fact that I hoped they'd slay these mafia men so I could go home already.
"I just hope Angelo knows what he's doing."
Four cop cars had followed us onto mafia land. So there goes their secret hideout I guess. Angelo had called Dom
a few minutes ago and told him to get me into the car that would be stopped right in front of the house entrance.
There were a lot of black cars waiting around now. I don't remember seeing all of those last time I was here, which was only a few hours ago and I couldn't quite see if there were people in them because of the tinted windows, but I had a serious feeling there was.
Dom came to a jarring stop right next to the car pulled up in front of the house, "Get out now, Chloe! You have all of two seconds before you get shot!"
If that wasn't motivation, I don't know what was.
I opened the door just as the one adjacent to me did and made a quick seating change, only touching earth for a second.
I wasn't surprised to see a pissed off
Angelo in this car. I wasn't even afraid this time either. Angry Angelo was everyday Angelo and he hasn't killed me yet. Maybe this was his breaking point though. Maybe I am going to get murdered.
Before I even had a chance to put my seatbelt on, the car was speeding away from mafia property. I tried to stare out the window and focus on my surroundings, but I could still feel Angelo's evil eyes fixated on the back of my head, "Can I help you?" I asked.
"I'd actually rather you didn't. Who knows what the hell else you're capable of!" He snapped.
"So what's the plan now?" I asked, turning back to the window.
I thought a lot when everything was silent, so one question burned in the back of my mind, "Why haven't you killed me yet?" I turned once again to face Angelo. "You've said you don't
personally want my money and I know for a fact that I annoy everyone here, so why am I still alive? I'm not complaining by the way, just curious."
"Curiosity killed the cat," he seemed to relax a little bit. "I don't even know how to answer that question. Now shut up. You're in trouble."
"Now I'm being treated like a kid?"
"You are a kid."
"How old are-"
"Shut up!"
I snapped my mouth closed. Jesus, that was uncalled for.
"Can't exactly say as though I didn't see this one coming." Somehow we had managed to sneak into the mafia air hangar and get on a jet. Where this jet was going though was what didn't surprise me one bit.
Home of the second mafia house.
From listening to the few guys that had made it on the jet with us (those people being Luca, Dom and two others), I came to the conclusion that I was definitely in trouble, not only with Angelo, but also with everyone else who lost their home...because of me...supposedly.
Did I feel bad though?
Not really.
the mafia house was a very nice thing. I just hope my death isn't too painful.
"I hear the boss' family lives in Naples," one of the new guys leaned in and said to Luca. If he was trying to be sneaky about it though, he wasn't. I was sitting right next to Angelo so I'm sure he heard it too. He didn't show it though.
"I thought Lorenzo was his only family. Where'd he go anyway? Haven't seen him in awhile," the other new dude chimed in. I need to learn their names, this is getting frustrating.
Angelo squinted his eyes now, but kept his focus heavy on the clouds outside the window.
"Nah, I think he has a sister too. A little one," Luca finally acknowledged the people talking to him. "I mean, that's what I hear anyway."
"It doesn't matter anyway," Dom snapped, "None of you are ever going
to meet any of them, so why are you talking about it?"
The three of them looked away, and then carried on with some side conversation.
"So what happens to me now?" I asked Angelo quietly. "You can't say that murdering me hasn't crossed your mind at least once today."
"I don't know yet, Chloe, so be quiet."
I bit my tongue to keep the snarky comment concealed. "So are we all going to live with your family or something?" I asked, bringing up what I knew he didn't want to talk about.
He rolled his eyes, kind of juvenile for a guy like him, "You're not as smart as you look, are you?" He finally turned to meet my burning stare.
"And you're not as scary as you look," I paused, "I want to go home."
"I'd get that out of my mind if I were you because you're not going home, Chloe. Ever. You owe me a lot of money now."
"How so?" I crossed my arms over my chest and stole a quick peek at the audience I had acquired. Dom, Luca and the two new guys stared at me, their mouths hanging wide open.
"You did something stupid and the whole family paid for it. No one has a safe place to go now because of you. The cops are probably crawling all over the mafia house by now, and it's not long before they start to find stuff. Bad stuff."
"What? Stuff that'll link you to crimes? You deserve it, Mr. Mafia. Maybe you shouldn't have been a criminal."
"You're this close," he pinched his index finger and thumb together, "To getting thrown off this plane."
I turned away from him to once again see everyone else looking at me like I was absolutely crazy. I just shrugged it off.
They don't scare me.