I had a wonderful time last night, well, almost a wonderful time. After the party, Father grounded Ri and me. Ri tried to take full responsibility for our actions but I wouldn’t let her. I love Ri, I know she is always ready to do anything for me so I wanted to take the blame regardless of the punishment. But Ri was relentless in letting me have the final say. Torn between believing his favorite daughter and punishing me, father took the only way out. He grounded us for three days.

“Still thinking of what you will tell Prince Jeffery when you see him at school today?” Ri asks as she drops the book she’s reading.

I take my eyes from the forest and look at Ri who is smiling at me,

“Oh please don’t remind me of my yet another epic fail last night.”

Ri starts laughing

“Honestly Iris, you have to learn to stop spilling your drinks on Prince Jeffery.”

“I didn’t do it on purpose. He just makes me… well… so nervous and you know how I am when I am nervous.”

Ri is still laughing

“Glad I could entertain you,” I say.

I turn to the forest once more and try to forget what happened last night.


“So when are they going to make a move?” I ask.

“I overheard my father telling Sir Jacob three nights from today,” Lady Juliana says.

Lady Juliana is the daughter of Duke Edmund, the special adviser to the king, my father, and also the Duke of Carveton. She and I formed a friendship of protection. To protect those who can’t protect themselves. She has been the one informing of any hunt going to occur in the forest.

“Hmmm,” I say.

“What should we do?” Lady Juliana says.

“I am going to be a bit cornered am afraid. I know father is going to ground I and Ri after the party. I won’t be able to be much of an assistant if I am going to be locked up in here,” I say.

She nods at me as the realization of the thought of me not going to be there during the hunt in three days hits me. I groan.

“I don’t know why I agreed to this plan,” I say and gesture to my nightwear.

I hear Juliana giggling at my frustration.

“I hate that Zadie couldn’t make it. I still can’t believe she caught the flu.”

“We have three days to come up with a plan. For now, let’s enjoy the ball,” Lady Juliana says as she links my hand with hers.

She turns me towards the ball and guides me to a small crowd of princesses and young duchesses talking.

“Where are we going, Juliana?”

“To join the other princesses and ladies over there,” Lady Juliana says.

“What! Why? Do we have to; I mean we have a lot to talk about,” I say.

“I know Your Highness but it’s your ball remember and you haven’t talked to anyone yet.”

We reach the small crowd.

“Fine,” I say.

I watch Princess Esmeralda excuse herself from the crowd and walk toward me and Lady Juliana.

“I know you are not about to join us looking like that Iris, not without explaining what in God’s name you are wearing like that,” Princess Esmeralda says groaning at me.

Lady Juliana releases me and curtsies at Princess Esmeralda.

“Excuse me, Your Highness,” Lady Juliana says and goes ahead to join the other ladies.

“This was Ri’s idea, not mine,” I say gesturing to my robe.

“What? Really? What was she thinking?” Princess Esmeralda asks.

“I would expect something like this from you, but her? There has to be an explanation,” Princess Esmeralda says.

“My gown wasn’t ready,” I say.

“What? How?” Princess Emeralda asks.

“Long story Esmeralda,” I say.

“Iris you need to get your head out of the clouds sometimes. You need to be always ready and…”

Knowing Princess Esmeralda, this conversation can go on for hours. As if one mother in the castle in the castle wasn’t enough, I also have to deal with another mother outside the castle and I am not in the mood for that.

“C’mon Esmeralda not now. Can we just enjoy the evening without you dampening my spirit? Besides we are still going to get a lecture from mother and father when the ball is over,” I say.

I watch as Esmeralda rolls her eyes as she gives up.

“Fine but this discussion is not over. If we don’t have it now, we will have it tomorrow at school,” Princess Esmeralda says.

I groan as we walk to the ladies' discussion.

“I can see you changed your tiara, Your Highness,” Lady Juliana says smiling at Princess Esmeralda.

I smile knowing what Lady Julianna is trying to do. I watch as Princess Esmeralda struggles with her impulses. I can’t help but giggle at her. One way to get Princess Esmeralda off your back is to compliment her. Then she forgets what it is she was angry about.

“Oh you know me too well,” Princess Esmeralda says giving in.

The discussion flows effortlessly. I listen to them talk about fashion and who they have a crush on.

“By God’s name, I thought she said she was not going to attend the ball,” Princess Esmeralda says.

“What? Who are you talking about?” I ask.

“I am sorry Iris,” Princess Esmeralda says.

Just then I hear a laugh, I can recognize that laughter anywhere in the world, Princess Isabelle of Octavalia. Princess Isabelle and I have never liked each other growing up. She always goes out of her way to make me look bad. She and I have always been logger heads about everything and that is why she and I can’t stand each other.

I turn in time and watch her walk from across the ballroom with her devious eyes trained on me as she joins us.

“Hello everyone,” Princess Isabelle greets.

The ladies curtsey at her as well but as usual, she never responds. Isabelle isn’t a down-to-earth person. She never acknowledges those beneath her. She is always quick to judge anyone. That is why she is my least person and I am also why we can never be friends.

“Hello Isabelle, I thought you said you weren’t coming to Filamonda for the ball,” Princess Esmeralda says.

“Yes I did, didn’t I? Father said he had some business to discuss with King Matthew so we had to come,” Princess Isabelle says checking her nails.

I walk to her.

“King Theodore has been in attendance since an hour ago and you just arrived which means you are late, Isabelle,” I say.

“The way I see it, I am on time as long as the last dance hasn’t started and besides fabulous takes time,” Princess Isabelle says.

“Looking at it the other way, isn’t it disrespectful, Your Highness?” Juliana asks.

I watch Princess Isabelle's noses flair up with anger. She moves from me and walks to Juliana who bows her head as Princess Isabelle approaches her.

“Know your place, wretch. There is a big difference between a lady who isn’t sure if she will become a duchess or a princess. I suggest you watch it with me who is sure of her hierarchy,” Princess Isabelle says.

“Stop it Isabelle, remember you are a guest here, I won’t have you pull that status game while you are here,” I say.

“You and I both hold the same status, Iris; I won’t tolerate you telling me what I can and cannot do,” Princess Isabelle says turning to me.

“My kingdom, my rules. Deal with it,” I say.

“Who is going to choose such an empty vessel as a Queen,” Princess Isabelle.

I charge at Princess Isabelle but Princess Esmeralda stops me with her hand.

“That is enough Isabelle, we don’t want a repeat of what happened last time,” Princess Esmeralda says.

“This time it had nothing to do with me, put her on a leash,” Princess Isabelle says pointing at Lady Juliana and looking at me.

I walk to Princess Isabelle

“Yes we do have the same status but you are in my kingdom, I suggest you thread very carefully, or else I will declare a challenge right here, right now,” I say.

She chuckles and smiles at me deviously. I know that smile any day; it’s a ploy to challenge and disrespect in front of the duchesses.

“Iris there is no need to declare a challenge. Don’t let her bait you. You have enough problems as it is,” Princess Esmeralda says.

“You don’t need to baby sit her Esmeralda,” Princess Isabelle says pulling her gloves off. “Do I have to remind you what happened to you the last time you…?”

“You don’t need to remind us what happened last time Isabelle.”

Everyone turns to the voice and watches Princess Octavia joins us with Ri at her side. They have been best friends for as long as I can remember. Princess Octavia is Princess Esmeralda’s younger sister by a year.

“Here comes the cavalry,” Princess Isabelle says mockingly.

“Isabelle, thank you so much for honoring our invitation, however judging from what I witnessed and heard, you are not here to have a good time with us. It’s either you are with us or against us. But I will take Iris’s advice if I were you.” Ri walks up to Princess Isabelle “Thread very carefully.”

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