Chapter 5
Subsequently after he left the tower, Elena attempted to leave through the front door, but discovered it had been locked from the outside, holding her hostage against her will.
The princess stared out the window, and tried to maybe guess how many stories up the tower was, and her rate of survival if she jumped.
They were horribly narrow, if not non existent.
Defeated, sat on the only chair in the room, and began to think about the recent events that had just happened. And more importantly why they were happening to her.
However, right as she started to wonder, her ears picked up on the sound of the tower door pulled open, followed by calculated footsteps.
The footsteps sounded so similar, she couldn't tell without looking if they belonged to a person or two people. Her heart pounded more than before, as countless possibilities of what would happen next plagued her mind.
"Mistress Elena, your tea is here." Said a voice in the most civil tone, anyone at Reeves had used when speaking.
"I've brought with me freshly cleaned sheets to replace these worn out ones." Said another completely different voice, hinting that they were actually two other men in the room.
Due to how kind their words sounded, she reluctantly looked over her shoulder, and casted her gaze on two identical older looking men, at beast at their late fifties or early sixties.
Aside them being hard to tell apart, they were dressed in a simple white linen shirt, with a large brown belt wrapped under their protruding stomachs and black chausses underneath. A sharp contrast to the butlers who waited on her back at home, who usually wore an oversized green Tunic which stopped at their ankles. And dark red pants underneath, with flat pointy shoes that made her chuckle whenever they slipped and fell.
"We are your humble servants mistress...."
"YOU are a humble servant, I take pride in waiting on Mistress Elena." A sharp interjection from the man who had the tea in hand said, cutting his companion off miserably.
"Don't start with that in front of the mistress." Chided, the one with sheets neatly folded in his arms.
"Then don't lump me in with you Jareth." The other argued vehemently, refusing to be scolded, due to how big his Ego seemed to be.
"We were birthed on the same day Jairo, we've been lumped together for decades now." Jareth reminded him, narrowing his eyes at his twin brother, who shot him a death glare.
'For such aged men, they have quite youthful spirits' she thought to herself, almost convinced they were young men trapped inside the body of aged twins.
"Ahem!" She dry coughed, reminding them of her presence in the room, "won't the tea get cold with all that bickering." Elena stated, hoping to allow her ears rest from their insightful exchange of words.
Both men swiftly straightened their backs and pulled back their lips into a refined smile. Promptly, the one known as Jairo, who held the tea on a silver tray marched towards her and presented it to the young princess.
She mouthed a thank you to him, but did not touch the tea, she had no appetite left in her.
While his brother set to work, meticulously replacing the bedsheets, paying no heed to the blood stains and claw marks on it.
"Do you need to get that looked at?" Jareth asked Elena, gazing spiritedly at her twisted ankle.
She instinctively crossed the wounded leg behind the other, protecting it from their prying eyes.
"We noticed how you struggled while being escorted into the palace." Jareth noted, holding in his grasp, the old sheets with questionable stains.
"Damaris had always had no common sense when it came to handling women, which is why he has none clinging to him." Jairo said in a foul manner, bad mouthing the man Elena guessed to be the rude man with the scar above his left eye.
"Hush! The tower walls have ears! He'll cut off your balls if he hears you." Jareth mentioned in genuine fright, as though such an incident had occurred in the past.
Elena inwardly hoped to never bear witness to such brutality.
"Not like they work much, same goes for yours, do you think if we could get it up the master would have sent us here? Besides, I am not afraid of that fiend with a bad temper." Jairo spoke at length, revealing a fascinating truth to the princess.
They couldn't have children.
"Stop sounding so crass in front of the mistress, it's unbecoming of a servant."
"And what would you know about being an ideal butler? You shoe licking, ass bussing old fart!" Jairo retorted, butting heads against his calmer brother.
"Excuse me." Elena sheepishly voiced out, in a bid to prevent another painful exchange of words between the two men.
"Yes mistress." They said in unison, lowering their heads to her.
"You both seem like kind men with noble hearts, unfit to live in such a country like this. Which makes me think you must be outsiders just like me, and would surely want to escape here." She said and reach out to hold one of their hands, an action that caused both men to flush crimson red.
"Help me escape and I will return with soldiers from my kingdom to help you." Elena told them, unwilling to travel with old men who would most likely die before they made it to Valencia.
Both men exchanged glances with each other, stunned by the proposal the young woman had presented them with. They withdrew their hands from her reach, giving her their response.
"Mistress, you should refrain from harbouring such thoughts, it would be best if you wish to live." Jairo explained not mincing words, he picked up the untouched tea and placed it back on the tray.
"The master is not a bad man, but he will get angry if he hears you have plans to escape." The milder mannered twin explained, wearing a kind smile on his face.
"No! If he was such a good person, he would have never had me kidnapped and locked up in a tower so high up. I can not stay in a place where my life is in danger, please, try to understand." The Princess pleaded, appealing to their good senses.
Elena had no idea when her parents would get word of her kidnapping and was not prepared to wait for their rescue. She wanted to return back to her tower in the west wing and spend her days being hated by her step siblings rather than be threatened by the enemy.
"If it puts the mistress at ease, she should know that the master has no intention of taking your life. Which was why he sent only the best servants at the castle to tend to you. Rest assured, you are in the safest hands." Jairo explained with closed eyes, a proud smile drawn across his wrinkly face.
"We shall protect you mistress, till the very end, we shall see to your safety, even if it costs us our life." Jareth informed her, his cheerful eyes dampened when he said the latter part of the sentence.
They spoke as though there was truly an upcoming peril on it's way, and these two were ready to lay down their lives for a complete stranger.