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Your Soul mate

Laura's locket started twinkling the moment she stepped into the cafe. She was taken aback when she first noticed the icy clear stone in her pendant sparkling in blue. Soon a familiar scent drew her attention to the cafe's farthest corner. She unintentionally walked toward the table, as if drawn by the aroma. She was surprised to see Xavier as she approached the table.

"What brings you here, Mr Xavier Davis?" Laura fixed her gaze on him. Consequently, Xavier was startled and shifted in his seat.

"Laura..." he gulped as he noticed her stern expression. But someone's gaze on Laura suddenly diverted her attention. She was stunned as she turned her gaze to the other person who was with Xavier. Grey noticed her stunned expression when she saw him and peered at her. His gaze began to chill her, and the pendant brightened even more.

Xavier blinked as he realised they were both staring at each other. Immediately Xavier tapped the table to divert their attention. They were both startled out of their thoughts. Xavier gave Laura a friendly smile right away.

"How are you doing, Laura?" He tried his hardest to conceal his nervousness. Laura clenched her fists and locked her gaze on Xavier. Xavier, on the other hand, smiled at her. He ignored her stare and tried to relax.

"Ha ha… What a pleasant surprise!!! I didn't expect to see you here..." Xavier began to laugh, which appeared forced. Laura frowned. Grey looked at them both, puzzled. When Xavier noticed her glare, he lowered his head. Laura slightly bowed towards him as she held the table.

"Mr Xavier Davis… You've already been warned not to enter my domain. But look where you've gotten yourself now" She tapped the table.

"Laura… We're friends... Please don't embarrass me..." Xavier begged, pointing at Grey. Laura, on the other hand, was not ready to look at Grey. She needed to stay away from Grey. So she tried to take out her frustration on Xavier.

"Friends? We? I don't have any friends, Xavier. I don't want anyone to be my friend. So wipe out that statement. And… May I know what has brought you here now? Aren't you busy? Did Mr Davis remove you from your position as CEO?" She growled at Xavier.

Xavier let out a long sigh. Xavier, however, said nothing against her, which surprised Grey. He had heard that Xavier was tough, but he saw him being soft with the girl who threatened him.

"Xavier… I'm warning you. Please do not enter here. I don't like troublemakers like you in my territory." She warned him. Hearing her cold words, Xavier gulped. Nonetheless, she lowered her voice and looked at Xavier.

"Anyway, as a stranger, let me offer you some advice. Don't fritter away your time chasing after something far away. First, keep it close to you so you don't have to waste time looking for it." She muttered in a low voice. Then she walked away after giving Grey a hard stare. Grey was perplexed by her words and blinked. On the other hand, Xavier burst out laughing. He then paused his laugh and pointed at Laura who was walking towards the counter.

"Grey... she is my friend. She's my best friend... Ms Laura Knight is my only best friend." Xavier said proudly raising his hands in the air. Laura's lips formed a light smile that she kept hidden from others after hearing Xavier.

"What do you mean exactly? She just insulted you, Xavier." Grey attempted to explain the situation to him. Laura alerted her sense to their conversation by hearing Grey. Xavier, on the other hand, flatly refused Grey's words.

"No… She just gave me a brilliant idea that will help me get what I need." Xavier smiled and fixed his gaze on Stella.

"Wait!!! Please… clarify your words?" Grey raised his hand.

"Grey, you're a fool. She instructed me to bring Stella close to me. Therefore convincing her of the truth would be an easy step." Xavier smirked at Stella and started to concoct a plan to make her trapped.

Grey cast an unintentional glance at Laura. As he looked at her, her locket began to blink. Laura averted her gaze and concentrated on her work as soon as she noticed his gaze on her.

"She could say that to you openly, right? Why should she be so tough on you?" Grey was baffled. He was not pleased with her obstinate and ferocious nature.

"That is Laura Knight... It was in her blood. We were classmates. I've known her since we were in eighth grade. She turned down everyone's friendship. She'd never dated a man before. She won't even look at the boys. That's what piqued my interest. I need a friend like her who will not be with me for selfish reasons. She is unique." Stated Xavier.

"But… " Grey's gaze was drawn to Laura, who was checking the bills.

"I think... She has some secrets to hide." Grey fixed his gaze on her. Laura abruptly paused her work and stared in disbelief at Grey. Grey was baffled. She was looking at him nervously as if she had heard what he had said. She averted her gaze when she noticed his stare, concealing her panic. Grey became conscious of her transformation.

Laura, on the other hand, was completely perplexed. Her locket seemed to be reacting to Grey's presence. It twinkled when he looked at her. It had been twinkling since she walked into the cafe. She'd never been in a situation like this before. She went into the store to avoid him because she couldn't figure out what was going on.

When Laura left, Grey was disappointed. He was drawn to her by something, and his heart told him she was the girl from his dream. However, he must confirm it. But... How?

"Hey... Grey..." After Xavier waved his hand, Grey came back from his wild thoughts.

"Come on... let's go," Xavier said, taking his car key. Grey followed him.

"Xavi!!! What a surprise!!!" Jessica yelled as she ran to embrace Xavier. Xavier was caught off guard by her unexpected attack. Despite this, he caught her and balanced himself. When Grey noticed Jessica squeezing Xavier, he felt like laughing hard.

"Hi...Jes..." muttered Xavier, normalising his breathing.

"Jess... Let him breathe..." Laura's irritated voice was heard from afar. Grey's gaze was again drawn to Laura.

"Oh, my bad... I was ecstatic to see you... Sorry about that, Xavi..." Jess laughed completely ignoring Laura.

"It's fine, beautiful..." Xavier pinched her cheeks and smiled widely. Jessica's cheeks flushed immediately. Laura sighed and rolled her eyes.

"It hurts, Xavi..." Jes slapped Xavier on his arm.

"And who is this? Is he your friend?" When Jess noticed Grey's gaze on Laura, she raised her brows.

"Oh, Jes... Meet Grey Flexis, a business partner and friend of mine." Xavier introduced Grey. Immediately Grey shifted his gaze from Laura to Jessica.

"Hi… This is Jessica Parker. Laura's Aunt.." Jessica quickly extended her hand.

"Aunt!!!" Grey asked in disbelief. Does she look like her aunt? No way... She vaguely resembles Laura's older sister.

"Yes…" Jessica smiled as she noticed Grey's wide eyes.

"But... you seem to be too young..." Grey couldn't help but compliment her beauty. Jessica's face turned red. Laura, on the other hand, gritted her teeth at his remark.

"Is it? Then call me Jes... Welcome to my family." Grey was immediately hugged by Jessica. Grey was stunned, and Laura clenched her fist.

As soon as Jessica touched him, her eyes widened. She began to discern Laura and Grey's previous meeting. Jessica was stunned. Jessica's attention was diverted by the gleaming locket, which was visible in her eyes despite being hidden behind Laura's top. Immediately Laura moved to the counter after knowing Jessica's thoughts.

"Jes..." Xavier patted Jessica's shoulder when he noticed she was still hugging Grey.

"I'm sorry... I..." Jessica immediately let go of Grey. Grey nodded and returned his gaze to Laura, who was already at the counter. When Grey locked his gaze on Laura, Jessica noticed the locket was shining brightly.

"Okay…Jes... We are moving..." Xavier stated as he received a phone call from his assistant.

"Come back often... and don't forget to bring your friend..." Jessica pointed out to Grey. Xavier hugged her and moved out. Grey followed Xavier reluctantly.

As they both left the cafe, Jessica went inside her cabin. After a few seconds, she summoned Lura to her cabin.

"What is it?" Laura inquired as she entered. Jessica walked up to Laura. She then lifted the chain from Laura's neck. She creased it and shut her eyes. Jessica's face softened after a split second.

"Congratulations!!!" Jessica said as she hugged Laura.

"For?" Jessica's behaviour astounded Laura.

"For finding your soul mate..." Jessica declared.

"What!!!" Laura let out a shrill scream.

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