THE SUN was shining when Dakota woke up. She slept well because of being so tired and awake. She seems to have come from some fight and her strength is running low. Dakota looked around the room. The two women she slept with were gone, but the woman who was on the opposite side of her bed looked like she had just woken up. She smiled at the girl, but she avoided looking at her.

Dakota just let it go and carefully got off the double deck and went to the bathroom to wash and comb her hair. She found the two new toothbrushes that looked like Shane and Wendy prepared for them. She took a deep breath before picking it up and taking it. A few moments later, Dakota was satisfied with her own appearance. Dakota quickly made her way out and down the stairs to the restaurant. Every step she took on the stairs was slow because she was really shaky.

As she approached there, Dakota could hear voices from the restaurant.

“Extra rice on table three!” Aston shouted.

Dakota stopped. She listened to the voices of the people who helped her.

“Coming!” It was Shane’s voice.

Dakota stepped forward again to peer at them. She first saw Shane busy circling the tables while carrying a tray containing plates of rice. They are obviously busy. She secretly looked around because her eyes were searching for the rest of the restaurant.


It surprised Dakota when someone grabbed her shoulder and immediately looked at the woman whose name she still didn’t know. She closed her eyes and held her chest.

“You surprised me!” she whispered to her. She took her by the hand and pushed her slightly so that they could hide.

It seems surprising. “Why?”

“It looks like they’re busy right now,” she whispered as they both looked around the restaurant.

“Fried pork belly for table six!” Aston shouted again.

After a while, their eyes caught Wendy. Wendy smiled at the customers eating before returning to Aston’s habit of taking the order. They just look around. People are busy on their own. It immediately occurred to Dakota that this was not the right time for them to mess with their friends.

“Dakota, I saw something.”

“See what?” Because she could see that it seemed serious and she felt that what she was going to say was related to the personality of both of them, Dakota focused her attention on the girl. “What is that?”

The woman raised her hand, and they both gasped to see a small tattoo there.

“W-Willow?” Dakota frowned as she looked at the girl’s wrist. “Is that your name?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, but I’m nervous that it has something to do with who I am.”

Even she had the same hunch. Dakota swallowed, then nodded. “Maybe you are Willow.” Dakota held her hand. “All right. We’ll just call you Willow, so you have a name.”

Because of what she said, Willow smiled, causing two dimples to appear on her cheeks. “All right.”

“Let’s just tell Shane about it later when they’re done with their work.” Willow agreed, so she and Dakota were about to go up the stairs to go back to their room, but it stopped them when they heard a voice from behind.

“Who are you?” They almost froze when they heard the unfamiliar man’s voice. “I’m asking you. Who are you? Where are you going and what are you doing here? That is a restricted place and for the staff only.” His voice grew slightly louder and shook the whole place.

Dakota swallowed. It seemed as if her heart was going to explode because of its strong beating of it. She didn’t know what to say to the other person. Dakota also felt Willow’s nervousness and fear that slightly pinched her. Dakota felt cold all over and they closed their eyes tightly. The thumping of her chest seemed to be heard by the people because it was so loud. It’s like she’s deaf.

“Turn around,” the man ordered them as if full of authority.

They heard footsteps, and it looked like they were getting closer to where they were. There was nothing she and Willow could do but stay in that spot. Beads of sweat are forming on her forehead. The hands are freezing. Dakota took a deep breath before carefully and slowly facing forward while crouching. Dakota swallowed loudly.

They were stunned when a muscular man was standing in front of them now. He was wearing white clothes and his eyebrows met as he looked at the two of her and Willow. His eyebrows were also furrowed, and Willow seemed to study them both.

“We’re doomed!” Kurt said out of nowhere.

“Oh my God… Dakota...”

“Who are you? Who gave you permission to go upstairs?” The man asked again with the same tone.

Dakota’s knees were shaking from fear. Her heart almost gave out because of how fast it was beating. She raised her head and met the gaze of the questioning man in front of them.

“I-I’m...” Her eyes twitched. It reduces the feeling of nervousness. Her tongue was so numb that she could not utter even a single word. Even Willow kept her mouth shut. Looks like she’s going to cry.

“D-Dakota...” her friend laughed at her.

“Who are you!?” His voice is louder now.

Dakota met his eyes in confusion. Her jaw almost dropped when she saw the man’s face. Suddenly, something in her chest came to life, but she didn’t know what it was. Dakota couldn’t make out what it was, so she couldn’t name it. Someone hypnotized her, causing the world’s cycle to slow down. She didn’t know what word to answer because she couldn’t think of anything to say.

“Aren’t you going to—”

“I-I’m D-Dakota.”

“Dakota?” the man asked. It seemed that he was not satisfied with her answer, but was obviously just holding back. He looked at Shane’s behavior and gave a look that made sense. Their friends showed the same fear and extreme nervousness that Willow and Dakota are feeling now.

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