Billionaire Insatiable Desires all 118 chapters

  1. Chapter 1: The Billionaire's Game
  2. Chapter 2: The Final Announcement
  3. Chapter 3: The Game FX Begins
  4. Chapter 4: The Billionaire's Past
  5. Chapter 5: The Changes
  6. Chapter 6: The Crossroads
  7. Chapter 7: The Confusion
  8. Chapter 8: The Love Triangle
  9. Chapter 9: The Reporter's Job
  10. Chapter 10: The Governor's Secret Offer
  11. Chapter 11: The Hasty Decision
  12. Chapter 12: The Untimely Marriage
  13. Chapter 13: The Runaway Bride And Groom
  14. Chapter 14: The Governor's Wrath
  15. Chapter 15: Manila - The City Of Hopes
  16. Chapter 16: Exploring Manila Philippines
  17. Chapter 17: Applying As Overseas Filipino Worker
  18. Chapter 18: Dubai - The City Of Dreams
  19. Chapter 19: The OFW Reality
  20. Chapter 20: The Discoveries
  21. Chapter 21: First Vacation to the Philippines
  22. Chapter 22: The Revelation
  23. Chapter 23: The Search for My Son
  24. Chapter 24: Surprise Encounter with Danielle Gustilo
  25. Chapter 25: Returned to Dubai City
  26. Chapter 26: Transferred to Al Ain City
  27. Chapter 27: The Incident Happened
  28. Chapter 28: New Store Assignment
  29. Chapter 29: The Game of Life
  30. Chapter 30: Found My Two Sons
  31. Chapter 31: The Governor's House - Bacolod City
  32. Chapter 32: The Signs of Gulf War
  33. Chapter 33: The Gulf War Aftermath
  34. Chapter 34: Visiting My Hometown - Hinigaran
  35. Chapter 35: The Recruitment of Mike Luna
  36. Chapter 36: The Billionaire's Dream
  37. Chapter 37: My Love...My Jealousy...My Revenge..My Ambitions
  38. Chapter 38: A Ploy For Danielle Gustilo
  39. Chapter 39: The Desert Wilderness
  40. Chapter 40: The Confrontations
  41. Chapter 41: The New Judas Iscariote
  42. Chapter 42: The New Billionaire
  43. Chapter 43: The Chase
  44. Chapter 44: The Turn Tail with My Daughter
  45. Chapter 45: The Ending of Mike Luna
  46. Chapter 46: The New Beginning
  47. Chapter 47: The Secret Invitation
  48. Chapter 48: CIA HQ at Langley
  49. Chapter 49: The Farm At Camp Peary
  50. Chapter 50: I am a Billionaire...I am a Spy
  51. Chapter 51: Mission - Shanghai, China
  52. Chapter 52: The Billionaire's Son Return
  53. Chapter 53: The Heart Beats Again
  54. Chapter 54: The Hints
  55. Chapter 55: The Signs
  56. Chapter 56: The Attraction Is Strong
  57. Chapter 57: Surprise Encounter
  58. Chapter 58: Jealousy?
  59. Chapter 59: Still In Love With Each Other?
  60. Chapter 60: Trying To Rekindle
  61. Chapter 61: Still Confused?
  62. Chapter 62: Growing Up
  63. Chapter 63: The Changes And Memories
  64. Chapter 64: Really Different Now
  65. Chapter 65: The Foundation Of Love
  66. Chapter 66: The Parents Of Marco Fernando Junior
  67. Chapter 67: The Love Inside Her Heart
  68. Chapter 68: Still Loved Him
  69. Chapter 69: The Trials
  70. Chapter 70: The Dream Formed
  71. Chapter 71: Back And Return
  72. Chapter 72: Love That Love
  73. Chapter 73: Marco Junior's Father
  74. Chapter 74: The Fernando Family
  75. Chapter 75: The Billionaire's Siblings
  76. Chapter 76: Spying Is My Life
  77. Chapter 77: Secret Project Crabnomers
  78. Chapter 78: The Emergency At The Laboratory
  79. Chapter 79: The Accident
  80. Chapter 80: The Memories
  81. Chapter 81: The Cover Up
  82. Chapter 82: The Disappearance of Marco Fernando Senior
  83. Chapter 83: Mrs. Ayah Isabel Gonzales Fernando
  84. Chapter 84: Anne Rose and Marco Fernando Junior
  85. Chapter 85: The Rescue
  86. Chapter 86: Marco Junior Disappearance in China
  87. Chapter 87: University Of Santo Thomas
  88. Chapter 88: First University Party Bash
  89. Chapter 89: The Fernando Bros. & Emily Reyes
  90. Chapter 90: Jiyo Kael And Benjamin Gustilo
  91. Chapter 91: The Search for Jiyo Kael
  92. Chapter 92: I Found Him
  93. Chapter 93: Missing Each Other
  94. Chapter 94: Found Love Completely
  95. Chapter 95: Together...Death is the Answer
  96. Chapter 96: What If?
  97. Chapter 97: Wondering
  98. Chapter 98: The Maturity
  99. Chapter 99: Let Me Decide
  100. Chapter 100: The Reunion
  101. Chapter 101: The Siblings
  102. Chapter 102: The Engagement Ring
  103. Chapter 103: The Threat
  104. Chapter 104: What's Happening?
  105. Chapter 105: Marco Fernando Junior's Sister
  106. Chapter 106: The Owner - Mr. Engelbert Montero
  107. Chapter 107: Awkward Business Transaction
  108. Chapter 108: The Awkward Attraction
  109. Chapter 109: Forget Him
  110. Chapter 110: The Unexpected Meeting
  111. Chapter 111: A Call
  112. Chapter 112: A Scheduled Meeting
  113. Chapter 113: Dream Come True
  114. Chapter 114: The Romantic Drama
  115. Chapter 115: Telephone Rings
  116. Chapter 116: Pursuing The Heartbeats
  117. Chapter 117: Shopping Extravaganza
  118. Chapter 118: The Billionaire's Love