That's my hearts reaction when this mysterious rude guy took off his mask. We stared. It seems like those around me have become fast forward. I heard nothing. He still holds my waist. Yes l don't know him. But why do I seem to know him before. Why do I seem to have seen him before but I can't remember ?
Why does it seem like I’m feeling like I’m in the first place now ?
He looks so familiar, his smell, his voice, his presence. His striking handsome face. His long manly hair.
Wtf. It's like a machete that came to life. This is frustrating me. This is wrong !
We're both lost in the ozone. I'm looking at him and searching his soul.
" Goodevening Sir Geralt " he said when he came to us.
" Si - sir ? "
What does he mean sir ?
" He's my boss babe the president of ROYALE Corp. Sir Geraltvon Jacksier " he whispered to me.
I looked at his boss and he was just smirking at me. What the !
" This is Alexia Lexi for short sir . . my fiancè " he introduced me.
" N - nice to meet you SIR " He didn't speak for 30 seconds I couldn't paint his face. He also did not shake hands. .
" Enjoy the party " he said formally as he left.
Awkwardness level 1000. How can I tell Stanley what he did ?
Maybe when he fights it, he will fire.
His work is still very important to him ! President ? Why Lord ? Why president of all people !
Exactly . . what have I done to their president ?
Shall I say no ?
Hey . . . Need to tell Noreen ! yes where is she ? ! " Babe where is Noreen ? " I asked babe.
"Uh I think they left with Sir Lennox it looks like they can't stand it anymore !
" Ughhh . . . ! After midnight it's turn up time. The DJ is already playing party music. So all the young people were partying and getting drunk while the older ones went home.
My fianće loves to party get drunk and dance, Which is i understand because her work is stressful again. They need it from time to time. I was about to return to the table to rest but Stanley pulled me to the dance floor and danced.
I pulled him to the photo booth so we could have a remembrance of this day.
" Say cheeeese " we said as we clicked the camera.
We have a kissing picture, wacky, then what Hihi I was looking at the picture after it was printed when I felt someone looking at me.
Look I look around nothing. I looked up and I saw him again where he was earlier on the 2nd flr. And I'm pretty sure he's looking straight at me. And he looks so mad.
Like literally mad. Is he still angry ? ! Ignore ! I ignored what happened earlier even though I was a little distracted. I'll enjoy first with soon to be husband joy
: Closer The Chainsmokers Oops ! Our favorite song ! ! ! !
She is my sexy dance and she is the one who salivates at what I do.
He wants to because when I dance he loses his briefs haha !
We're having a great time !
I put his hand on my waist. And he kissed me, and it's very wild long kiss. We were just dancing a dance when suddenly a waiter came and gave us all Moët & Chandon champagne with bottle sparklers so everyone was happy. Everyone shouted in ecstasy ! We will love this champagne ! It's fun to watch the sparklers !
The party got even louder and we shot at the same time.
After about 10mins I would have gone to CR I feel funny like mgtthrow- me up. I feel dizzy, I just drank a glass of champagne after I fainted earlier. I'm almost clinging to the things next to me because of my dizziness, I'm here at the door to CR when it's all dark . ..
I hear the ocean waves I smell the ocean breeze,
Haa it's so relaxing .. I hope this is always the dream ..
" Haaah What a beautiful morning " I still closed my eyes I rolled the tire softened on my bed while stretching.
Hmm for babe and me's bed ah. Maybe he's at work.
I can still hear the ocean waves. Weird huh. I was still dreaming.
I opened my eyes and look straight at the ceiling and why am i wearing this white baggy t-shirt hmm i'm not wearing my pajamas ? I'm probably still dreaming ? Hmm . . .
" Woaaaaaaaaaaaa ! ! ! ! ! ! "
After 5 minutes of realization !
Where the hell am I ? ! ! ! Whose room is this ? !
I look outside ! Why is there a sea outside ? ! All I know is there is no sea near in Makati !
I checked the whole room. The size is great! It's as big as our condo ! The floor is carpeted all white theme the room. The furnitures looks new. 70 inch TV ? What the ? I went to the bathroom.
" OH . MY . GOD "
this is the largest bathroom I've ever seen in my whole entire life not even on tv ! The shower is see - through glass. The bathtub in the middle can fit at least 10 people in an extra size. I walked a little further inside. I have a nacurious door so I'll open it. Maybe just a cabinet.
" OH . MY . GOD " jacuzzi with an ocean view. The sea is just right but I can still see the net color !
There is a spa massage bed next to it with all kinds of different flowers.
What ? ! Am I in heaven ? And the sea. Nice ! super clear water it's like aqua green-ish !
The fresh air, it feels like I'm far away from the pollution in the city !
I was so amazed at this place that I almost forgot where I really was !
I went back to the room to see where and to whom is it house.
When I came out of the bathroom I almost slipped in shock when I saw a man behind me with long hair tied up.
" How do you like your room ? "
My room ? !
And his voice !
No way !
This can't be !
And he faced my direction, lowering my t-shirt a little.
He's wearing a summer shorts and a white tight t-shirt that hugs his tanned muscles.
Uh seriously Lexi ? !
We stared for 5 seconds . .
I just froze at the bathroom door.
My knee suddenly weakened. My wrist is running.
Why do I feel like this when I see him.
Wait, the first time I saw him i was at the masquerade party right ?
Wait !
Everything came back to my memory of what happened last night !
The last thing I remember is that my eye sight went black last night from drunkenness after that
I don't remember anything !
" W - why am i here, where am I ? ! where is Stanley ? ! "
I had the courage to question him. Although I'm obviously nervous, I don't know what he's capable of. Especially what he did to me in CR last night.
He's strange ! His reaction was unexplainable, either he didn't like the question or he doesn't know the answer.
" Because alcohol should be put in tyan, not in your brain. " Sarcasm. He came a little closer to me.
" You'll be staying here for a while. " He said as if he was ordering me.
It's okay, man ! " What are you talking about ? !
Why am I staying here ? Then it's just like that ? !
My wedding is gonna be in 2 weeks when is the meantime you say ? ! Is Stanley here ? !
And Why are you here ? ! " I shouted at him. Little by little I panicked. Did he kidnap me ? Is this a prank ? !
" I don't want everyone to ask too many questions. "
Wow rugged ! ! !
"J ust tell me What do you need from me ?
Why did you bring me here ?
I don't understand ! " Im frustrate now I don't get it. He's a billionaire he's a busy man why would he waste time to kidnap me.
" Seeking for an answer. " He said formally and turned his back on me.
" Seeking for what ? ! " " Just shut up and go downstairs, brunch is ready. "
He walked away from the room. As*shole ! He left me Speechless and confused ! !