Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Ashlyn's POV

I was shocked when he held me so closed to himself and say those words but the moment he threw me aside,I knew he was just playing with my mind.

The brute was making a mockery of me. I watched him walk away from me as I took in deep breaths. Someday I hoped to make him beg,beg at my feet for the ill treatments he was making me face.

But I knew that someday was far from me. What could an unwitting vampire like me do?

Shaking the thoughts of Lucifer out of my head,I walked out of the house daring the freedom he did not let me have.

For the first time since I was brought in here,I observed the environment I was in. Beautiful trees surrounded the house.

A stony pavement that ran out in lines leading to different parts of the forest.

One of the lines led to the stable and I followed it. I've had thrills for horses for a very long time but I was never allowed on one. As a princess of the Clutch,one must not be seen participating in such things. I scoffed remembering father's words. It was always the carriage or the car and nothing else. What a boring life I've had to live!

I walked closer to the stable and my eyes immediately fell in love with a beautiful mare with pale brown skin and freckles on the white mark on her face.

"Hey beautiful," I said to her smiling as I ruffled her mane. She allowed me stroke her despite just meeting me for the first time. "What's your name?" I asked her and she snorted.

"Her name is Snowball." Someone said and I turned to see a tall and laggy man coming towards us with a saddle.

Seeing a lycan always scared the shoots out of me. This particular lycan didn't look scary or as vicious as their alpha,but still yet his height struck a bit of fear in me.

"That's a very beautiful name," I said looking at Snowball. "She's very beautiful." I said again.

"Do you have some sugar with you?" I asked him and nodded with a smile.

"I always keep 'em in my pocket." He said still smiling as he handed the sugar to me.

What a nice person! Would it kill the rest of them to be nice? Especially their doltish head of an alpha.

"Thank you," I said to him as I whispered into Snowball's ears trying to gain her trust to allow me feed her and I did gain her trust as she ate right from my palm!

"You're quite a lucky lady to have Snowball feed from your hand. She does not let anyone aside the alpha come close to her." He said to me and I chuckled.

Of course! I've mated with the alpha and his scent had rubbed off on me too. That was why she trusted me.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Ripper." He said. I stared at him in surprise and immediately masked it with a smile. Terrible and dangerous names these men bear. What happened to Scott? Samuel? Xander?

"Nice to meet you Ripper." I said still with a smile.

He smiled back. "You too mi'lady. Ever rode a horse?" He asked me.

"Oh me?" I exclaimed softly. "I've never ridden on a horse before." I said to him.

"Would you like to give it a try?" He asked me.

I nodded almost immediately. It was a dream come true. I watched him release Snowball from her quarter.

I followed him to the open space in the stable.

"I'll be done saddling her inna minute." He said with a bit of struggle as Snowball made it hard to saddle her.

After a lot of struggle,he finally saddled her.

"Ready?" He asked me and I nodded,swallowing back the lump that filled my throat.

He helped me up on the horse and I immediately fidgeted. For something I longed for,I was impossibly scared about it.

"Be careful. She can sense your discomfort and try to make you at ease and that would not work out very well for you." Ripper cautioned.

I nodded but I was still scared as I held her reins. I was not properly balanced on her due to my fear. She moved forward and tried to correct me but she did it wrongly.

She raised her front legs up and I came falling down from her.

I screamed closing my eyes in fear and expected to fall face down on the ground but a pair of strong arms caught me.

I clung tightly to my rescuer until I inhaled his scent. It was awfully familiar. It was no other than Lucifer. I opened my eyes only to look into his pair of dark ones. I gulped in fear. Just a look at this man installed fear in me.

He stared at me and then with anger in his eyes,he let go of me and I dropped hard on the floor.

I gasped in shock at the impact of the fall. Why did he save me if he was only going to let me fall? Tears stung my eyes. Not for the fact that he let me fall but the impact the fall had on my behind.

"You do not know how to ride a horse yet you mounted one." He muttered under his breath and my vampire ears heard him. He kicked past me towards Ripper.

"Do not ever do that again without an authorization from me. Do not even allow her on any of the horses." He lashed out warnings at Ripper who nodded simply.

I scrambled to my feet. "You cannot do that!" I exclaimed.

"Fetch me Ruthless." He said to Ripper, ignoring me. Ruthless? What bloody lycan was bearing this name too?

Ripper walked away.

"You cannot forbid me from riding a horse!" I said to him again.

He turned his venomous eyes at me and for a second it flashed golden revealing his lycan eyes.

"And who are you to tell me what to do?" He demanded.

"I'm Ashlyn Ambrosia, daughter of Khalid Ambrosia,the vampire king." I said to him in defiance.

"Last time I remembered, you're nothing but my mistress here and your father practically sold you for his own selfish reasons." He said sneering.

That almost made me break down as it pierced me deeply. He triggered my worst pain.

"Do not think because you get to have your way with me that you can treat me the way you like." I said to him looking him dead in the eyes with fear of what he might do to me lurking in my mind.

He smirked. "I believe I am already treating you the way I like princess." He mocked coming closer to me.

"Do not consider my submission as a weakness. The beast inside of me is sleeping not dead." I said to him in a boldness I've never felt before. A boldness I knew would get me hanged soon.

His eyes grew darker as he loomed over me. "Someone's tongue is getting sharper than before," he said frowning.

"What can I say? The mighty hell dog's unbearable attitude is rubbing off on me." I said sarcastically and I regretted it the moment it came out of my mouth.

He held me in a painful grasp. His expression darkened. "Now listen to me you little swine," he said gripping my arm tighter and I winced in pain. He was about to unleash the devil inside of him on me.

"You're nothing but my little whore and there's nothing you or anyone in heaven or hell can do about it," he said in a viscous anger. I whimpered as his fingers kept piercing through my skin. "I know how to punish you for this act," he said pushing me to the ground. "And in the nearest future, you would never think of defiling me." He said in a low menacing tone.

Ripper returned with Ruthless and Lucifer sent him off. "Take him back." He ordered. His eyes not leaving my face as he stared wickedly at me.

I was about to be punished and I knew what my punishment would be but yet I was scared it was something that would be different from before. I was in big trouble.

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