3__Marc Aryan
Marc stared at the girl in the center of the room, studying every detail of her face from the brown curls on her head to her wide, gold eyes and the mouth she left open like a startled squirrel.
What was this? His gaze slowly went to Jamie who was still reaching for the strange girl.
“Mummy,” the child called again.
Marc’s frown deepened. What on earth was going on? He’d nearly lost James and had cried with gratitude that his boy had survived, but… now James didn’t recognize him? And he was calling this strange girl his mother. What on earth was happening?
“Parker?” said Dr Kruger with a raised brow.
“Yes, Doc?!” squeaked Amelia, her wide eyes going to her senior.
“Don’t look so startled, the child is still in a state of confusion.” She looked at Marc Aryan who stood there staring at Amelia like she was the cause of his problems. “Mr Aryan, please don’t be bothered. I’m sure the amnesia is only temporary."
Swallowing, Amelia glanced at the child who was watching her with teary blue eyes.
“State possible causes,” Dr Kruger ordered.
“The head trauma he suffered,” answered Amelia slowly walking towards Jamie who watched her approach. “Damage to his thalamus or perhaps the hippocampus of his brain…”
She started to lower herself beside the child.
Amelia froze. Blinking, she looked back and stared at Marc Aryan. “Pardon?”
The look in his eyes was just as dark as the first night they’d come to the hospital, only now he also seemed unfriendly. “Do not sit beside him.”
Red sprung into her cheeks. “O… oh.”
She started to get up, but a small hand held the sleeve of her white coat.
“Mummy, my… my head hurts…”
Amelia looked down at the child whose blue eyes were falling closed even though he still held her arm. He was still weak.
She looked at his bandage-wrapped head and turned to Dr Kruger. “He must have a headache, we could prescribe—”
Amelia's heart skipped a beat as she felt his piercing green eyes locked onto hers. She had heard about Marc Aryan's rugged good looks, but the intensity of his gaze was something she never expected.
Amelia paused. Her eyes went up from Dr Kruger to the man standing beside her. His face was as handsome as she’d heard. Her eyes narrowed. But nobody told her about his dirty attitude? How was his attitude so shitty when he’d nearly been ripped to ribbons not too long ago? Why was she even surprised? It was typical of his kind.
She tried to ignore the attraction she felt towards him and focused on the matter at hand. "Jamie is my patient. I'm doing my job."
“Your presence is confusing him, you should leave,” he said easily, his deep voice calm and respectful. That was only more annoying. How could he speak so bluntly yet so politely?
His green eyes studied her face closely and Amelia was certain he could see her displeasure. With a scoff, she straightened and shoved her hands into her coat pockets.
He frowned as his gaze scanned her face. “You seem displeased that I’ve told you to leave.”
She made a face. No shit? What was it with this man?
No one else in the room spoke a word, they couldn’t. Not to Marc Aryan.
He tilted his head in a strangely robotic manner, a lock of his black hair falling against his forehead as he did so.
Dr Kruger sighed. “Leah, I’ll call for you, you may focus on your other patients for now.”
Amelia frowned. “But, Doc, Jamie needs—”
“That’s an order, Dr Parker.”
“Ah, yes!” muttered Amelia with a tight smile. “An order. Yes, ma’am.”
Dr Kruger’s brown eyes narrowed, but she said nothing.
Sparing her patient a final glance, Amelia turned away and stalked out of the room.
As she turned to leave, she couldn't help but take one last glance at Marc. The black t-shirt and jeans he was wearing perfectly hugged his muscular build, which was adorned with visible bruises and bandages.
As she stepped out of the room, she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to get under Marc's tough exterior and discover the man he was beneath it all.
It was only two weeks since they’d returned from Germany. He hadn’t stepped out of this hospital since and hadn’t allowed anyone in. Seven years, he’d been gone.
Marc had his head lowered and his eyes closed. In his hand rested Jamie’s little one.
The very day they’d returned, it had started. Day one, right from their arrival, it had begun. They’d been driving from the airport.
He only had to close his eyes to remember the bright lights of the approaching car. His driver had shouted with panic as he gripped the wheel, but they’d been slammed into before any of them could think.
The attack had come in from Jamie’s side. Marc should’ve been quicker to shield him.
A deep ache filled his chest and he held his boy’s hand tighter.
It had only been day one of their arrival in England and the war had already begun.
His jaw clenched. The driver had tried to swerve away, but the impact alone had done so much damage.
Lifting his head, he looked at the sleeping child. It had done too much damage.
The gentle green eyes that watched the child grew dark with rage. For them to have touched Jamie, they must’ve really wanted their message across loud and clear. So they’d started it.
He swallowed hard. Now Marc would end it.
“S… Sir?”
He turned to look and saw a young, male nurse trembling near the door.
“It’s time f-for your meds… you need to take your medication.”
Marc nodded at the tray by James’ bed. “Put it there. What about my son? Give him his medication.”
The lad nodded. “Yes, Sir! Oh, wait… no, I mean…”
Marc looked at him with a frown.
The poor boy froze in fear. Slowly, he pointed at the drip above James’ bed. “His nurse puts his meds di-directly into his drip… I’m only your nurse, Sir.”
There was a moment of silence and then Marc finally took his gaze away from the nurse, hearing him audibly take a breath.
The door opened and a female nurse entered, blinking when her colleague practically ran out the door. “Hello, hello,” she said cheerfully. “How’s my boy doing?”
Marc looked at her. “Why isn’t he waking up?”
The nurse smiled. “Oh, he will, he’s only resting. In fact, I’m going to wake him now to have a little bit to eat.”
He didn’t return her smile, staring with an expressionless face. Her smile told him that she was… happy. What was there to be happy about, Marc wondered. His boy was still sick.
The nurse’s smile withered and she turned her attention to James who peacefully slept. “Right, Jamie. Jamie? Up with you, love, come on. Jamiiee.”
She gently woke him, her bright smile returning when he stirred and opened his eyes.
The moment the child saw Marc, he pulled his hand away from his father's. Marc watched the blue eyes that used to look adorably up at him fill with fear and distrust as James drew away from him.
He couldn’t hide the disappointment on his face at being treated like that by his son, so Marc rose and paced the room. Why had he hoped James would recognize him when he woke up this time?
Another nurse entered with a platter of food as he pulled out his phone. There were far too many missed calls and Marc decided he didn’t want to get back to them. Instead, he phoned his secretary to deal with it.
“I’ll come there, Sir,” said the voice on the phone.
“No,” said Marc. “Don’t dare bring work here, my son’s recovering in this room.”
“Oh. Yes, Sir, I apologize. What should we do about the shareholder’s meeting? Postpone again?”
“Postpone it,” muttered Marc, raising a hand to rub his face. His wounds ached and he thought better of it, lowering his arm.
“Are you still unwell, Sir?” asked his secretary, anxiously. “The… the meeting really must be held. They might rethink your taking over the company otherwise. The Chairman—”
Marc’s jaw clenched. “I don’t care—”
A loud crash filled the room and Marc spun around, staring at the broken plates on the floor.
James was upset.
“Okay, okay,” the first nurse was saying, gently holding the boy’s shoulders as he shoved everything away from him. “There, there, Jamie, easy now.”
The child started crying and another plate went crashing to the floor, making the other nurse squeak.
“James, look at me,” the first nurse was saying. “Breathe, love, it’s alright. See, daddy’s here! Look at daddy!”
Marc watched in frustration and helplessness as his son looked at him but there was no recognition in those blue eyes. Only pain. He didn’t recognize anything or anyone and he was in pain. He was frustrated.
“Come now, daddy’s here with you,” the nurse was telling him, trying to calm him. “Don’t cry, it’s alright.”
The child’s face was streaked with tears as he fought against his nurse. “I don’t… I don’t want to. I don’t want to eat…”
“That’s okay, sweetheart, we can eat later,” his nurse said gently. “It’s okay.”
“My mummy. I want my mummy…” Falling back against his pillows, he cried and sadly held his head. “My head hurts… I w-want my mummy…”
Marc watched in frustrated silence. The heartache he felt watching his Jamie like this… it was indescribable. How could he help? How could he take his son’s pain away?
“I want my mummy!” Jamie cried. The more the nurses tried to calm him down, the more he cried and trembled.
Marc looked at the door, desperation entering his heart. That girl. That strange girl who had calmed James with just her presence.
He marched across the room and ran out the door.
“Don’t let anyone but doctors in,” he ordered the guards.
He had to find that girl.