Chapter 3: Invisible girl
Aurora sometimes thought she was invisible. Yes, invisible. Not that she had a special magical gift, no… or at least she didn't think she had. She had friends, family, went to colleague and had a job. Aurora Wells exists and is seen by many people... it's just that she went unnoticed.
It is as if people, unconsciously, forget about her. It used to happen to her a lot at meetings at Kol House, a major investment firm where she works as a consultant. Their colleagues usually didn't invite her to a meeting, and then they got upset because she wasn't there… only to realize they never sent the invite.
You will say… well, those things happen. It has surely happened to everyone at some point in life. But this also happened in his family. Let's just say she was different from them. Usually, her needs were forgotten, and their priorities were anything, but Aurora. She was the middle child, different, and the one who did not think like them. How did she become part of that family? She really doesn't know. Although she didn't look like them, she tried to be a good daughter and sister.
When she grew older and boys and crushes began to appear… it was much worse. It's not that she wasn't attractive: she had a small, thin face, slightly wavy hair, was short and curvy, not the typical skinny one. She was just… plain and simple. What she liked best about herself were her eyes, with a weird color between light brown and green. She was the only one with those eyes in her family.
But she wasn't the kind of woman that men were most attracted to. That was her conclusion. To say that she had bad luck with men was an understatement. Many days, she hesitated between staying forever alone, or making one last attempt to find love. She had little success dating, guys would forget about her within a few days, and second dates were really weird. She was already a little resigned, although she was young, it seemed that things were not going to change in the near future.
Having no luck in love, Aurora liked to focus on her work. In Kol House everyone came from wealthy families, everyone wants to appear to have more money than others or more distinguished. Their conversations were that they went skiing, or that their families bought a house on the beach, or a horse or an airplane. That kind of experiences that she never had.
Her CV and recommendations made her get an interview at Kol House, but two years have passed, and she was in the same position. It didn't even matter that she was one of the best workers in the entire Kol House firm. She had excellent grades and was intelligent, she even had won a great scholarship. Thanks to an unknown benefactor who helped her financially on her studies, although she never knew who she/he was, no matter how much she investigated.
She worked harder than others, but she went unnoticed, she had few raises, congratulations. Only her boss Margaret fight for her, she was amazing and her best friend. Of course, when there is a problem that nobody wants to solve... there is the good Aurora to save the day.
She's nowhere near a promotion, and his path to the top is long and steep, just because she is not one of the favorite, wealthy kids of the company. Aurora was intelligent, she liked new things, to investigate, without fear of launching into the unknown.
And that day seemed like her lucky day because something new was coming.
—Aurora dear… will you come with me? Didn't you get the email?— She felt a hand on her shoulder and a strong female voice speaking. Margaret is short, blonde, strong and really beautiful, and very intelligent. Also, the best boss ever. She had always tried to help Aurora in Kol House, sadly, without success.
She always has good ideas, and has that ability to swim through this sea of sharks and come out on top. Let's say it's not that easy for her, but she's good at what she does. She is Aurora's mentor and dotes on her like a daughter. She has the audacity to speak loudly in meetings and attract attention. They both adore and appreciate each other.
Margaret looks particularly lovely today in a formal, knitted skirt and a ruffled sleeveless white blouse that makes her look professional and very chic. She is a woman who knows how to attract attention. She also often says that women have to support each other, and Aurora think she's right. She looks at her boss, almost guiltily, and Margaret sighs.
—Again? How can they forget to invite you so many times? It's not like you were here two days ago or didn't do anything—she says with a stubborn look, tossing her slightly wavy blonde hair. Aurora shrugs, really, she's almost used to no one considering her. As Aurora follows Margaret to the meeting room, they notice that all the steering committee of Kol House is present.
—Looks like we've got a good business…a very, very big fish is coming— Margaret whispers to Aurora once in the meeting, covering her mouth with her hand, so they won't hear them.
They all look excited, but at the same time… a little scared. Conrad Kol speaks loudly for all to hear. Aurora always found Conrad interesting, she believed that he is one of the few who has a modern vision in this company. To her chagrin, she also found him quite attractive, blond, blue-eyed with a serious face, fine features, and obviously always dressed beautifully.
There have been times when he praised Aurora's work, or asked for her opinion on something, he seems to have a vague idea that there is a girl who does her job better than expected. Obviously, he is completely out of her league. A nudge from Margaret on her shoulder brings Aurora back to reality. Ouchh!
Did she really have her head in the clouds thinking about Conrad Kol? What was happening to her? Conrad mentions the importance of making a good impression as a company and that they are one of the best firms in the city. Only one word seems to slip out, one that catches her attention: The Maledettos. Dark Moon Corp is going to work with Kol House.
The Maledettos? Who are they? Are they really going to work with us? What are his true intentions? Will they come here? They are famous!
These are some of the questions that Aurora heard from corridor to corridor for many days. This news really generated a great uproar never seen before, and it would seem that more than excitement, there was a bit of anxiety and one could even say, fear.
In that week Aurora learned several things about that family, the first thing is that they are a mystery and that few know their faces, obviously they do not appear in magazines, and they maintain an incredible low profile. However, it was quite evident that they had an unusual success. Also, that the Maledettos and the Kols get along terrible, almost as enemies.
Until the day comes and the Maledettos arrive. Aurora feels something strange, it's hard to explain, but the whole office goes quiet. She's near a printer, her feet killing her in high heels, and she leans out, painfully on the tip of her toes, and her neck stretched out like a swan.
She peeks out to see two tall men with black hair, dressed in dark, impeccable fashion. He can't see their faces, but they're definitely…a handsome pair of men. They are… so striking that Aurora cannot take her eyes off them, they have something so special, their way of walking, hearing their attractive voices in the distance, their skin, their imposing size, and something that simple cannot be explained with words.
In a millisecond one of them turns right to where Aurora is, it seems as if he knew she was there, lurking, snooping behind the print machine, and she ducks, hiding. It's like she can't bear his gaze on her, like he's a being… that's beyond the reach of a poor mortal like her.
Her heart beats strongly and desperately, as if it wants to tell her something. She feels a tingling sensation in her skin, and finally she decides to walk away to his desk, running as if she were escaping.
It was almost time to home when Aurora left her desk at the other end of the office and went out into the street. It was such a bad weather, raining pouring outside. Another day at the office, another day exactly the same… except for the visit of the Maledettos with their incredible aura.
She didn't have an umbrella and no taxi stops at her call, so she walks down the street in the rain. She slips walking, so she decides to take off her heels and carries them in her hand. Furthermore, she is exhausted and feels that her life has not changed, but at least outside the office… she is free. So she smiles, a little content, and celebrate that moment of freedom. Unaware of someone watching her in the distance, admiring her.