
Mich made sure to avoid bumping into Pan, out of thought that he might insist he stay the night. He walked swiftly as he headed towards Greg, his personal assistant and his bodyguard. He has known Greg for years now, years that he had lost count of.

Greg had on him a Black unstructured blazer, a White inner, a pair of Black flat front pants and some imported Black shoes.

“ Keys.” Mich ordered without really wanting to get into details.

He paused to look in Mich’s way and sensed how different his expression was compared to the first time they got here.

“ Is everything fine?.” Greg questioned, his eyes keen on his Master’s as his fingers made way to his pant left pocket to bring out the key.

“ Hand them over.” Mich ordered and stretched forth his right palm, watching Grey to as ordered. “ Have a cab bring you home.” He added and walked away without waiting for a response.

He could still hear Pinky calling out to him from behind as she ran, trying to get closer. He hated that she didn’t get the hint and just let him be.

“ Mich! Wait!.” She called out, her voice showing off her breathless she was getting. Her ankles were starting to hurt but it didn’t cause her to stop. She needed to talk to him, needed to have that proper conversation to clear the air because deep down she didn’t know when next she would bump into him.

“ Mich!.” She yelled out louder causing him to stop in his tracks the moment he stepped out into the cold.

“ You shoul….” She was saying but stopped abruptly trying to catch her breathe.

Mich waited till she straightened up again after some seconds.

“ You shouldn’t leave. You don’t have to.” She said, his eyes keen on him as if expecting a response from him and when she got none, she went on. “ Pan….He put so much effort in this.” She added and waited, watching him finally exhale.

“ Tell him I got an urgent call and had to leave the party.” He replied, pausing briefly before going on. “ You should go on in. It’s cold out here.” He added and turned around to make way to his car.

She stormed after him.

“ Do you really have to be this stubborn?.” She yelled angrily, throwing her right hand up in the air after which she sighed. “ Why are you always like this?.” She added, her voice a bit shaky so signify that she was getting cold.

A cold that her soft cloth could not handle.

Not that he cared about her anyways.

Mich paused, his left hand on the front door handle of the car.

“ Go in!.” He ordered her one last time, before pulling the door open.

“ I love you.” Pinky said aloud, the confession followed by a brief awkward silence. “ I’m in love with you Mich.” She added.

Mich pause trying to process the whole thing.

Why him? Why did she still love him even if he never wanted her to?.

He wondered.

Knowing she wanted him to say something, he went on.

“ Go in, it’s cold.” He advised and pulled the door open, getting into the car.

“ So that’s it!.” She yelled angrily, both hands hanging briefly in the air. “ You are just going to drive out of here pretending like it never happened.” She inquired, her voice hurt and angry.

Mich run his right fingers through his hair. He knew he had to say something, maybe something else, something different to what he had just said.

But whatever it was, had to be something that wouldn’t lead her on.

“ Don’t…” He paused then continued. “ Don’t love me, Pinky. You deserve much more than I can give.” He responded, his voice quivering slightly at the sadness of it. Love was like a plague to him, one that he dreaded and feared so much.

“ Really Mich? You think I really care… I know that….okay. I will just take what you have then. I will take what you have to offer.” She replied with, her voice filled with emotions.

Mich let out an exasperated sigh.

Did he just lead her on? By making her believe that he, maybe really had something to offer.

He wondered.

“ I love you Mich and I….” She was saying before he cut in.

“ I’m incapable of love. I can’t love, Pinky.” He said then paused to rephrase that, knowing he had to be more specific. “ I do not love you. You need to understand that.” He added coldly. He knew the words would hurt her but he had to let her know.

Pinky let the words pierce through her heart like the tip of a very sharp dangerous dagger. She let out a soft sob, her eyes a bit squeezed and her right palm over her mouth.

This was it.

He knew now was the time to shake her up the more. Now was the time to make her hate him, despise him so much.

“ I will never be able to love you, Pinky. Never will be.” He added and kicked start the car engine not wanting a response from her. He rolled up his windows and drove off.

He could still see her from his side rear mirror. He could still see her there, now on the floor with her palms to her face, sobbing he believed was what she was doing.

He knew better than to go back there and offer to help or anything so he just went on, just like she had said, pretending that it never really happened.

He was right after all. He really was incapable of ever loving someone, anyone not even the sweet her. He knew she deserved better than a monster like him, one incapable of feeling emotions.

Ten minutes into his journey home, on the street of Lescra, somewhere far from the cocktail party, the rain started, drizzling. It made him wonder if she was still out there, in the rain. If Pinky was still out there, crying and getting beat up by the rain. The thought of it made him feel guilty but he soon pushed it aside.

As he drove by, he could see as people run around trying to find a shelter or somewhere to hide and it made him glad that he was rich enough to afford a luxurious life for himself. Making money had always been the only thing that he was capable of.

Soon he sighted her, alone in the rain with her Golden Brown hair now wet as she kept trying to wave down a cab. Her hands clutched onto the Black bag she held tightly to her chest.

He exhaled softly.

He couldn’t just pass by without doing something, without trying to help because she reminded him a lot about her. That woman he didn’t really want to think about.

Taking a glance at his backseat, he sighted the Red umbrella sitting there and slowed down his pace. He turned off the engine and pushed the door open, getting out of the car. He could feel the drop of rain on him but he didn’t mind as he pulled the back door open and picked up the umbrella, bringing it out.

He closed the door gently and walked away from the car, heading towards her. He stopped just inches away from her and let the umbrella up in the air, spreading it freely.

“ Take this.” He ordered, stretching it out to her.

“ Excuse me.” She responded with, her eyes falling on this weird stranger.

He closed his eyes briefly. He wasn’t really in the mood to converse or explain anything.

“ Just take it.” He said coldly.

“ No, thanks.” She responded and stepped backwards, creating a huge gap between them.

Yep! Definitely just as stubborn as she was too.

He thought.

Closing the gap between them, he stretched out his right hand to peel off hers from the bag and shoved the umbrella stick into it. At first she tried to tighten her grip as she didn’t want any help from a stranger but he soon succeeded in it. Without bothering to say anything or respond to whatever question she might have next, he turned his back towards her and walked away, heading towards his car.

Ignoring the raindrops, he pulled the car door open and stepped in, driving off without taking a second glance at her.

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