Chapter 1
The two female werewolves exchanged angry glares and grunts as though they were about to fight. Unfortunately, Elise missed her enemy and was pinned to the ground as she leapt in her direction. Her adversary grumbled, letting her know who was in charge. Elise exhaled a defeated sigh.
"All right, alright, mum wins. I give up," said Elise in a grating manner. Elise cried out in anguish as xava pressed her head even more to the ground while grinning sweetly. “And? ”
Please unpin me right now since you're the greatest Luna the Alpha could ever hope for. You're hurting my head," Elise said while grimacing in discomfort. As soon as her mother let her go, she sighed.
She stood up and reverted to her human form. Her mother followed suit. "Good job, Elise. Although your reflexes are improving, they will never match those of the pack's one and only Luna.
Elise laughed while also rolling her eyes. She says, "Sure, yeah, wait till I start leading my own pack," and xava sighed and pulled her into a tighter embrace. As you, Elise, I hope so. But keep in mind your father's..."
"Yes, mom." She could feel the wrath rising in her: "I have not forgotten; you'll have to locate your alpha and mate before you can be called a Luna, I have not forgotten that foolish policy father set." She was upset that there were restrictions placed on her since she was the Alpha's daughter and those responsibilities come with restrictions—not to mention that she was a female wolf!
It irritated me how inferior female wolves are in any situation involving battle, hunting, or leadership. They are seen as weak and are supposed to give birth, nurture the children, and cook indoors.
While Elise desired children, she did not want to be a stay-at-home mother like her mother, Luna xava. She wanted to emerge as well in order to command a pack, go hunting, and battle their arch-enemy, humans.
She hates that anytime there is turmoil, they are constantly told to remain inside and hide. It was very uncommon in their pack for anybody other than the Luna to come out and engage in combat. As Elise said, the Alpha and his pack warriors are usually the ones who get to do the fun things. She finds fighting to be entertaining.
"Sweetheart, I have to go to work on supper. Do you intend to assist? ”
Elise gave her head a little shake. "I have to get over to the waterfall to meet Kayla and Sam."
OK, sweetheart. xava kissed her good-bye before leading the way and warning her not to stay out too late as you did last night.
She moved by the group of omegas who were having a good time and chatting away. When they saw her, they abruptly became quiet. She hated how terrified almost everyone was of her. After learning about her father and what he was capable of doing over safeguarding his only heir, no one dared to approach her.
The final wolf to harass Elise and attack her was Alex, who was expelled from the pack and whose corpse was subsequently discovered in the bushes. He must have invaded the territory of another pack, and they dealt with him.
Her two closest friends, Kayla and Sam, were waiting for her by the waterfall as she passed them with a sigh.
Compared to Elise, Kayla is six months younger. She is the daughter of the beta of the Alpha. After Elise's father, her father is the second-strongest werewolf in the pack. Since the age of a year old, they have been each other's best friends.
Sam is an ordinary omega family member. He is older than both of them together. The two female wolves see him as a kind of father figure. Even though Elise and Kayla were always seeking for him to cause problems, he never does. He understood that they would be excused with warning, but he would never get that favour. He may endanger his family or perhaps be expelled from the pack if he did so.
Why did it take you so long? Or have you left Alpha Burton's pack and established your own territory already? " Jokingly, Kayla replied, but Elise didn't find it amusing. Sam cleared his throat and forced a chuckle. Sam, that's not funny. Show some consideration for our future Luna.
Elise joined them near the edge of the waterfall and said, "Thank you, Sam. When Elise stared at him, Sam covered his hand with his palm and said, "That's if she manages to locate a Mate. He whispered "I'm sorry," and Kayla laughed aloud without thinking about how annoying it would be for Elise.
She slouched her head on Sam's shoulder and complained, "You guys aren't helping things. Heaving a sigh, he encircled her little frame with his powerful arm. She slid in and gave him a bear hug.
"Elise, don't push it. Sometimes you simply have to put an end to your concerns, questions, and doubts. Have trust that things will turn out, maybe not the way you had hoped, but just as they are intended to.
When Sam spoke those words, Elise had her eyes closed and smiled—this was one of the reasons she wouldn't exchange Sam for anything. He was skilled with language and knew just what to say to put her at ease.
Yes, and you should consider yourself fortunate that no female wolf is attempting to challenge you. You two would have to fight until one of you was dead or endure whippings until one of you gave up. All you need to do is locate a partner. And you'll lead your own flock as Luna.
Elise stood up and turned to face Kayla. She was correct; her goal was really simple. To be her Alpha, she merely needed to locate a Mate. She never anticipated it would be difficult until every single wolf in their pack attempted to pressure her into accepting him only out of ambition to become the Alpha, not out of love for her.
She let out a frustrated groan. What if I can't meet a partner? She says incoherently, and Kayla quickly conks off. “Ouch! What did it serve? Elise gave her a look.
"You'll do! The Alpha would kill and kill us because he'd obviously find out we talked you into it and we told you that you're independent, Kayla said breathlessly. "Because you're beautiful, intelligent, wise... you're so independent that you don't even need a Mate to run a pack but you can't because the Alpha would kill and kill us."
Elise looks at her in admiration. She has never seen a wolf that thinks too much and expresses impossibilities like Kayla.
‘We? Hey, don't blame me for this. I never said that she was autonomous; by that, I mean you, Elise. Although you are capable of leading your own pack, I would never encourage you to do so. But kindly refrain.
"I am not in charge of my own pack alone. No one would follow me and think I could keep them safe."
Sam and Kayla exhaled a breath of relief.
Then, Elise stood up and removed her shirt. They were aware of her plans. She pulled out of her trousers and dived into the water, saying, "Enough with this dampening pep lectures, let's have some fun." Despite how chilly it was, Elise didn't care. She enjoyed swimming and found it to be peaceful, particularly when she was with her two closest pals.
Kayla screamed as she joined Elise in the water after stripping off her clothing. Even if Sam initially opposed the idea, they usually manage to persuade him to join them.
He did. Splashing water on each other's faces while laughing about it until it gets dark or they become tired was always enjoyable.
They dressed and left the waterfall an hour later. It was already dark and the sun had set. Elise sighed and turned to face the sky. Despite wanting to hang out with her pals, it was now difficult due to the Alpha's increased level of protection. Perhaps as a result of her declaration that, when she gets eighteen in six months, she wants to be a Luna?
Hey, before we drive home, how about we stop at the cliff to see the full moon?
" Kayla proposed. Sam and Elise weren't persuaded either. "I have to leave for home before my father does, so I can't. Dinner cannot be skipped like yesterday.
"I agree, too. I need to finish some errands. Before saying goodbye to the ladies, Sam waved and said, "I'll see you guys tomorrow.
Elise gave her a quick embrace and ran toward their house, saying, "I'll see you tomorrow, Kayla."
As she moves closer to their home, her heart is racing. By the entryway, she could see the pack warriors as well as several unfamiliar faces.
She was aware that it could only imply two things: either The Alpha was at home, or he had guests from a nearby pack.